

《看看中世紀被他們當成巫婆處以火刑燒死的法國天主教女修道士Marguerite Porète說了些什麽》

(2022-01-13 14:29:15) 下一個
摘自她僅存下來的一本作品《簡單靈魂的鏡子》(MIRROR OF SIMPLE SOULS)第119章:
【英文】:Ah, Ladies in no way known, says the Soul who causes this book to be written, you who are in being and established without separating yourselves from the Being [which] is not known, truly you are in no way known, but this is in the land where Reason has lordship. I excuse myself, says this Soul, to all those who remain in nothingness and who are fallen from love into such being. For I have made this book very large through words, [though] it seems to you very small, insofar as I am able to understand you. Now please pardon me by your courtesy, for necessity has no law. I did not know to whom to speak my intention. Now I understand, on account of your peace and on account of the truth, that [this book] is of the lower life. Cowardice has guided [this book], which has given its perception over to Reason through the answers of Love to Reason's petitions. And so [this book] has been created by human knowledge and the human senses; and the human reason and the human senses know nothing about inner love, inner love from divine knowledge. My heart is drawn so high and fallen so low at the same time that I cannot complete [this book]. For everything one can say or write about God or thing about Him, God who is greater than what is ever said, [everything] is thus more like lying than speaking the truth.
I have said, says this Soul, that Love causes [the book] to be written through human knowledge and through willing it by the transformation of my intellect with which I was encumbered, as it appears in this book. For Love made the book in unencumbering my spirit by her three gifts, of which we have spoken. And thus I say that [the book] is of the lower life and very small, even though it seemed to be large at the beginning of the demonstration of this being.
當時她寫出來的文字被社會以及宗教界普遍誤解,她說她在書中講了很大的道理,卻被你們當成是微不足道異端邪說。她歎氣說她都不知道可以對誰說這些。同時她提到,她所表達的對象就是依然是“什麽都不是”的那些靈魂但又看似掉入了“如是”(BEINGNESS)中的那些靈魂(英文:Who remain in Nothingness and who are fallen from love into such being)。
讓我解釋一下她的意思,她指出你自己從來都不是任何東西(remain in nothingness),僅僅看似的掉入了“是什麽東西”。這個掉入是空性的掉入,不是真的變成了“什麽東西”了。對於PORETE來說,真正的愛就是明白自己就是空性的。
然後她指出這本書所說的邏輯都是低級的, 是人根據人的知識和感受寫出來的。但是人的知識和人的感受無法知道內在的愛或內在的真知到底是什麽。注意,她提到的這點又是強調了自己(即THAT)無法被“人”的理智或感受而知道的。她的意思就是說連她這本書都隻不過是按照“人”的邏輯或感受說說而已,並非告訴你什麽真理。
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