
8/28 減肥心情日記

(2006-08-28 07:06:02) 下一個

體重: 164.6. 穿衣體重: 167.8

長期目標: 135磅.
近期目標: 9月底到150磅.

現在目標: 159磅.

昨天做的太差了. 晚上吃了1磅牛仔骨和兩條五昌魚.  不知道為什麽. 昨天就是很想吃東西.  還好沒有吃什麽實在不該吃的蛋糕,糖果之類的東西. (主要是我家裏沒有).  不然今天長回來的就不隻這1磅了.

今天感覺出奇的懶.  不想動. 

早餐就是一杯咖啡.  精神好了很多. 去跑了5miles.

1pm.  健身: 6.  體重: 166.8磅. 吃過午飯後體重: 167.6

現在那個懶勁過去了. 要搬家. 太多事情要做. 

4pm.  健身: 12. 體重: 167.8磅.

晚飯吃肉絲炒帝皇菇.  又會有體重上來.

9pm. 去慢跑+快走了8 miles.  健身: 20.  體重: 167.0
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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
貓貓babe 回複 悄悄話 TO 東岸玄,
如果真的需要,可以試試蘋果醋apple cider,每次飯前吃兩片。
減肥的米蟲 回複 悄悄話 I made a promise to my ex-bf that I wont use any medicine to lose weight no matter what. so haven't tried any appetitie suppressant. have u tried south beach diet? it is the only one that works for me. I also had serious problem with food before. but now usually feel full every easily with healthy food. just that once in awhile, I will feel really hungry. usually just before period. protein is the key in keeping hunger in line.

I have found through going on diet so many times that deal with hunger is the key. I can never lose weight on no meat, low fat, veg only diet. try south beach diet if you have the same problem. it really works. all diet pills in any form is really not good for your health.
東岸玄 回複 悄悄話 I am trying to lose 10 lbs, problem is I can't give up food! Have you tried any appetite suppressant? The worse time of the day is at night.