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經典法菜: 路易醬烤大蝦/鱷梨沙拉

(2007-09-04 08:42:17) 下一個

材料與製法: 大蝦洗淨,留頭與殼開背雙飛去沙腸,塗橄欖油用中火烤熟,配Louis烤蝦汁吃. Louis 烤蝦汁: 3匙蛋黃醬,3 匙奶油,1/2 匙辣椒汁,2匙檸檬汁, 1 匙剁碎的蔥2 匙剁碎甜椒,1 匙剁碎的大蒜,1/4 匙磨碎檸檬皮,1/8 匙鹽,少量新鮮黑胡椒,一起搞均冷藏直到食用.

Clean the prawn, leave the head & shell cut opens from the back and deveined, brush olive oil then grill on medium heat till cook.

Louis Sauce: 3 tbs mayonnaise, 3 tbs cup heavy cream, 1/2 tbs chili sauce 2 tbs lemon juice, 1 tbs minced onion, 2 tbs minced bell pepper, 1 tbs minced garlic,1/4 tbs grated lemon zest, 1/8 tbs salt, Pinch freshly ground black pepper. Whisk together and chill until ready to serve.

鱷梨沙拉: 生菜用手撕下整片,鱷梨切片與蘋果切片放點檸檬防生銹,胡蘿卜切絲,淋上沙拉醬. 沙拉醬: 半匙莓果醬, 半匙蒜茸, 3匙橄欖油, 3匙米醋, 半匙蔥茸, 1匙蜂蜜, 3匙 蛋黃醬, 半匙碎香菜,半匙黑胡椒,把所有的成份混合在一起拌勻.

SALAD: half avocados -- skinned & slice (squeeze fresh lime juice over to prevent browning.) half apple --skinned and slices. few thread carrot, 1 piece lettuce.

DRESSING: half tbs raspberry jam . half tbs chop Garlic, 3 tbs Olive Oil3 tbs rice wine vinegar. half tbs chopped shallots. 1 tbs honey. 3 tbs mayonnaise. half tbs chopped cilantro, half tbs black paper. Mix all dressing ingredients together for a couple minutes until smooth.

請點擊參觀:美食區:Rolling Zone


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