別的指數包括血壓,血脂(Triglycerides)全正常, 就這膽固醇高,而且高的離譜.
平時牛肉,羊肉,雞肉,雞蛋(老婆每天煎4 個,我享用一半,算倆個)從不忌口,能吃盡管吃,難到要改成吃齋?
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, breakfast, buckwheat 1/2 cup, almond milk half glass, raw walnut one table spoon.
12:00 AM to 1:00 PM, lunch, beef, lamb, chicken, some vegetables, some rice or chicken egg fried rice,
6:00 PM to 7:00 pm. dinner, beef, lamb, chicken, fish, shrimp, some vegetable, some rice.
Not daily alcohole drinker, but drink a glass of red/white wine during business dinner a few times of year.
不吃水果,不吃甜食,不抽煙,不喝酒, 不喝碳酸飲料。