(0/) 2016-04-20 10:11:54
(0/) 2016-01-04 19:17:50
【閑話房貸】夫妻買房title選Community Property為好(加州)
(0/) 2015-11-24 12:51:13
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(0/) 2015-06-11 18:13:17
(0/) 2014-09-29 09:46:41
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(0/) 2013-11-18 10:18:14
【閑話房貸】Escrow Account銀行怎麽收,收多少?
(0/) 2013-10-14 14:31:49
【閑話房貸】銀行審批房屋貸款都看借款人的哪些條件?(Part 5 of 5) 【完結】
(0/) 2013-08-28 09:38:33
【閑話房貸】銀行審批房屋貸款都看借款人的哪些條件?(Part 4 of 5)
(0/) 2013-08-19 09:14:20
【閑話房貸】銀行審批房屋貸款都看借款人的哪些條件?(Part 3 of 5)
(0/) 2013-08-07 11:19:10
(1/) 2013-08-06 11:08:01
【閑話房貸】銀行審批房屋貸款都看借款人的哪些條件?(Part 2 of 5)
(0/) 2013-07-31 09:07:17
(0/) 2013-07-29 06:32:21
【閑話房貸】怎樣閱讀和理解Good Faith Estimate(GFE)
(1/) 2013-07-22 06:37:38
【閑話房貸】銀行審批房屋貸款都看借款人的哪些條件?(Part 1 of 5)
(0/) 2013-07-17 17:48:33
【房貸百科】房貸中如何計算和理解 Annual Percentage Rate(APR)
(0/) 2013-07-16 12:15:48
【方圓貸款問答】各種產權持有方式(Title Vesting)有何不同?
(0/) 2012-05-11 08:45:24
【方圓貸款問答】房屋貸款中的closing cost主要有哪些?
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方圓貸款問答:為什麽Lender都希望Borrower用Impound Account (即Escrow Account)?
(2/) 2010-10-24 11:08:56
方圓貸款問答:ARM中的5/1, 3/1, 5/2/5或2/2/6是怎麽一回事兒?
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方圓貸款問答:為什麽 No Cost Refinance中GFE/TIL總容易引起誤解?
(0/) 2010-09-02 18:20:44
方圓貸款問答:Title Insurance Owner's Policy和Lender's Policy的區別
(0/) 2010-08-23 12:55:46
介紹一個計算Refinance是否劃算的Mortgage Calculator
(3/) 2010-08-17 18:10:14