Rolling Zone

rolling (熱門博主)
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How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?

(2011-05-30 04:25:42) 下一個

The Bee Gees

The Bee Gees(比吉斯) 60年代搖滾樂中一個多才多藝的三重奏樂隊,出身於音樂薰陶的家庭父親是樂團長,母親是歌手, Barry 9歲時已開始用吉他自彈自唱,伴奏的是兩個6歲的雙胞胎兄弟Robin與Maurice. 樂隊的歌曲多是自作自詞自唱,Robin清澈怪異的顫音,Barry那獨一無二的R&B假嗓音與Maurice在貝斯吉他及鍵盤等樂器上出色的才華,為他們這個三重合唱組殿基了日後在世界樂壇上40年的輝煌成就.

在我滄桑人生的歲月裏,有歡樂也有許多失意,是Bee Gees的許多經典樂曲靜靜的陪著我一起渡過.

The Bee Gees:我心中永遠的樂隊.

這首How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?獻給大家.

How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?

I can think of younger days when living for my life
Was everything a man could want to do?
I could never see tomorrow, no one said a words about the sorrow.
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.

I can still feel the breeze that rules through the trees
And misty memories of days gone by
We could never see tomorrow, no one said a word about the sorrow.
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.

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