

Introduction to study Revelation | 學習啟示錄前言

(2017-03-08 07:29:29) 下一個

The whole series of Reflection on Revelation is my study notes on Revelation while studing it with Bible Study Fellowship International.

BSF is going to do the study of Revelation this year. Like the whole book of Bible, and every single book in Bible, the main character is Christ. Revelation is more about Jesus than anything else. That is why when we read this book we need to watch the Lamb, who walks in victory. We have to keep our focus on Jesus instead of being distracted by something God chose not to revel to us, like timing and places. His story is the true story that matters most. The pinnacle of Jesus' story is that every eye will see and every knee will bow in realization that Jesus Christ is God's Son and Lord of all.

God orchestrates and controls in heaven and on earth. He weaves the distant past, our present and His glorious future together into His story, all to His glory! Will we trust the uncertainty of our life to the One who knows the future? A future with the uniting of heaven and a renewed earth, a world with no death, disease or sorrow, and best of all, with God dwelling in the midst of His people forever.

Keep our eye on Jesus, expext to be comforted, challenged and changed while we engage with God in the final book of Bible, the final chaper of His story He chose to revel to us.




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