

(2018-06-01 15:37:13) 下一個







有人問,怎麽樣對付身體的疼痛,甚至無法承受的劇痛。我的回答是回到身體,回到那個透明般的純淨的自己,像傍觀者一樣,觀看那個痛苦,痛苦最後會變成能量,最後,痛苦消失了,你卻比任何時候更強大,更快樂。雖然這是一種百試不爽的方法,我自己也用過很多次。但這樣的回答,好像沒有太多的實用價值。在書Touching Enlightenment中,看到了藏傳瑜伽的關於處理痛苦的三個方法。現在抄下來,也許對解釋這個方法有一定的幫助。在我看來,這是“靈丹妙藥”,如果好好體會練習,也許你再也不會因為身體的痛苦而痛苦了,相反,你會因為痛苦而開心,因為自己身體變得更好而歡喜,比方說,你在旅遊的時候,因為吃錯東西肚子非常非常疼,怎麽辦?你在爬山的時候,被碎石砸傷手或腿,怎麽辦?如果你受到重大打擊,頭痛如撕裂,怎麽辦?如果你會這種方法,你就不用擔心,而且會衝著痛苦笑。



藏傳瑜伽對待痛苦的三個方法。方法一:這個方法類似佛教或禪宗裏邊的空的概念,道教的無為,儒學的中庸。虛空目光,把意識往身體深處轉移。 讓身體自己去講故事,不要加入大腦的判斷。當意識越來越深的時候,會變的越來越清晰,最後,痛苦本身已不再是痛苦,而且會神奇的消失,因為這時候,身體的能量場會出乎想象的強大,修複身體的損傷。According to the first instruction, when physical pain arises, we are instructed to rest deeply within our body. Thus resting, we allow our awareness to enter directly into the pain. … We are allowing the experience of physical pain to register within the deepest level of our body’s own awareness, and we check to see what, exactly, it is.


方法二:簡單的說,這是止觀裏邊的觀痛苦。也就是說,看自己身上的痛苦,就像看一朵花,一片雲,細細的看,安靜的看,看著看著,花開了,雲動了,自己也忘了自己,心也就“停止”了。痛苦不再是痛苦,反而變成了能量。這裏有另一個蘊意,經曆過巨大痛苦的人,反而很容易練止觀。這個方法和方法一很類似。 不同點是,這個方法更強調痛苦本身,而第一種方法強調空性的訓練,很不容易的一個訓練。在很多時候,第二種方法更容易掌握。take the intensity and vividness of the physical pain itself as the object of our meditation. We do this by just putting our awareness right on and into the pain itself. It is as if we are offering our entire being into the fire of the painful sensation. We just plunge into the interior of the pain, into its heart. When we do so, the fire of the pain has the effect of burning through wahtever in us is resisting, judging, and trying to separate ourself from the pain as a “problem.” We continue going right to the pain and into its depths. As we do so, we find ourself able to abide simply within its intensity. At a certain moment, we can’t really feel it as pain anymore: it is just highly charged energy. At that point, there is no person watching the pain from the outside, no one to judge it and separate from it. There is just this manifestation within the body. When this occurs, we can be said to have found our complete and total embodiment, using our physical pain itself as a pathway.


方法三:這個方法接近第二種方法。但是對待痛苦不那麽直接,事物的發生都有因果。我們的痛苦,同樣有其原因。當我們細細的,深入的去觀察我們的痛苦的時候,會不斷的發現,原來我們的痛苦是因為這一個,是因為那一個。當我們研究清楚了,問題也就解決了,痛苦也就消失了,我們也活的比以前更明白了,更健康開心了。use the pain in a more indirect way to  bring us into full embodiment. … nothing occurs in our life without rhyme or reason. In other words, any relative experience appears with complete timeliness, accuracy, and appropriateness to our immediate karmic situation and its needs. … In this sense, it is possible for us to discover it to be a blessing. The arrival of pain cuts through the unique bondage of this moment, liberating us into the body’s own freedom and depth. At the moment of freedom, we see just how much expectation we’ve been having, how much we’ve been identifying with some relative situation or experience. … But in any case, it leaves us with an appreciation of the sacredness of the experience of pain as an incursion of helpful and even liberating wisdom into our life.

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GraceX 回複 悄悄話 第N遍讀你的這篇文章,很感歎,從一開始的完全看不懂,到現在能運用自如,真的是非常感謝千年!
rongrongrong 回複 悄悄話 謝謝
迪兒 回複 悄悄話 我相信方法一,也試用過,很有效果。