49. (組詩)海的記憶之九:海邊祈禱
一片海 神的一滴淚
生命如帆 渴望抵達
通往聖地 也通往地獄
而命運的舵手 正是我們自己
黑暗如鬼魅 潛入思緒
透過狹縫 一縷光明閃爍
海鷗低吟 歌聲微弱
神諭 透過濃雲抵達心靈
雙手合十 夢在海邊隨波濤祈禱
引一柄黎明之劍 刺破暗夜的無窮
(Poetry Collection) Memories of the Sea IX: A Shoreline Prayer
By Li Li
An ocean—one tear from the divine,
Ruling over mortal fate
With grains of salt and endless waves,
As life, like a sail, longs to reach the shore.
A journey of drifting and surging,
Leading to sanctity—or to ruin.
Yet we are the ones who hold the helm of fate.
Darkness, like a phantom, slips into thought,
Yet through the narrowest gap, a glimmer of light flickers.
The seagull sings, its voice faint,
Yet within it, the power of the ancient world
Moves the eternal sky.
A prophecy pierces the clouds and reaches the soul.
Hands clasped, dreams kneel by the shore,
Praying with the waves.
And as dawn rises,
A sword of light shatters the infinite night.
Feb. 3, 2025