今天中午Trump攜副總去阿靈頓國家公墓祭靈,看起來氣色不錯,不過個人感覺老頭的脊椎不是特別強壯。當然這個感覺不是現在才有,一直以來Trump的拉力活動,他的上身都很難長時間保持直立穩定。這個不是大毛病,但是可能相當磨人。這是題外話。晚間Trump在一個體育場(Capital One?)舉行了勝選拉力,講話時間不長,不過兩個招牌的歌曲,God Bless USA 和YMCA,都是原唱歌手獻唱。說實話那個體育場的音響設施真不咋樣,原唱歌手們完全不發揮,雖然沒走調,但效果很差。這個跟歌手聽到自己的聲音回放有很大關係。不過那也不是大不了的細節。Trump的這個拉力,加上昨晚的西裔舞會,算是拉開了就職典禮盛大慶典的大幕。對於廣大愛國者來說,企盼了四年,是應該也必須享受這個勝利時光的。
President Biden has issued preemptive pardons for Gen. Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the members of the Jan. 6 committee and the cops who testified before the committee. “The issuance of?these?pardons?should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission?of guilt for any offense.”
Wtp003 發表評論於
Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, lied to Congress about it, and both the FBI and the Department of Energy have concluded that the coronavirus likely originated there.
Now that he has been pardoned, Congress should again force Dr. Fauci to testify under oath.
Evidence strongly suggests that Fauci's funding supported research leading to the creation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 is unique among betacoronaviruses for having a furin cleavage site, a feature that enhances its ability to infect humans and spread rapidly.
In 2018, Fauci-funded scientists proposed adding a furin cleavage site to a betacoronavirus at the Wuhan lab, which reportedly had inadequate biosafety standards. One year later, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Wuhan with this exact feature.
Unlike prior outbreaks such as SARS and MERS, where links between infected humans and animals were quickly established, no such evidence has surfaced for SARS-CoV-2 more than five years after it first appeared.
Dr. Fauci has been a consistent advocate for gain-of-function research, funding high-risk experiments and facilitating technology transfers to questionable labs worldwide. After a 2014 U.S. pause on such research due to safety concerns, Fauci continued these experiments abroad, including at the Wuhan lab.
The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that Fauci's funding and actions played a critical role in the creation of SARS-CoV-2.
周五去了LA,看到離孩子家兩個街區的路都被封了,到處是國民警衛隊。可以看到裏麵的街區很多房子完全被燒了。當時緊急疏散時,有人拒絕離開,自己用水槍救房子。聽說發現一具屍體,手裏握著水管噴槍。孩子公司有200人的房子燒沒了。。。太慘了。我們經常去的 ALDI 也燒了。