
don't judge others unless you want to be judged.

(2006-08-13 09:04:42) 下一個

This is what I wanted to tell my ex bf last night while we were talking on the phone. But I didn't tell him.  There seems to be no reason to.  He is no longer my bf.  His life is no longer that important to me.

But I learned the lesson and will be very careful as to not to judge others.

We were talking about the terriorists in uk.  and He was saying that the terriorists' family should be punished as well since they were defending those terriorists and saying that their sons couldn't possible done what was accused them of.  In the end,  I couldn't help but reminded him that it is just being human to stand with your family even when they have done wrong.    and he is a prime example of that.   his mother did such wrong to me. and he still choose to stand on her side.  I could understand him perfectly.  why he did what he did.   and yet now,  he is wanting to punish those terriorists' family because they stand with their sons. 

who does he think he is?  it is ok for him to stand on the wrong side with his mother.  yet he is judging others for the same actions.   even through I was very careful and landed the hard punches softly.  I think he got my points.  He is a christian.  has been one for a long time.   and yet,  he still doesn't think most of the rules apply to himself.  only to others.  dont judge others unless you want to be judged. 

from what I know him so far,  I know he is a very faithful christian.  but like most christians,  they never do what they say.   usually talk too high maks their life a total fake. 

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