秋夕 – 白居易
The leaves falling sound like the falling rain,
The moonlight looks like the pure frost so white.
I wonder who’d clear the dust for my bed,
When I retire alone in the still night.
The falling leaves sound like the rain that’s shed
The moonlight looks like the pure frost so white.
I wonder who’d clear the dust for my bed,
When I retire alone in the still night.
Tr. Ziyuzile
基於這首絕句的首句不入韻,二四行押 陽 韻,為此英譯首版的韻腳嚐試處理為 ABCB 來對應原文的原韻。第二版改韻式為常見於英詩的 ABAB 韻式。 相比之下,個人還是喜歡初版,特別是第一句顯得較為自然更富詩意。