靜夜思 – 李白
Meditation on Still Night by Li Bai
Around my bed, tonight’s moonlight so bright,
I thought it was the ground frost’s dazzling light.
Up I gaze, the white jade-plate shines on high,
Down I look, hometown comes into my sight.
Tr. Ziyuzile
這首詩的翻譯版本可謂是成千上萬,我鬥膽猜想每位譯者或多或少都期望自己能譯出精彩,而且精彩的版本能成為“前無古人,後無來者”的絕版。這有點類似普羅大眾每天去買lottery,夢想自己能成為那位唯一的幸運兒。為此,受“激勵”的人們“前赴後繼”。。。我應該也是其中之一吧?哈哈哈 ...like a blind-folded mule that keeps on pushing the mill... ^_&