I Think I Should Have Loved You Presently by Edna St. Vincent Millay
I think I should have loved you presently, And given in earnest words I flung in jest; And lifted honest eyes for you to see, And caught your hand against my cheek and breast; And all my pretty follies flung aside That won you to me, and beneath your gaze, Naked of reticence and shorn of pride, Spread like a chart my little wicked ways. I, that had been to you, had you remained, But one more waking from a recurrent dream, Cherish no less the certain stakes I gained, And walk your memory’s halls, austere, supreme, A ghost in marble of a girl you knew Who would have loved you in a day or two. |
我想我沒準兒很快愛上你by Edna St. Vincent Millay 翻譯: 高興
我想我沒準兒很快愛上你, 對你誠懇地講話而不是躲閃回避; 並且抬起誠實的雙眼給你看, 讓你用手在我的臉頰和胸前遊弋; 並且把所有的嬌柔矯揉造作一並收起 即使它們曾為我贏得了你, 並任你上下凝睇, 去掉保留,撇掉自尊, 平攤開來, 讓我嬌嗔的樣子一覽無餘。 如果我早就這樣做, 我們不會分離, 但我再次被從類似的夢中喚起, 過去那些教訓絕對不能忘記, 這樣, 我從你記憶的殿堂走出, 冷靜, 高傲地, 如大理石雕像的幽靈, 那個你似乎了解的女孩, 她沒準兒一兩天後會愛上你。 |
這是一首講愛情的詩。 即使在英語世界, 人們在分析作者的本意時, 也有兩種猜測。 一種是男人拋棄女人, 另一種是女人拋棄男人。 後一種見解是少數, 我隻見過一篇文章。見: http://www.pipsqueakery.net/poetry-thursday-edna-st-vincent-millay-and-the-sassy-love-sonnet/ 但我的分析與此文章相近, 因此按這一思路作的翻譯。 我把這一翻譯放在這裏以期引起討論。