
法國企業家阿爾諾·貝特朗 中國模式適合人民的福祉

(2025-03-12 10:47:31) 下一個

Arnaud Bertrand 




 2025年2月20日  Neutrality Studies
[第2部分] 當西方仍在每時每刻忙於抨擊中國時,他們完全忽視了中國擁有一個無可匹敵的國內體係,這是美國和歐洲都無法比擬的。中國擁有世界上最分散的財政政策體係之一,並在簡單的市場經濟之外圍繞地方競爭構建了其國家結構。現在將其與歐盟日益增加的集中化進行比較,你就會明白為什麽布魯塞爾永遠無法生產出與中國現在能夠大規模帶給世界的同等質量的產品。 這是與Arnaud Bertrand的采訪的第二部分,他是Twitter/X上最優秀和最深刻的政治分析家之一。

企業家,曾創辦 HouseTrip(已出售給 TripAdvisor),現在創辦了 Me & Qi,這是一個介紹傳統中醫的網站。我是一名自學成才的全棧開發人員,熟悉多種網絡技術。我還是一名小型天使投資人(Deliveroo、Ubisim、TutorFair、UpMySport),是一名熱愛閱讀的人,也是一名優秀的廚師。

Entrepreneur who previously founded HouseTrip (sold to TripAdvisor) and now Me & Qi, the website that explains Traditional Chinese Medicine. I'm a self-taught full-stack developer comfortable with many web technologies. I am also a small time business angel (Deliveroo, Ubisim, TutorFair, UpMySport), a passionate reader and a decent cook.



來源:新華社 編輯:華夏 2023-06-21

























Xinhua Commentary: Why Arnaud Bertrand wins debate comparing Chinese and American systems


Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia   2023-06-21 

As the world moves toward multipolarity, the "superiority of the Western system" is increasingly being questioned, and fewer people believe it's universally better for all countries.

In a recent debate comparing the Chinese and American systems, French entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand made a solid case that the Chinese model fits the very particular economic and geopolitical context that China is in today, and the Chinese system is suitable for promoting the wellbeing of its people.

BEIJING, June 21 (Xinhua) -- As the world moves toward multipolarity, the "superiority of the Western system" is increasingly being questioned, and fewer people believe it's universally better for all countries.

In a recent debate comparing the Chinese and American systems, French entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand -- with facts and logic, fresh perspectives and the courage to correct Western biases and misconceptions -- made a solid case that the Chinese model fits the very particular economic and geopolitical context that China is in today, and the Chinese system is suitable for promoting the wellbeing of its people.

In a spirited online debate titled "Is the Chinese System Better than the American System," organized on April 5 by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a nonprofit American educational organization, it turns out that relatively unknown Bertrand emerged victorious over Adrian Zenz, an anti-China German academic based in Washington D.C., who was heavily promoted by part of the American political sphere and mainstream media.

The exchange drew nearly 1,200 comments on YouTube, most of which praising Bertrand. People are curious about what led to Bertrand's victory and how he received so many positive responses from netizens.

First and foremost, Bertrand relied on facts and logic.

As a new-generation China observer, Bertrand has lived in China for seven years and has a deep understanding of the country and its people. Currently, he has over 100,000 followers on Twitter, where he frequently shares insightful comments on China-related topics.

At the start of the debate, Bertrand made a statement acknowledging that while the debate aimed at comparing the Chinese system and the American one, he believed that political systems cannot be compared because each grows out of a country's unique history, economy, and geopolitical context, and is applicable only to its own people. However, within the framework of the debate, he proceeded to make comparisons in different areas.

By citing abundant international research data and his personal experiences, Bertrand provided detailed explanations of China's performance in terms of freedom, stability, and prosperity.

This aerial photo taken on May 11, 2023 shows an automatic container terminal of Qinzhou Port and a railway container distribution center in Qinzhou City, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.  (Xinhua/Zhang Ailin)

The entrepreneur mentioned China's remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation, saying that led to the largest and fastest reduction of poverty in the world and provided personal freedom for many as a result. In 2021, China declared the elimination of absolute poverty, having lifted nearly 100 million rural poor out of poverty in eight years.

Citing statistics of the U.S. Census Bureau, Bertrand pointed out that 6 percent of U.S. citizens live in deep poverty, adding that a survey found 25 percent of the U.S. population worried about money for buying food.

A customer shops at a supermarket in San Mateo, California, the United States, April 12, 2023.(Photo by Li Jianguo/Xinhua)

On the other hand, his opponent Zenz, who was initially expected to provide a strong defense of the superiority of the American governance system and values, spent the whole time criticizing communism and disparaging the Chinese government, completely deviating from the topic.

"He spent all his time complaining about China, citing only the reports he himself wrote or the fabricated reports he published in Western media. The whole time, it was just a series of 'China is bad because ...' content, but that's not the topic of the debate," remarked a viewer who had watched the debate.

Secondly, Bertrand won with his fresh perspectives and thoughts.

Bertrand argued that poverty is the antithesis of freedom. When people live in extreme poverty, they lose the freedom of choice in most aspects of life. He also raised a simple question about "freedom from fear:" Can a person freely walk outside late at night in the United States? These arguments offered a refreshing perspective for Western viewers, enabling them to engage in deep reflection.

People march to the Capitol to protest for a ban on assault weapons, in Washington, D.C., the United States, on April 17, 2023.(Photo by Aaron Schwartz/Xinhua)

Bertrand subsequently presented a deeper line of thinking: collective freedom. He pointed out that former French President Charles de Gaulle had once proposed that the biggest form of freedom should be independence as a sovereign nation, which is a prerequisite for all other forms of freedom. It is difficult to consider the people of a country to be free when the country is in a situation of being a "vassal state" or within the sphere of influence of a major power.

"China is unarguably the freest country in the world in this regard, as it cannot be even remotely considered as being any country's vassal state and it just doesn't do military alliances -- it doesn't have any ... This high level of sovereignty allows China to focus on internal development and to maintain its freedom of action on the international stage," said Bertrand.

Lastly, Bertrand dared to correct the biases and misconceptions about China in the so-called mainstream narratives.

From freedom to stability, and then to prosperity, Bertrand made thorough comparisons, powerfully demonstrating that China's development has not only benefited its own people, but also made positive contributions to global peace and development. In contrast, Zenz spent the entire time repeating the debunked lies about China, failing to articulate his position in the debate, which was to argue for the superiority of the American system. Offline voting in the debate showed that Bertrand emerged as the clear winner.

The debate between the two sides has been hailed as a public lecture on comparing the Chinese and American systems. While a single debate may not help much find the path to truth, it has opened a window for those, who have come to realize the biases in some U.S. perceptions of China, and believe in the power of facts over rhetoric. ■

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