豐樂亭遊春三首(其一)- 歐陽修
Spring sightseeing at FengLe Pavilion
Amidst the entwined lush trees, the mountain birds sing,
In the fair wind, the falling petals take a roam.
Birds chirp, petals dance, the magistrate’s sobering
Not till tomorrow, spring has already hied home.
Tr. Ziyuzile
原詩的韻腳是ABCB,譯文嘗試 ABAB, 但讓 sobering 來對應 sing 似乎不夠完美,不如 sing / spring 這樣的版本,勉為其難吧。當然也可以考慮完全對應原詩的韻法。
Alternative rhymed version as follows:
Amidst the lush trees, hide the singing birds a lot,
In the fair wind, the falling petals take a roam.
Birds chirp, petals dance, the magistrate sobers not
Till the following day, spring has already hied home.