新自由主義全球化因2008年金融危機和特朗普無視規則等事件而受到破壞,國際機構和貿易協定使企業和強國受益,但在大流行期間阻礙了發展中國家獲得疫苗和治療方法,導致不必要的住院治療、憤怒 、不公平的出口限製和新冷戰。
中美之間日益加深的分歧正在導致整合並推動采取更強有力的行動,而新自由主義全球化的潛在破裂和強國的存在對國際法治的建立提出了挑戰,使不平等現象長期存在,並使得建立公正的國際秩序變得困難。 沒有全球政府的全球規則體係。
? 全球經濟新冷戰的出現,以俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭為代表,正在塑造新的地緣政治。
經合組織的 BEPS 倡議旨在解決稅基侵蝕和利潤轉移問題,強調全球合作打擊避稅的必要性。
約瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨 (Joseph Stiglitz) 是一個例子,說明了如何通過政策中出現的問題來激發良好的思維,並提出塑造機構治理並使事情發生的解決方案。
最大化 GDP 並不能保證每個人都會過得更好,因為有些人最終可能會分到更小的份額,並且情況會變得更糟。
新古典主義全球化模式以權力關係和市場完善假設為基礎,忽視了市場不完善、外部性、技術變革等缺陷,以及通過消除市場失靈而減少福利的可能性,最終導致資源分配低效和不平等。 資源。
由於市場不完善和風險市場不完整,競爭均衡和市場看不見的手並不存在,貿易和資本市場自由化實際上會讓每個人的境況變得更糟,正如約瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨的研究和他反對國際貨幣基金組織推動資本市場自由化的鬥爭所表明的那樣 。
新自由主義全球化因2008年金融危機和特朗普無視規則等事件而受到破壞,國際機構和貿易協定使企業和強國受益,但在大流行期間阻礙了發展中國家獲得疫苗和治療方法,導致不必要的住院治療、憤怒 、不公平的出口限製和新冷戰。
國際製度和貿易協定反映了大企業和強國的利益,例如有利於大型製藥公司的知識產權條款和國際貨幣基金組織作為富裕國家的征信機構,但2008年金融危機和特朗普無視規則等事件 破壞了新自由主義全球化。
中美之間日益加深的分歧正在導致整合並推動采取更強有力的行動,而新自由主義全球化的潛在破裂和強國的存在對國際法治的建立提出了挑戰,使不平等現象長期存在,並使得建立公正的國際秩序變得困難。 沒有全球政府的全球規則體係。
強國的存在挑戰了國際法治的建立,而小國則主張建立國際法治以保護自己,而在邊做邊學的貿易體係中,中等國家之間的合作和大國的競爭可以引導國際法治的建立。 到一個更加平衡的係統。
強國可能不會執行不符合自身利益的規則,從而導致不平等加劇,在沒有全球政府的情況下很難建立公正的全球規則體係,而當前世界的分歧不是以意識形態為中心,而是涉及 與非民主國家的可疑聯盟。
全球議程旨在停止允許利潤轉移和避稅的轉讓定價製度,2008 年危機後,經合組織設立了名為 BEPS 的流程來解決這一問題。
全球最低稅倡議雖然試圖阻止逐底競爭,但由於稅率低且征稅權向富裕國家分配而收效甚微,而發展中國家和新興市場迫在眉睫的債務危機更是全球關注的焦點。 金融係統。
巴西和印度尼西亞是新興市場中兩個最大的民主國家,有潛力塑造全球經濟新秩序的議程和規範,但由於兩極分化以及需要在一個領域施加限製,合作可能會受到限製。 在另一個方麵達成合作。
演講者討論了政府聽取經濟學家意見的必要性以及央行在全球秩序中角色的變化,包括其對金融市場和實體經濟管理的影響,以及美元霸主地位麵臨的潛在挑戰 。
開發銀行,特別是在綠色經濟的背景下,非常重要,而且即使在美國,隨著紐約州成立了一家專注於綠色經濟的開發銀行,其重要性也重新出現。 新行長持樂觀態度,致力於解決氣候變化和貧困問題,同時平衡增長,特別關注非洲以及保護環境和應對氣候變化的挑戰,銀行內部人士對這位行長對發展和全球的承諾充滿熱情 公共物品
Joseph Stiglitz on Reforming Globalization: Addressing Market Imperfections and Inequality
The key idea of the video is that the current neoliberal model of globalization is flawed and in need of reform, with a focus on addressing market imperfections, unequal distribution of resources, and the negative impacts of international institutions and trade agreements.
Joseph Stiglitz argues for a new global order that addresses flaws in the old neoliberal model of globalization, such as market imperfections and unequal distribution of resources, and criticizes free trade agreements for their lack of true free trade.
- Neoliberal globalization has been undermined by events like the 2008 financial crisis and Trump's disregard for rules, with international institutions and trade agreements benefiting corporations and powerful countries, while hindering developing countries' access to vaccines and therapeutics during the pandemic, resulting in unnecessary hospitalizations, anger, unfair export restraints, and a new Cold War.
The growing split between the US and China is causing conformity and pushing for stronger action, while the potential breakup of neoliberal globalization and the presence of powerful countries challenge the establishment of an international rule of law, perpetuating inequalities and making it difficult to establish a just global system of rules without a global government.
The current economic system is dysfunctional and in need of reform due to concerns about tax evasion, the global minimum tax initiative, the looming debt crisis, and the lack of an international framework for addressing credit market crises.
The failure of neoliberal globalization has led to a shift in power dynamics, decline in democracy, and rise of demagogues, raising questions about the future of globalization and the potential for Brazil and Indonesia to shape the new global economic order.
Europe needs to establish its own defense force and become more independent in order to support democracy and human rights, as the current state of American democracy is fragmented.
Development Banks are important in addressing climate change and supporting real investment in developing countries, with a resurgence in their significance globally, while fiscal policy has proven effective in managing the economy and exposing the dangers of bad economics in post-pandemic inflation.
The speaker discusses the challenges of post-neoliberal globalization, emphasizing the need to question the intellectual foundations of the neoliberal system, address population growth and income disparities, and promote competition and innovation in the new global order.
Key insights
International Cooperation and Power Dynamics
- South Africa and India's request for a vaccine waiver at the beginning of the pandemic emphasized the importance of tech transfer and compulsory licenses in addressing global health crises.
- Vaccine hoarding and export restraints during the pandemic have resulted in what is known as "vaccine apartheid."
- ? The emergence of a new Cold War in global economics, exemplified by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, is shaping the new geopolitics.
- The growing split between the US and China is a universal view among Democrats and Republicans, despite China not having done much to deserve this treatment.
- Stiglitz suggests adopting a fair trading system based on Rawls' theory of Justice, where international rules would ensure efficient distribution of innovation and widespread redistribution of income.
- The need for global cooperation to address climate change is crucial, as we are all interconnected and failure to do so will have disastrous consequences for everyone.
- The OECD's BEPS initiative aims to address base erosion and profit shifting, highlighting the need for global cooperation to combat tax avoidance.
- Democracy is the only way forward for broad and inclusive societal well-being, despite the challenges posed by the current global power dynamics.
- Stiglitz encourages audience participation and discussion, highlighting the importance of engaging with different perspectives.
- The BRICS countries are actively working together to challenge the dominance of advanced countries and establish a multipolar global order.
Market Imperfections and Economic Realities
- Joseph Stiglitz is an example of how good thinking can be fed by policy emerging issues and come back with solutions that shape institutional governance and make things happen.
- Maximizing GDP does not guarantee that everyone will be better off, as some individuals may end up with a smaller share of the pie and be worse off.
- The competitive equilibrium and the invisible hand of markets, as described by Adam Smith, do not exist in reality due to market imperfections and incomplete risk markets.
- "Many powerful and innovative corporations are skilled at tax evasion and avoidance, such as Apple claiming all profits in Europe were due to the economic activities of a few workers in Ireland, allowing them to pay only 0.2% in taxes."
Globalization and its Consequences
- The old order of globalization is dead, and the question is what will the new order look like.
- The 2008 financial crisis and the 2017 election of Trump demonstrated the flaws of neoliberal globalization, as it showed that mismanaged financial markets and powerful countries disregarding rules could have global consequences.
- Stiglitz suggests that Europe's concept of "de-risking" may offer a more practical and relevant approach to global relations.
Climate Change and Environmental Challenges
- The massive externality of climate change, which is not incorporated into market prices, undermines the basis of free trade and exposes the significant subsidies that governments around the world provide, challenging the notion that market economics reflect real costs.
- High interest rates pose a problem for countries seeking financing for the green transition, as profitable investments become unprofitable, highlighting the need for more capital within multilateral development banks.
Detailed summary
Joseph Stiglitz argues for a new global order that addresses flaws in the old neoliberal model of globalization, such as market imperfections and unequal distribution of resources, and criticizes free trade agreements for their lack of true free trade.
- Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize laureate in economics, discusses the need for new global governance and policy solutions in the face of rapidly changing dimensions of post-neoliberal globalization.
- The old order of globalization is dead, and the speaker discusses the need for a new global order that addresses issues such as industrial policies and the rewriting of international rules.
- The neoclassical model of globalization, based on power relationships and the assumption of market perfection, ignores flaws such as market imperfections, externalities, technological change, and the potential for reducing welfare by eliminating one market failure, ultimately leading to an inefficient and unequal distribution of resources.
- Competitive equilibrium and the invisible hand of markets do not exist due to market imperfections and incomplete risk markets, and trade and capital market liberalization can actually make everyone worse off, as shown by Joseph Stiglitz's research and his battle against the IMF's push for Capital Market liberalization.
- Neoliberal globalization did not work because it lacked analytic foundations, had negative distributive effects, and did not account for the lack of costless mobility and local effects.
- Free trade agreements, often called partnership agreements, are not truly free trade as they are lengthy documents with special provisions and subsidies, particularly in the area of agriculture.
Neoliberal globalization has been undermined by events like the 2008 financial crisis and Trump's disregard for rules, with international institutions and trade agreements benefiting corporations and powerful countries, while hindering developing countries' access to vaccines and therapeutics during the pandemic, resulting in unnecessary hospitalizations, anger, unfair export restraints, and a new Cold War.
- The international institutions and trade agreements reflected the interests of large corporations and powerful countries, such as the intellectual property provisions benefiting big Pharma and the IMF serving as a credit collecting agency for rich countries, but events like the 2008 financial crisis and Trump's disregard for rules have undermined neoliberal globalization.
- The refusal to appoint judges at the WTO and the passing of a massive subsidy led to an unlevel playing field and complaints from developing countries and emerging markets.
- During the pandemic, global IPR rules prevented developing countries from accessing vaccines and therapeutics, despite their capacity for production, and a vaccine waiver was requested by South Africa and India.
- The drug companies' resistance to compulsory licenses during the pandemic hindered quick action, as they wanted to be compensated at a monopoly rate, resulting in the failure of the vaccine waiver and loss of lives.
- Globalization has led to unnecessary hospitalizations, anger in developing countries, and unfair export restraints, such as Europe's demand for Indonesia to maintain a neocolonial relationship and the US's refusal to export key vaccine ingredients, resulting in vaccine hoarding and apartheid.
- The imbalances in support for economies and the fragility of market economies were evident, highlighting the predictable market failure and the emergence of a new Cold War with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The growing split between the US and China is causing conformity and pushing for stronger action, while the potential breakup of neoliberal globalization and the presence of powerful countries challenge the establishment of an international rule of law, perpetuating inequalities and making it difficult to establish a just global system of rules without a global government.
- The growing split between the US and China, with both Democrats and Republicans agreeing on being tough on China, is causing conformity and pushing for stronger action, despite China not having done much to deserve this treatment.
- The speaker discusses the concept of reunification and the importance of defining who is considered a friend in order to determine who benefits from the idea of de-risking in Europe.
- Borders matter in the global system, with the potential breakup of neoliberal globalization, and there are other factors undermining it such as the externality of climate change and the changing structure of the economy towards services.
- The presence of powerful countries challenges the establishment of an international rule of law, but smaller countries advocate for it to protect themselves, and in the case of trade systems with learning by doing, cooperation among medium-sized countries and competition from large powers can lead to a more balanced system.
- The ideal global trading system would involve fair distribution of income generated by innovation, while the current situation is characterized by powerful countries setting rules to their advantage and breaking them when convenient, perpetuating inequalities.
- Powerful countries may not enforce rules that are not in their own interest, leading to increased inequities, making it difficult to establish a just global system of rules without a global government, and the current divisions in the world are not centered around ideology but rather involve questionable alliances with non-democratic countries.
The current economic system is dysfunctional and in need of reform due to concerns about tax evasion, the global minimum tax initiative, the looming debt crisis, and the lack of an international framework for addressing credit market crises.
- In the face of a new Cold War and the urgent need for global cooperation on climate change, the current economic system is dysfunctional and reforms are being discussed to address this issue.
- Corporations like Apple evade taxes by claiming profits generated by a small number of workers in Ireland, leading to concerns about tax revenues.
- There was a global agenda to stop the transfer price system, which allows for profit shifting and tax avoidance, and after the 2008 crisis, the OECD set up a process called BEPS to address this issue.
- The global minimum tax initiative, although an attempt to stop the race to the bottom, is ineffective due to its low rate and allocation of taxing rights to rich countries, while the looming debt crisis in developing countries and emerging markets is a concern in the global financial system.
- When interest rates are low, many companies and countries borrow excessively, leading to high levels of debt, and with interest rates rising, many countries are unable to repay their debts, which is a common occurrence in capitalism and can be addressed through bankruptcy laws.
- There is no international framework for addressing the complex and evolving credit market crisis, as the proposed principles were not adopted by the UN General Assembly, leading to a messy situation with various creditors and ineffective measures by the IMF.
The failure of neoliberal globalization has led to a shift in power dynamics, decline in democracy, and rise of demagogues, raising questions about the future of globalization and the potential for Brazil and Indonesia to shape the new global economic order.
- The increasing interest rates and surcharges imposed by the IMF are creating financial problems for countries seeking financing for green transition, highlighting a new global balance of economic and political power.
- The belief in market ideology as a solution to everything has shifted and is no longer adhered to, leaving a void in terms of a replacement.
- Power dynamics and the failure of neoliberal globalization have led to a decline in democracy and the rise of demagogues and authoritarians worldwide.
- The United States' shift away from a borderless world and the rise of isolationism raises questions about the future of globalization and which countries, particularly smaller ones, can step in to fill the leadership void.
- Brazil and Indonesia are the two largest functioning democracies in the Emerging Markets that have the potential to shape the agenda and norms of the new global economic order, but there may be limits on cooperation due to polarization and the need to impose restrictions in one arena to achieve cooperation in another.
- Joseph Stiglitz gives a presentation on post-neoliberal globalization and encourages audience members to ask questions and engage in discussion.
Europe needs to establish its own defense force and become more independent in order to support democracy and human rights, as the current state of American democracy is fragmented.
- The question asks for clarification on the number of key players in the emerging new world order and the role of Europe or the European Union in it.
- Countries like Brazil and Indonesia, who are dependent on China but also aligned with democratic countries, are abstaining from condemning Russia's aggression in order to stay neutral and avoid taking sides in the global conflict.
- The emergence of large economies like China and Russia, represented by the BRICS, challenges the dominance of advanced countries and creates a multipolar global order.
- Europe is currently aligned with the US through NATO but lacks its own independent defense force, making it reliant on the US, although many Europeans would prefer to align with the US, they view the US as an unreliable ally.
- Europe needs to establish a European Defense and become a more independent voice in order to support democracy and human rights, as the current state of American democracy is fragmented.
- The speaker discusses the need for governments to listen to economists and the changing role of central banks in the global order, including their impact on the management of financial markets and the real economy, as well as the potential challenges to the preeminence of the US dollar.
Development Banks are important in addressing climate change and supporting real investment in developing countries, with a resurgence in their significance globally, while fiscal policy has proven effective in managing the economy and exposing the dangers of bad economics in post-pandemic inflation.
- The speaker discusses the importance of addressing climate change and the role of multilateral development banks in supporting real investment in developing countries, using Brazil as an example.
- Development Banks, particularly in the context of Greening the economy, are important and there is a resurgence in their significance, even in the United States, with the establishment of a Development Bank in New York State that is focused on Greening the economy, and the new president is optimistic and committed to addressing climate change and poverty while balancing growth, with a specific focus on Africa and the challenge of preserving the environment and addressing climate change, and the people within the bank are enthusiastic about this president's commitment to development and Global public goods
- Fiscal policy has proven to be effective in managing the economy, discrediting the reliance on monetary policy and exposing the dangers of bad economics in managing post-pandemic inflation.
- Inflation was not solely due to excess aggregate demand, but also to supply-side problems such as car chip shortages and supply chain interruptions, leading to temporary market power and increased markups.
- Housing prices in the United States did not decrease as expected during the pandemic due to an asymmetry of price adjustment, with demand shifting to nicer places outside of cities.
- Raising interest rates has exacerbated various problems, such as shortages in housing and the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, and the central banks, particularly the Fed, have performed poorly in regulating banks and managing conflicts of interest.
The speaker discusses the challenges of post-neoliberal globalization, emphasizing the need to question the intellectual foundations of the neoliberal system, address population growth and income disparities, and promote competition and innovation in the new global order.
- The speaker discusses the issue of post-neoliberal globalization and the challenges of implementing fair and sustainable economic reforms due to the influence of big global multinational corporations, suggesting the need to question the intellectual foundations of the neoliberal system and its emphasis on eternal economic growth.
- The speaker argues that the post-neoliberal global order should question the need for economic growth and market pleasures, consider the effects of technology and population shifts, and recognize the limitations of the neoliberal model, with China playing a significant role in this new order.
- The global population growth needs to be limited in order to mitigate climate change and address migration pressures, with a focus on reducing income disparities and promoting economic growth in Africa, rather than increasing population size.
- Competitive market power contradicts the reality of globalization, as seen in tax negotiations and the exertion of power over national interests, leading to inconsistencies in policies and a failure to win hearts in the new Cold War.
- The Biden Administration is taking aggressive action against dominant companies like Amazon and enforcing antitrust laws to increase competition and create a more competitive economy as part of the post-neoliberal agenda.
- More competition between firms is necessary for stimulating innovation and growth, rather than relying on dominant monopolistic firms.