取自﹕賀治Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology
In the early part of the seventeenth century Arminius introduced a new system of doctrine in the Reformed churches of Holland. … Because the advocates of the new doctrine presented a “Remonstrance” which reflected their divergence from the established belief, they were at first called Remonstrants, but in later years their more common designation has been Arminians. … A serious departure from the system of Augustinianism, which in all ages had been the life of the Church, the tenets of Arminianism include:
While all men derive from Adam a corrupt nature by which they are inclined to sin, this corruption is not itself of the nature of sin. Men are responsible only for their own voluntary acts and the consequences of such acts.
Man by his fall has not lost his ability to do good. Such ability, or liberty as the Arminians call it, is essential to our nature and cannot be lost without the loss of humanity.
This ability, however, is not of itself sufficient to secure the return of the soul to God. For their conversion and holy living men need the prevenient, exciting, and assisting grace of God.
This divine grace is afforded to all men in sufficient measure to enable them to repent, believe, and keep all the commandments of God.
Those who of their own free will, and in the exercise of that ability which belongs to them since the fall, cooperate with this divine grace, are converted and saved.
Those who thus believe have been predestinated to eternal life, not however as individuals, but as a class. The decree of election does not concern specific persons, but is simply the general purpose of God to save believers.
Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology. Abridged edtion, ed. Edward N. Gross. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1988. Part III, chapter 1 (The Plan of Salvation), pp. 327-328.