Once normal flow patterns are understood, the next step is to determine whether any abnormalities are present.
Questions to ask when evaluating a Doppler spectrum for abnormalities:
- Which method was used to record the flow information: pulsed wave or continuous wave Doppler?
- What transducer position was used?
- Where within the heart was the sample volume (pulsed wave Doppler) or the ultrasound beam (continuous wave Doppler) positioned?
- From this sampling location, in which direction should blood be flowing? ·
- In which portion(s) of the cardiac cycle should normal flow occur from this sampling location?
- Are increased velocities measured?
- In which portion(s) of the cardiac cycle?
- If a velocity measurement was made, was a thorough interrogation of the area performed in an attempt to orient the beam most parallel to flow?
- Was spectral broadening detected? In which portion of the cardiac cycle?
- If a flow disturbance was detected, what was its origin?