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《Some Musings》
About Trust:
There is no thing to trust. There is no one to have a trust. The word "trust" is an illusory concept made realistic by mind alone. Basically, "trust" == "mind", both are pure illusion. Only SELF alone is. There's no subject to trust, there's no object to be trusted. But if you want to play the game of trust, that's not a problem either. You can find infinite games to play.
On the flip side, is there a need to eradicate the feeling of "I" who wants to do this or that? No, any effort to suppress or remove the feeling of "I" will only strengthen the illusion of "I", making the "I" really a matter to matter or a problem to solve. NO! "I" is simply a natural feeling just like the wind in the air or the flow in the water or the rain in the sky. The feeling of "I" is not a problem. The problem is to take the "I" seriously, rendering this feeling of "I" as a real I. Illusion is not a problem. Taking illusion as true and real is a problem that can lead to suffering at mental level. There is no need to seek the state of "No I". Simply not taking the feeling of "I" seriously will automatically do the job, transcending all concepts.
Ego? there is no real ego, just a feeling that there is a "me". It's just a seeming. Let's leave it as is. Don't take this "me" too seriously. Effort for trying to suppress or deny this "me" is actually taking it real and equivalent to taking an illusion as real happening.
About Awakening:
"I" will never be awaken. Awakening means the realization that there is not really an "I". Expecting that "I will be awaken" is an illusion by itself.
Realization that "there's not really a me" does not preclude the feeling of "I". The feeling is ok as long as it's not taken seriously. Effort to remove or delete the feeling of "I" is an indication of misunderstanding. Let the feeling of whatever be whatever, never take any feeling as real and seriously. If one study so hard to remove illusion, that's an impossible task. Just like one can't remove dreaming a dream in the evening, you can't remove the natural feeling of "I". Effort to remove ego is exactly how the illusion of ego is strengthened. Don't think that by practicing spirituality will make ego go away. No, you simply shift the regular ego into a spiritual ego. Spiritual ego can be even more insidious. The only way out is no way out: Let it be as is. Ego? no problem! Non ego? no problem! because they are all the same THAT!
There is no need for way out because every where and every when is SELF alone.
THAT is too infinite to be expressed as any concept or idea. Infinity is not in terms of spacial dimensions or longevity of time. Infinity is really about not able to resolve any "thing" to a thing. That's infinite non-resolution.
About Paradox:
Effort may be needed to find out there is really no need for effort, quite a paradox! But the paradox is only a seeming problem to the seeking mind. Once seeing through the futility of mind then the paradox is no longer a paradox, it's no longer a "problem" to resolve. So, effort or no effort, paradox or no paradox, conflict or no conflict, who cares? There is simply no such "who" to even care about it. Of course, "caring about it" is not a problem either.
There is ONLY SEEMING effort, but no real effort by someone. No denying that at mental level there is a "one" that feels he has done effort. Just like in a dream the dreaming character feels that he was doing something, but actually there is no "him" and no "his doing", although in feeling texture there SEEMS to be a doing. So, what a nice paradox!
沒有東西可以相信的。也沒有“人”可以去相信。 “相信”一詞是一個虛幻的概念,“相信”這個概念僅憑思想想象而做實的。基本上,“相信” ==“思想(心)”,兩者都是純粹的幻想。隻有SELF孤在。沒有發出“相信”的主觀,沒有被相信的對象。但是,如果您想玩相信遊戲,那也不是問題。您可以找到無限的相信遊戲玩。你可以一樣一樣一樣“東西“相信下去,每樣“東西”都看似是真實的,遊戲就是這樣玩的。
另一方麵,是否有必要根除想要這樣做的“我”的感覺?不需要,任何抑製或消除“我”的感覺的努力隻會增強“我”的錯覺,使“我”這個感覺真的無中生有地變成了要解決的問題了。沒有! “我”隻是一種自然的感覺,就像空氣中的風或水中的水流或天空中的雨水一樣。感覺上的“我”不是問題。真正的問題是把“我”感覺當成是真的我了。幻覺不是問題。將幻覺視為真實或實在的才是一個問題,這樣的當真可能導致精神上的痛苦。無需尋求“無我”的狀態。隻需不認真對待“我”的感覺,那麽這種態度本身就會自動自發地導致完美了。
“我“? EGO?沒問題!“無我”?也沒問題!因為它們都是一樣的!是同一個無限的‘它’(THAT)。‘它’(THAT)實在太無限了,不可歸納於“我”或“無我”或“既有我也無我”。《無限》可不是大小上的無限,而是無限的無法確定意義上的無限。甚至連“無限”這個概念本身都無法確定是成立的,你隻能“啊”的一聲,還能說什麽呢?
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