2008 (87)
海中雙霸王: 刺身聖品
今天好朋友來蹭飯,共醉, 我買了海中的雙霸王及聖品來喝酒: 新鮮,爽口,甘甜, 活的大龍蝦( 5lbs), 兼生吃的鮮美味道無以倫比活的象扒蚌, 來弄極品刺身( Sashimi). 這一次保證一定要”誘死+饞死” 了我們的鴨哥. Hi, Bro. sorry. I am very very FB. (我是出了名的貪吃貪喝. Hahaha!) 龍蝦頭留下作: Lobster Bisque 嘿嘿!
God! so good! so yummmm. you know the taste & you know the drill. put on some Eagle music and Sake. what a night? Bro! I wish you are here. no fun because you not here. Bro! until nextime my man. hehehehehe!