此刻 喘息終於可以放緩
卸下偽裝 而一臉輕鬆
一步之遙 冷漠了枯榮
時間 將不再挽握你的手
天空 盛開詭異的白罌栗
靜候那一刻 讓墜落凋謝成
一撮沃土 而有毒的種子
天堂或地獄 深情地向你揮手
生命 此刻無地自容
雖然 不是隻有生才叫幸福
但當窄門閉合 你將歸於永恒的虛無
(Series of Poems) The Desolate World XII: Standing on the Precipice
By Lily
A lifetime of journeys and endless roads
Now tilts into a mere, insignificant end.
At this moment, breath can finally slow,
Masks can be cast aside in quiet relief.
A single step away, cold indifference erases all bloom and decay,
And time will no longer hold your hand.
Above, the sky unfurls eerie white poppies,
Waiting for that moment—
For the fall to wither into a handful of fertile soil,
While poisonous seeds bloom into sinister flowers upon the earth.
Heaven or hell waves to you with longing hands,
And life, in this instant, stands ashamed.
Though life is not the sole path to happiness,
When the narrow gate shuts,
You will return to the eternal void.
March 13, 2025