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To Love some body by Bee Gees

(2011-05-28 09:48:55) 下一個

The Bee Gees

The Bee Gees(比吉斯) 60年代搖滾樂中一個多才多藝的三重奏樂隊,出身於音樂薰陶的家庭父親是樂團長,母親是歌手, Barry 9歲時已開始用吉他自彈自唱,伴奏的是兩個6歲的雙胞胎兄弟Robin與Maurice. 樂隊的歌曲多是自作自詞自唱,Robin清澈怪異的顫音,Barry那獨一無二的R&B假嗓音與Maurice在貝斯吉他及鍵盤等樂器上出色的才華,為他們這個三重合唱組殿基了日後在世界樂壇上40年的輝煌成就.

在我滄桑人生的歲月裏,有歡樂也有許多失意,是Bee Gees的許多經典樂曲靜靜的陪著我一起渡過.Bee Gees這首To Love some body靈魂歌曲原本是為Otis Redding而創作,不想Redding還沒來得及錄音便在空難中過世了, 無奈唯有自己錄音,R&B的假音配合Soul音樂,Bee Gees經典中的經典便旦生了.

The Bee Gees:我心中永遠的樂隊.

這首To Love some body獻給大家.

To Love Somebody

There's a light, a certain kind of light
That never shone on me, I want my life to be
Lived with you, lived with you
There's a way, everybody say, to do each and every little thing
But what good does it's bring, if I ain't got you, ain't got …

BabyYou don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like, to love somebody
To love somebody, to love somebody
The way I love you

In my brain, I see your face again, I know my frame of mind
You ain't got to be so blind, and I'm blind, so, so, so very blind
I'm a man, Can't you see what I am?
I live and breathe for you, but what good does it do
If I ain't got you, ain't got you, baby

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