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Just Australia Immigration 2024年8月30日


彼得·達頓 (Peter Dutton) 就是靠假裝自己是邊境硬漢而出名的,尼克鬆的報告向我們表明,這是欺詐和謊言,我們將確保將數字控製在可控範圍內,有報道稱某些學生濫用澳大利亞移民製度,不上課,從事非法活動,包括販賣人口,這些人經常報名參加課程,但不上課,利用他們的身份留在該國,同時從事未經授權的活動,好吧,我會告訴你我作為移民部長做了什麽,取消了 6,000 多個騎自行車的人的簽證,罪犯,毒販,強奸犯,兒童性侵犯者,報告表明,一些人參與了利用學生簽證漏洞將其他人偷渡到澳大利亞的計劃,作為回應,澳大利亞政府已采取果斷行動,取消簽證並逮捕涉案人員,該係統已被用來實施人類已知的一些最嚴重的罪行,這段視頻將告訴你有關澳大利亞政府開始撤銷簽證和逮捕涉案人員的新規定的一切犯罪活動,所以如果你還沒有訂閱我們的頻道並按響鈴以獲取即將到來的更新,現在讓我們跳到視頻中,聯邦政府在一項調查顯示犯罪分子正在剝削外國工人後,對濫用澳大利亞移民製度的人進行了大規模打擊,據稱一名人口販運老板在悉尼國際機場被押送上飛機,近十年前他持學生簽證進入澳大利亞,但從未學習過,據稱建立了這個網絡,剝削了被販賣到澳大利亞的亞洲性工作者,並像牲畜一樣在全國各地流動,這項調查進行了 960 分鍾,悉尼晨報於時代舉行,促使對移民製度進行了全麵審查,今天政府公布了最終報告,該係統已被用來實施人類已知的一些最嚴重的罪行,前維多利亞州警察局局長領導的調查發現了對臨時移民的虐待,並呼籲加強簽證製度,各種形式的剝削普遍存在,這是一個軟弱的政府,我們不會就移民問題接受來自 AA 政府的講座,其中包括提出的問題未經注冊的移民代理不受製止,其中一些人非法獲得簽證 鑒於這些濫用行為,澳大利亞內政部已加強執法措施 政府已開始識別和逮捕被發現違反簽證條件的學生 取消簽證是對此類行為後果的嚴厲提醒 發布這些逮捕視頻不僅旨在懲罰違法者,也旨在阻止其他人從事類似行為 內政部長宣布了一項五點計劃,稱我們正在向你們提出真正的嚴肅變化 我們正在向你們提出真正的嚴肅變化,包括成立一個常設工作組,打擊利用簽證係統的罪犯 五點計劃包括對內政部進行 5000 萬美元的重組 為移民代理製定新規則,以清除狡猾的運營商 2800 萬美元用於改進邊境的生物特征數據收集,並增加政府取消簽證的權力 內政部長將其發現的許多問題歸咎於多年來一直擔任她職位的那位男子 打擊簽證濫用對合法的國際學生 許多學生在澳大利亞的教育和未來上投入了大量的時間和資源 少數人的行為可能會損害澳大利亞國際教育的聲譽 隨著政府加強對簽證合規性的控製,可能導致對所有學生實施更嚴格的監管和更嚴格的審查 未來的學生可能會麵臨更嚴格的申請流程 這可能包括加強文件要求和更密切地監控學生出勤率 雖然這些措施旨在保護係統的完整性,但它們也可能為那些隻是尋求教育的真正學生設置障礙 澳大利亞政府最近取消簽證和逮捕濫用移民係統的學生的行動標誌著國際教育管理的一個重要轉折點 雖然這些措施旨在保護係統的完整性,但它們也對真正的學生提出了挑戰學生和教育機構向前發展,必須在執法和港口之間取得平衡,確保澳大利亞仍然是尋求優質教育的人們歡迎的目的地,同時防止剝削。

Australia Begin Canceling Visas And Arresting Students Abusing Their Migration System

Just Australia Immigration  2024年8月30日

In 2024, Australia is taking a tough stance on immigration abuse, specifically targeting international students who are misusing their visas. 

we have here Peter Dutton who has made a career out of pretending he's a tough guy on borders and the Nixon review shows us that that is a fraud and a lie we are going to make sure that we bring numbers back under control reports have emerged of certain students abusing the Australian migration system by not attending classes and engaging in illegal activities including human trafficking these individuals often enroll in courses but fail to attend classes using their status to remain in
the country while engaging in unauthorized activities well I'll tell you what I did as immigration Minister canceled over 6,000 visas of bikies of criminals of drug dealers of rapists of child sex offenders reports indicate that some have involved themselves in schemes to smuggle others into Australia taking advantage of the student visa
loophole in response the Australian government has taken decisive action canceling visas and arresting those
involved this system has been used to perpetrate some of the worst crimes known to humanity this video will tell
you everything about the new Australian government's regulations to begin revoking visas and arresting those
involved in criminal activities so if you've not already subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell for upcoming
updates now let's jump into the video a major Crackdown on those abusing Australia's migration system has been
unveiled by the federal government after an investig ation revealed criminals are exploiting foreign workers an alleged human trafficking boss is marched through Sydney International Airport and bundled onto a plane nearly a decade after entering Australia on a student
visa but never studying instead allegedly setting up this network exploited Asian sex workers trafficked into Australia and moved around the country like cattle this investigation by 960 minutes and the Sydney Morning
held in the age prompted a sweeping review of the migration system and today the government unveiled the final report this system has been used to perpetrate
some of the worst crimes known to humanity former Victorian Police Commissioner led the inquiry finding the
abuses of temporary migrants and calling for the Visa system to be strengthened with exploitation in various forms widespread this is a weak government and we're not going to take lectures in relation to migration issues from AA government among issues raised unregistered migration agents going unchecked with some illegally obtaining visas in light of these abuses the Australian Department of Home Affairs has ramped up its enforcement measures the government has begun identifying and arresting students who are found to be
violating Visa conditions the cancellation of visas serves as a harsh reminder of the consequences of such actions the release of videos showing these arrests is intended not only to penalize the offend Enders but also to deter others from engaging in similar Behavior also the home affairs minister announcing a five-point plan saying we're putting before you genuine serious changes we're putting before you genuine serious changes including a permanent task force to crack down on criminals exploiting the Visa system the Five Points include a $50 million restructure within the home Affairs Department new rules for migration agents to weed out dodgy operators $28 million to improve biometric data collection at the border and increasing the government's powers to cancel visas the home affairs minister has blamed many of the problems it identifies on the man who held her job for years the Crackdown on Visa abuse has significant implications for legitimate International students many students invest considerable time and resources into their education and future in Australia the actions of a few can tarnish the reputation of International Education in the country potentially leading to stricter regulations and increased scrutiny for all students as the government tightens its grip on Visa compliance prospective students May face more stringent application processes this could include enhanced documentation requirements and closer monitoring of student attendance while these measures aim to protect the Integrity of the system they may also create barriers for genuine students who are simply seeking an education the Australian government's recent actions to cancel visas and arrest students abusing the migration system Mark a significant turning point in the management of International Education while these measures aim to protect the Integrity of the system they also present challenges for genuine

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