2X 和 3X 隻適合 DT
(2009-10-10 13:33:29)
根據Direxion的新聞發布, Direxion 已經決定將所有的 2X 和3X ETF加上Daily的字樣,足見該公司是為了避免誤導投資人做的補救工作:
“Effective immediately, Direxion Shares will change the name of all of the Funds to include the
word “daily.” This update will better reflect the fact that these funds seek daily investment goals
and should be used strictly as short term trading vehicles.”
由於現在的市場是窄幅波動, 2X 和3X 的確有賺錢的機會, 但需要快進快出, 不可戀戰