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印度最近超過英國成為世界第五大經濟體 - 到 2030 年可能成為第三大經濟體

馬丁·法雷爾 馬丁·法雷爾 12 Sep 2022

中國的崛起是近幾十年來全球經濟中最大的故事。 但由於人們對其房地產市場的低迷以及全球對通貨膨脹的擔憂,其鄰國印度作為潛在的新經濟超級大國的崛起可能會受到人們的關注。

在莉茲·特拉斯(Liz Truss)的“現代輝煌英國”藍圖中你找不到提及這一點,但英國剛剛被印度取代,成為世界第五大經濟體。 經濟學家表示,到 2030 年,這個擁有 14 億人口的國家有望躍居第三位,僅次於美國和中國。

高塔姆·阿達尼 (Gautam Adani) 超越伯納德·阿爾諾 (Bernard Arnault),成為世界第三富有的人。

亞洲首富、印度億萬富翁高塔姆·阿達尼 (Gautam Adani) 在印度加爾各答舉行的孟加拉全球商業峰會上向代表們發表講話。 印度大亨高塔姆·阿達尼被評為世界第三富豪


尤其是阿達尼,由於其阿達尼集團企業集團的迅速擴張,業務涵蓋從港口到機場、從太陽能到電視等各個領域,他已經成為印度日益增長的經濟實力的代表。 他在 2 月份成為亞洲首富時進入了全球前十名,現在以 1,430 億美元(1,230 億英鎊)的財富排名第三,正在快速追趕第二名的亞馬遜老板傑夫·貝佐斯。

多年來,印度一直被視為與中國關係不佳,受到僵化、龐大的國有部門和錯綜複雜的官僚機構的阻礙。 中國仍然麵臨著貧困和基礎設施薄弱的巨大問題,但它正開始成為其鄰國的競爭對手,其經濟增長數據曾一度令北京引以為傲。

隨著疫情管控的解除、製造業和服務業的蓬勃發展,今年第二季度國內生產總值(GDP)增長13.8%。 盡管隨後幾個季度不太可能出現兩位數增長,但印度今年仍有望實現 7% 的增長,受益於私營部門經濟自由化、快速增長的工作人口以及全球供應鏈的重組 遠離中國。

谘詢公司凱投宏觀的印度高級經濟學家施蘭·沙阿援引國際貨幣基金組織最近的最新數據表示:“印度已經超過英國,成為世界第五大經濟體。” “展望未來,印度的全球排名似乎將繼續上升。 總而言之,我們認為印度將在未來十年內超過德國和日本,成為世界第三大經濟體。”

印度持續崛起的一個關鍵部分將是其發展製造業並挑戰中國作為世界第一出口國的能力。 印度已經受益於龐大、受過良好教育、通常會說英語的中產階級,幫助該國發展世界一流的信息技術和製藥行業。 它還擁有強勁的消費需求,約占經濟的55%,而中國這一比例還不到40%。

現在的關鍵是從年輕的勞動人口中受益,將自己定位為與中國競爭的製造大國,而中國勞動力老齡化和工資水平上升正在削弱其競爭優勢。 隨著中國與西方之間地緣政治楔子的開放,印度也有機會在重塑的國際供應鏈中成長。

香港Natixis銀行新興市場經濟學家Nguyen Trinh表示,如果印度能夠繼續投資,其前景是光明的。

“由於其人口結構,印度的需求預計將強勁,”她說,“這對於不斷增長的勞動年齡人口來說是相當有利的,這將推動對食品和能源以及基礎設施投資等必需品的需求。 新冠疫情後活動的正常化以及政府支出(特別是基礎設施投資)的增加正在幫助經濟增長。 消費以兩位數增長,投資正在加速。”

與印度經濟崛起的許多方麵一樣,阿達尼的故事具有啟發意義。 這位 60 歲的億萬富翁從古吉拉特邦大學退學,搬到孟買,開始進行鑽石貿易,然後擴展到港口、建築業以及後來利潤豐厚的可再生能源領域。


他的主要上市公司阿達尼企業 (Adani Enterprises) 的價值在過去五年中增長了 50 倍,而致力於進軍太陽能領域的阿達尼綠色能源 (Adani Green Energy) 的價值在過去一年中也翻了一番。 該集團將在 2030 年之前向綠色能源項目投入 700 億美元,目標是成為世界上最大的可再生能源生產商 — — 考慮到其擴大澳大利亞煤炭開采計劃引發的爭議,這頗具諷刺意味。

另一個重要的對稱性來自於阿達尼起源於西部的古吉拉特邦,該邦也是印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪的權力基礎。 莫迪的市場改革包括將公司稅從 35% 削減至 25% 以及向更多外國投資開放印度,這些改革解放了阿達尼等企業家,以及他取代他成為印度首富、信實工業公司 (Reliance Industries) 總裁穆克什·安巴尼 (Mukesh Ambani) 的企業家。 ,還有另一個古吉拉特語。 阿達尼與莫迪關係密切,眾所周知,莫迪經常使用這位大亨的私人飛機進行競選旅行。

阿達尼在當地和全球的雄心壯誌最清楚地體現在阿拉伯海港口蒙德拉 (Mundra),他希望在本十年末將其建成世界上最大的港口。 隨著莫迪政府推出 100 兆盧比(1.35 兆美元,1.1 兆英鎊)的基礎設施計劃——其目標是僅在本財年就修建 25,000 公裏的新道路——阿達尼在每個階段都處於有利地位,因為必要的原材料是 運進來,變成商品和服務,然後通過蒙德拉運回世界各地。

India is quietly laying claim to economic superpower status


India recently overtook UK as the world’s fifth biggest economy – and it could be third by 2030

Martin Farrer   12 Sep 2022

The rise of China has been the biggest story in the global economy in recent decades. But amid concern about its stumbling property market and global fears about inflation, the emergence of its neighbour, India, as a potential new economic superpower may be going under the radar.

You won’t find mention of it in Liz Truss’s blueprint for a “modern brilliant Britain”, but the UK has just been overtaken by India as the world’s fifth biggest economy. The nation of 1.4 billion people is on track to move into third place behind the US and China by 2030, according to economists.

Gautam Adani overtook Bernard Arnault to become the world’s third richest person.

Indian billionaire Gautam Adani, Asia’s richest person, addresses delegates during the Bengal Global Business Summit in Kolkata, India. Indian tycoon Gautam Adani named world’s third richest person

And while the world became familiar with Chinese business titans such as Alibaba founder Jack Ma, the staggering wealth accumulated in recent years by Indian billionaires Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani has been less well publicised.

Adani, in particular, has come to represent India’s growing economic strength thanks to the rapid expansion of his Adani Group conglomerate, which covers everything from ports to airports, and solar power to television. Having entered the global Top 10 when he became Asia’s richest person in February, he is now ranked third with a fortune of $143bn (£123bn) and is closing fast on second-placed Amazon boss Jeff Bezos.

India was for many years seen as the poor relation to China, held back by a sclerotic, sprawling state sector and labyrinthine bureaucracy. It still has enormous problems of poverty and poor infrastructure, but it is beginning to emerge as a rival to its large neighbour with the kind of economic growth figures that were once the pride of Beijing.

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 13.8% in the second quarter of this year as pandemic controls were lifted and manufacturing and services boomed. Although double-digit growth is unlikely to be repeated in subsequent quarters, India is still on track to expand by 7% this year as it benefits from economic liberalisation in the private sector, a rapidly growing working population, and the realignment of global supply chains away from China.

“India has overtaken the UK to become the world’s fifth-largest economy,” says Shilan Shah, senior India economist at the consultancy Capital Economics, citing recent updated figures from the International Monetary Fund. “Looking ahead, India looks set to continue its march up the global rankings. In all, we think India will overtake Germany and Japan to become the third-largest economy in the world within the next decade.”

A key part of India’s continued rise will be its ability to grow its manufacturing sector and challenge China as the world’s No 1 exporter. India has already benefited from a large, well-educated, often English-speaking middle-class, helping the country to develop world-class IT and pharmaceutical sectors. It also has strong consumer demand, which accounts for about 55% of the economy compared with less than 40% in China.

Now the trick will be to benefit from its youthful working population to position itself as a manufacturing power to rival China, where an ageing labour force and rising pay levels are reducing its competitive edge. With a geopolitical wedge opening up between China and the west, India also has the opportunity to grow in reshaped international supply chains.

Nguyen Trinh, emerging markets economist at Natixis bank in Hong Kong, says the outlook is promising for India if it can keep investing.

“Indian demand is expected to be strong due to its demographics,” she says, “which is rather favourable with rising working-age population that will push for demand for essentials such as food and energy as well as infrastructure investment. The normalisation of activities post-Covid as well as an increase in government spending, particularly in infrastructure investment, is helping growth. Consumption rose in double digits and investment is accelerating.”

As with many aspects of India’s economic rise, Adani’s story is instructive. Now 60, the billionaire dropped out of Gujarat University, moved to Mumbai, and began trading diamonds before expanding into ports, construction and – latterly, but very profitably – renewable energy.

These widespread industrial interests have dovetailed perfectly with the country’s thirst for growth and seen his Adani Group holdings on the Indian stock market rocket in value. His main listed company, Adani Enterprises, has grown 50-fold in value in the past five years, while Adani Green Energy, which looks after its push into solar power, has doubled in value in the past year. The group is ploughing $70bn into green energy projects by 2030 with the aim of becoming the world’s largest renewable-energy producer – ironic given the controversy over its plans to expand coal mining in Australia.

Another important symmetry comes from Adani’s origins in the western state of Gujarat, which is also the power base of the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi. Modi’s market reforms, which have included cutting corporation tax from 35% to 25% and opening up India to more foreign investment, have freed up entrepreneurs such as Adani and the man he overtook as the country’s richest person, Mukesh Ambani, head of Reliance Industries, and another Gujarati. Adani is close to Modi who has been known to use the tycoon’s private jet for campaign trips.

Nowhere is the local and global ambition of Adani more clearly illustrated than in Mundra, the Arabian Sea port which he wants to become the world’s largest by the end of the decade. With Modi’s government rolling out a 100tn rupees ($1.35tn, £1.1tn) infrastructure programme – it aims to build 25,000km of new roads in the current financial year alone – Adani is well placed to profit at every stage as the necessary raw materials are shipped in, turned into goods and services, and then sent back out around the world through Mundra.


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