a.) TransducerRefer to Generation 101 for further study.
b.) Tissue
c.) Bone
d.) Beamformer
You said:
b). Tissue
See: Harmonic Generation
2. In conventional processing, which of the following best describes the relationship between the transmit frequency (TF) and the received frequency (RF) processed by the system?
a.) The TF is twice the RFRefer to Processing 103 for further study.
b.) The RF is one-half the TF
c.) The RF is twice the TF
d.) The frequencies are the same
You said:
a). The TF is twice the RF
See: Harmonic Processing
3. Which of the following artifacts is reduced using Tissue Harmonic Imaging?
a.) ReverberationRefer to Benefits 101 for further study.
b.) Shadowing
c.) Aliasing
d.) Comet tail
You said:
a). Reverberation
See: Clinical Benefits
4. Which portion of the wave compresses the tissue that results in harmonics?
a.) Above the baselineRefer to Processing 101 for further study.
b.) Above and below the baseline
c.) Below the baseline
d.) All portions of the wave compress tissue
You said:
b). Above and below the baseline
See: Harmonic Generation
5. Which section or area of the acoustic field contains the most harmonic energy?
a.) NearRefer to Processing 101 for further study.
b.) Near and center
c.) Far
d.) Far and center
You said:
d). Far and center
See: Harmonic Processing
6. What impact does Tissue Harmonic Imaging have on the bandwidth required for processing, compared to conventional imaging?
a.) Wider bandwidthRefer to Harmonic Generation 103 for further study.
b.) Narrower bandwidth
c.) Same bandwidth
d.) None of the above
You said:
b). Narrower bandwidth
See: Harmonic Generation
7. Which one of the following exams is best suited to Tissue Harmonic Imaging?
a.) ThyroidRefer to Benefits 101 for further study.
b.) Carpal tunnel
c.) Renal
d.) Carotid
You said:
c). Renal
See: Clinical Benefits
8. High pressure waves travel ____________ compared to low pressure waves.
a.) SlowerRefer to Generation 101 for further study.
b.) Backwards
c.) Faster
d.) Half the distance
You said:
c). Faster
See: Harmonic Generation
9. More harmonic energy is produced as the wave
a.) Slows downRefer to Generation 101 for further study.
b.) Travels through fluid
c.) Becomes more distorted
d.) Encounters lower density tissue
You said:
c). Becomes more distorted
See: Harmonic Generation
10. Conventional processing omits the harmonic signals because the receive filter is accepting frequencies that are ____________ the harmonic frequencies
a.) TwiceRefer to Processing 103 for further study.
b.) One-fourth
c.) One-half
d.) The same as
You said:
c). One-half
See: Harmonic Processing
11. In harmonic imaging, which of the following best describes the relationship between the transmit frequency (TF) and the received frequency (RF) processed by the system?
a.) The TF is twice the RFRefer to Generation 103 for further study.
b.) The RF is one-half the TF
c.) The RF is twice the TF
d.) The frequencies are the same
You said:
c). The RF is twice the TF
See: Harmonic Generation
12. Which one of the following does not apply to Tissue Harmonic Imaging?
a.) Reduces near field noiseRefer to Benefits 103 for further study.
b.) Improves border delineation
c.) Improves penetration
d.) Improves contrast resolution
You said:
c). Improves penetration
See: Clinical Benefits