Being Young And Green By Edna St. Vincent Millay Being Young and Green, I said in love's despite:【1】 Never in the world will I to living wight Give over, air my mind To anyone, Hang out its ancient secrets in the strong wind To be shredded and faded— Oh, me, invaded And sacked by the wind and the sun! |
年少且青澀 By Edna St. Vincent Millay 翻譯 高興 我, 年少且青澀, 不為愛與情所惑, 說: 在這世上我不會對任何生命表白, 對任何人開啟我的心懷, 讓心底古老的秘密懸掛在強風之中 任由它們飄零, 泯歿- 噢, 我, 被風和太陽 攻陷, 掠奪。 |
【1】 My translation of “in love's despite” was supported by the use of this phrase in poem below.
Reincarnation by Madison Julius Cawein
High in the place of outraged liberty,
He ruled the world, an emperor and god
His iron armies swept the land and sea,
And conquered nations trembled at his nod.
By him the love that fills man's soul with light,
And makes a Heaven of Earth, was crucified;
Lust-crowned he lived, yea, lived in God's despite,
And old in infamies, a king he died.
Justice begins now. Many centuries
In some vile body must his soul atone
As slave, as beggar, loathsome with disease,
Less than the dog at which we fling a stone.