
英譯漢:不安之塚-佚名(仿《詩經》版)The Unquiet Grave: Anonymous

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涼風習習 微雨茫茫 吾之摯愛 唯此女郎 荒涼塚內 孤臥平躺 世間男兒 吾將效仿

為此摯愛 傾吾家當 吾坐塚旁 涕淚沾裳 周年既逝 新歲伊始 塚內忽傳 何人哭泣

坐我塚上 擾我酣眠 卿之愛人 吾坐塚上 擾卿酣眠 吻卿香唇 吾之所望 卿唇冰涼

如土一樣 君之所望 吻妾唇上 妾唇冰涼 土腥味強 君若吻之 陽壽不長 吾之陽壽

或短或長 或今或明 上蒼天帝 請收吾靈 即便如此 猶吻卿唇 園中青青 我我卿卿

昔日同賞 凋花謝王 殘梗衰黃 吾之摯愛 殘梗枯萎 卿卿我我 終皆銷亡 吾之摯愛

且去行樂 待到他日 無常來訪

The wind doth blow
Today my love
A few small drops of rain
Never have I had
But one true love
In cold clay she is laid
I'll do as much
For my true love
As any young man may
I'll sit and mourn
All on her grave
At twelve months and a day
The twelve months and the day being gone
A voice spoke from the deep
Who is it sits
All on my grave
And will not let me sleep
'Tis I, 'tis I,
Thine own true love
Who sits upon your grave
For I crave one kiss
From your sweet lips
And that is all I seek
You crave one kiss
From my clay cold lips
But my breath is earthy strong
Had you one kiss
From my clay cold lips
Your time would not be long
My time be long,
My time be short
Tomorrow or today
May God in heaven
Have all my soul
But I'll kiss your lips of clay
See down in yonder garden green
Love where we used to walk
The sweetest flower
That ever grew
Is withered to the stalk
The stalk is withered dry my love
So will our hearts decay
So make yourself
Content my love
Till death calls you away

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