農作物巨頭嘉吉公布 156 年曆史上最大利潤
哈維爾·布拉斯,彭博新聞,2021 年 8 月 6 日
2020 年 5 月 11 日星期一,一名媒體成員拍攝了加拿大魁北克省尚布利嘉吉公司肉類工廠外的標牌。牛肉、豬肉、雞肉和香腸的整箱工廠已關閉,因為該公司“ 5 月 9 日的一份聲明稱,“我們對社區和我們員工中的病例數量感到擔憂”。 攝影師:Christinne Muschi/彭博社,彭博社
大宗商品巨頭嘉吉公司 (Cargill Inc.) 從蓬勃發展的農業市場中獲利,今年是其 156 年曆史上利潤最高的一年。
根據彭博社看到的年度財務報告,這家美國最大的私營公司在玉米等市場占據主導地位,截至 5 月底的 2021 財年淨利潤近 50 億美元。 利潤的激增表明大宗商品商人在 COVID-19 大流行期間享受到了豐厚的利潤。
2020 年,嘉吉打破了二十多年來的透明度傳統,停止公開發布業績。 它仍然與銀行家、債券持有人和其他人分享財務業績。 嘉吉發言人拒絕發表評論,隻是表示該公司將於 8 月 9 日公布年度收入,但不會公布其他財務信息。
嘉吉公司從肉類、玉米和大豆消費量的激增中獲利,尤其是來自中國的肉類、玉米和大豆消費量的激增。 強勁的需求推動農產品市場飆升,提高了大宗商品生產商和貿易商的利潤。 然而,對嘉吉及其同行有利的事情卻讓消費品公司以及最終麵臨十年來最高食品通脹的家庭感到頭疼。
賬目顯示,嘉吉在 2021 財年實現淨利潤略高於 49.3 億美元,比 2020 財年的 30 億美元增長 64%,遠高於 2008 年高峰期創下的 39.5 億美元的曆史紀錄。 中國主導的大宗商品超級周期。
上一財年,該公司的銷售額為 1,344 億美元,高於上年同期的 1,146 億美元。 該公司的銷售額與利潤率接近 3.7%,對於大宗商品交易商來說已經相當高了。
利潤的繁榮證明了首席執行官戴維·麥克倫南 (David MacLennan) 的戰略是正確的,自 2013 年上任以來,他出售了業績不佳的業務,並大力押注對牛肉、雞肉和魚等蛋白質的需求。
嘉吉在 70 個國家/地區擁有約 155,000 名員工,是備受讚譽的 ABCD 商業公司集團中的“C”,該集團主導了穀物貿易一個世紀。 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. 是“A”,Bunge Ltd. 是“B”,Louis Dreyfus Co. 是“D”。
嘉吉公司的統治集團中有 14 名億萬富翁,該公司的所有者是威廉·華萊士·嘉吉 (William Wallace Cargill) 的繼承人,威廉·華萊士·嘉吉 (William Wallace Cargill) 在美國中西部創立了該公司。 除了家族所有者之外,高級管理人員和其他員工還控製著公司的少量股份。
Javier Blas, Bloomberg News Aug 6, 2021
Commodity powerhouse Cargill Inc. has cashed in on booming agricultural markets with the most profitable year in its 156-year history.
The largest private U.S. company, which dominates markets such as corn, had almost US$5 billion in net income during its 2021 fiscal year through the end of May, according to annual financial reports seen by Bloomberg News. The profit boom shows the bonanza enjoyed by commodity merchants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cargill broke with a more than two-decade tradition of transparency in 2020 and stopped releasing its results publicly. It still shares financial results with its bankers, bondholders and others. A Cargill spokesperson declined to comment beyond saying the company will release its annual revenue on August 9, but not other financial information.
Cargill has profited from surging consumption of meat, corn and soybeans, particularly from China. The strong demand has sent agricultural markets skyrocketing, boosting profits for commodity producers and traders. What’s good for Cargill and its peers, however, is a headache for consumer goods companies and ultimately households, which face the highest food inflation in a decade.
The accounts show that Cargill delivered net income of just above US$4.93 billion in its 2021 fiscal year, up 64 per cent from the US$3 billion in fiscal 2020 and well above a previous record of US$3.95 billion set in 2008 at the height of the China-led commodity super cycle.
During the last fiscal year, the company reported sales of US$134.4 billion, up from US$114.6 billion a year earlier. The company enjoyed a sales-to-profit margin of almost 3.7 per cent -- large for a commodity trader.
The profit boom vindicates the strategy of Chief Executive Officer David MacLennan, who has sold under-performing businesses and bet heavily on demand for proteins such as beef, chicken and fish since taking over in 2013.
With some 155,000 employees across 70 countries, Cargill is the “C” in the vaunted ABCD group of merchant companies that have dominated grain trading for a century. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. is the “A,” Bunge Ltd. is the “B,” and Louis Dreyfus Co. is the “D.”
Cargill, which counts 14 billionaires among its ruling circle, is owned by the heirs of William Wallace Cargill, who founded the company in the American Midwest. On top of the family owners, senior management and other employees control a small stake in the company.