TThe Ovenbird by Robert Frost
There is a singer everyone has heard,
Loud, a mid-summer and a mid-wood bird,
Who makes the solid tree trunks sound again.
He says that leaves are old and that for flowers
Mid-summer is to spring as one to ten.
He says the early petal-fall is past
When pear and cherry bloom went down in showers
On sunny days a moment overcast;
And comes that other fall we name the fall.
He says the highway dust is over all.
The bird would cease and be as other birds
But that he knows in singing not to sing.
The question that he frames in all but words
Is what to make of a diminished thing.
灶鳥 羅伯特·弗羅斯特
彼鳥灶巢, 仲夏始到,
棲於林中, 放歌鼓噪。
環顧碩葉, 稱其已老,
夏之於花, 莫若春好。
晴晴夏日, 驟生風雨,
櫻紅散地。 梨黃染泥。
花容苦短, 人尚惺惜,
灶鳥卻說, 花落如期。
一葉飄落, 天下盡秋,
它又預言, 路塵彌久。
從此禁聲, 如同它雀,
辯彼異同, 歌者息喉。
息喉息喉, 疑問仍留,
何為逝者, 逝之何由? |
他的詩歌語言質樸、清新、近乎口語化,但折射出真理的光輝。這與他詩歌中大量使用的比喻是分不開的。他說過:“詩始於普通的隱喻,巧妙的隱喻和高雅的隱 喻,適於我們所擁有的最深刻的思想。” 他還說過:“我發現自己對詩歌還有不少談論,但其中最重要的是談隱喻,即指東說西,以此述彼,隱喻的歡欣。詩簡直就是由隱喻構成的。”