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Want is the Reformed Faith?

(2009-01-29 06:21:19) 下一個

What Is the Reformed Faith?


Rev. Paul Wang


The Reformed faith is such a precious heritage that it is unavoidable to have a variety of understandings and interpretations. We should stick to the principle of unity in diversity in the footsteps of St. Augustine, unity in essentials, diversity in non-essentials, and charity in all.


Biblical and Doctrinal—Our Biblical Root

            The most fundamental principle of the Reformation is sola scriptura, that is, the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God is the supreme rule both for faith and life in all personal and social spheres. Even our Reformed confessions have derivative authority, and subject to the authority of the Bible for revision.

            The Bible is not only narrative but also doctrinal and normative. The whole Bible including both of the Old Testament and New Testament is the rule, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16); and the moral law as summarized in the Ten Commendments is the rule of our evangelical obedience in our Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 8:20. Mathew 5: 17-19).


Historical and Confessional—Our Historical Boundary

The Reformed faith is not limited to the Reformation era. In fact it is the legitimate heir of the apostolic faith. It came from the prophetic tradition represented by Moses in the old dispensation and Paul in the new. John Calvin is important as one of its representatives. We can learn both from Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. They represent the great tradition of genuine Christianity.

Being confessional is unavoidable. The Bible is written by the hand of the Holy Spirit, and the creeds and confession has been written by the blood of martyrs. These confessional documents are historical land-marks which we can not move according to our will. Be Reformed first refers to our heart to be reformed by the Holy Spirit; secondly refers to our historical identity positioned by our confessions.


Pietistic and Experiential—Our Existential Pursuit

            Biblical piety is the crown and cream of Christian life. It is not mystical or escapistic pursuit but holiness and godliness, for we are called to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16), and “godliness is profitable for all things” (1 timothy 4:8). Cultural mandate is just social gospel without biblical piety.

The Reformed faith emphasizes that the Holy Spirit causes the objective truths about Christ and His work to be experienced in the heart and life of sinners. We are helpless and hypocritical without the reforming of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.


In general, the Reformed faith is rooted in the Bible, backed by history, and moved to the heart and the world of sinners for the glory of God in Jesus Christi through the Holy Spirit.

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