
福田康夫 人類命運共同體理念讓所有人幸福

(2018-04-08 17:06:38) 下一個

Japan's Former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda Talks about U.S. Anti globalization

日本前首相福田康夫 人類命運共同體理念讓所有人幸福

  作者   福田康夫   2018年04月09日05:28  人民日報 

  《 人民日報 》( 2018年04月09日 21 版)

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda Talks about U.S. Anti-globalization: Extended Domestic Issues

April 07, 2018 21:00  source: Information Network
Edit: Oriental Wealth Network  
[Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda talks about anti-globalization in the United States: or extension of domestic issues] The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia will be opened on April 8. The theme of this year's annual meeting is “Open and Innovative Asia, a Prosperous and Developed World”. Four major sections are set up: “Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative”, “Open Asia”, “Innovation” and “Re-starting the Reform”. Recently, the Forum’s chairman and former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda accepted an exclusive interview with his office in Tokyo and discussed the relevant topics of the forum and his expectations for the future gaming mechanism. He also published 40 years of achievements and experiences in China’s reform and opening up. view.

The Boao Forum for Asia 2018 will be opened on April 8th. The theme of this year's annual meeting is “Open and Innovative Asia, a Prosperous and Developed World”. Four major sections are set up: “Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative”, “Open Asia”, “Innovation” and “Re-starting the Reform”. Recently, the Forum’s chairman and former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda accepted an exclusive interview with his office in Tokyo and discussed the relevant topics of the forum and his expectations for the future gaming mechanism. He also published 40 years of achievements and experiences in China’s reform and opening up. view.

  "One Belt and One Road" relationship peace and stability in the region


"Reference News": In 2015, the Boao Forum used the theme of "Asia's New Future: A Community of Destiny". This year’s theme “Open and Innovative Asia, a Prosperous and Prospering World” is in line with one another. Do you think that current Asian countries are making progress in the construction of a "fate community," or in terms of cooperation and opening up? What kind of problem is it facing?

Fukuda: It is the common ideal of mankind to build a world where there is no dispute and all countries are developed and all people are happy. Translating this ideal into reality requires political leaders to look far ahead and point the way, and do their utmost to put it into action. China’s initiative to establish a community of human destiny is based on this idea, and China has the ability to practice. It is hoped that all countries will work together towards this vision. On the issue of building a fate community, common development and common prosperity are important issues. We hope that China will put forward various policies including diplomacy. While developing in China, it will also enable other countries in the region to achieve development. This is very important.

"Reference News": "Globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative" is a major topic of the 2018 Boao Forum to be opened soon. How do you see the significance of the "One Belt and One Road" for Asian countries? In your opinion, what is the enthusiasm of Japan and other Asian countries to participate in this concept?

Yasuo Fukuda: The "Belt and Road Initiative" is an extension and expansion of the former Silk Road. The countries concerned should all like to see it. For the world, it is also expected to become an opportunity for dialogue and consultation in the economic field and environmental protection field to promote the free flow of materials, talent, and information. This is not just a huge economic circle, but also a region that is related to peace and stability in the world. This construction has just begun and the world is paying attention to how it will develop. In my opinion, to advance this concept and make it successful, it needs to fully consult with relevant countries and at the same time meet the interests of these countries. In the area of ??negotiation and common development, the "One Belt and One Road" initiative is similar to the concept of "fate community." I think all Asian countries are willing to participate. It is hoped that all countries will let other countries understand their own ideas and difficulties in the dialogue and try their best to cooperate on this basis. This is the same as making friends. Friends can also have a good relationship with each other, but they can cross the stakes before they can truly be called friends.

"One Belt and One Road" straddles Eurasia and hopes not to forget Japan. Japan is very concerned about how China will lead this construction. I think Japan should participate in this idea and try its best to provide cooperation. Japan also has a lot of experience and may wish to use it. There are various possibilities for the development of the “Belt and Road” initiative. I am very much looking forward to this and I hope that this will be the driving force behind the Asian countries’ maintenance of peaceful relations.

  "China's Open Door to the World"

"Reference News": The Boao Forum in 2018 is also your last Boao Forum to serve as Chairman. How do you view the achievements of this mechanism so far, and how do you think the role of this mechanism should be better played in the future?

Yasuo Fukuda: At the very beginning, the Boao Forum was an Asian country that decided to gather together to solve problems through negotiation. Its significance has continued to change and develop since then. This year is already the 18th session. Now as a platform for public opinions and exchanges of opinions, it has very significant significance and has also promoted the progress of globalization in China and regional countries. China has made great efforts to this end. I am grateful for this.

In addition, for China, this is China's open door to the world and it is free to express its opinions here. This mechanism currently includes 27 Asian countries such as Japan, China and South Korea, and Australia and New Zealand. Together they are larger than the North American economic circle and the EU economic circle. Asia power must not be underestimated. It is hoped that the role of this forum mechanism will be fully utilized in the future, and at the same time, it will be a more diversified, more effective and globally influential mechanism to promote the full play of "Asian forces."

"Reference News": There are some "anti-globalization" phenomena in the world. For example, the United States has implemented trade protection policies such as tariff measures. How should Asian countries respond to them in the future?

Yasuo Fukuda: The United States has a series of moves. Perhaps this is an extension or result of domestic issues. We do not comment on the domestic politics of the United States, but we know that this runs counter to the current world trend. We expect the United States to recognize and correct these trends. We should strengthen our own ideas in the future and continue to cooperate with all countries in the world. It is also in this period that Asian countries should carefully negotiate on economic cooperation. The negotiations on the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) are also progressing and may be reached earlier. In short, it is important to conduct dialogues and consultations. It is of utmost importance not to talk to each other without knowing each other’s thoughts and adjusting while talking.

  China is a reference rather than an imitation

"Reference News": This year China has ushered in the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. How do you think reform and opening up have played a role in China's development? What are the areas that have made you most impressed?

Yasuo Fukuda: With regard to reform and opening up, I first pay tribute to Mr. Deng Xiaoping for starting this policy. He is the flag bearer of reform and opening up. After he announced this policy, he also visited Japan, and he demanded that Japan support China's development. Japan also did its best to respond. In the past 40 years, the fruits of reform and opening up have been enormous. China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its influence in various fields has been improved.

I am particularly impressed with the speed with which China is developing. I used to say that I was astonished by the rapid speed of high-speed rail in China, and the overall speed of China's development is high-speed rail. I visit China every year and feel that China’s urban appearance is well-organized year after year. I think this is also a sign that the Chinese people are becoming more confident and confident. At this point, there is no difference between China and developed countries.

In addition, I participated in a number of bilateral dialogues between Japan and China or multilateral dialogues including Japan and China. Every time I felt that Chinese participants constantly had new ideas and consciousness continued to develop. This should be based on self-confidence and self-confidence in economic development and overall national strength. And China always thinks very hard about the direction of future development and how to do it. President Xi’s initiative is also a fitting expression of China’s hope for vigorous development.

"Reference News": In your opinion, what is the difference between China's reform and opening up and other countries' open policies? Is China's experience likely to be a reference for other countries?

Yasuo Fukuda: I think that China’s reform and opening up has borrowed well from the development experience of the developed countries. This kind of reference is not imitation but a combination of national conditions. In some emerging fields, China is still walking in front of the developed countries. Such as smart phone related industries, e-commerce industry.

China is now a smart-phone society. Smartphones are very popular and anything can be solved with smart phones. In this regard, Japan’s mid-stream pause has led to lags, while China’s development has been rapid and straightforward. Now China's mobile payment methods can also be used in many places in Japan. Japan also learns from China's shared bicycles.

Everyone should learn from each other and use them together. For developing countries, China’s experience is also a very good reference. Many countries want to learn from China, such as the rationalization of industrial structure, measures to deal with globalization, and so on. Therefore, it is also hoped that China will realize these countries that are eager to learn from China and let them gain the right experience and avoid detours.

  Need to prevent the gap between the rich and the poor from widening

"Reference News": Do you think that China needs to focus on what issues to deepen reforms and expand its opening up? What lessons are worth reviewing?

Yasuo Fukuda: Just as China has proposed the goal of the human destiny community, it is not enough for the country to develop good thinking. Instead, it should develop together with other countries and share its achievements with other countries. All countries should always have this kind of consciousness, and at the national level, they should also begin to establish such awareness. All other countries including China, Japan, and Asia should think so. Not only oneself but also others, not only the country but also the world, and China, which has become the world's second-largest economy, has taken such a stand. It is also believed that this belief is based on the belief that China has put forward the goal of building a community of destiny as a direction to improve the lives of its citizens and introduce foreign diplomacy.

China's rapid development is blameless. However, it is also true that the speed of development is both favorable and disadvantageous. It is the same for all countries. In the process of development in developed countries, such lessons have also been learned. Some people have failed to catch up, or they have fallen from the "high-speed train of development." If China can introduce policies and measures to prevent the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, and strive to get more happiness for each and every citizen, it is an ideal development model. Now that the Chinese government is also working on this, such as vigorously developing places, I believe it will progress smoothly.

                (Editor: DF075)




   福田康夫(Fukuda Yasuo),1936年7月16日生於群馬縣高崎市,是日本前首相福田赳夫的長子。1959年自早稻田大學政治經濟學部畢業,後在石油公司供職;1976年,從石油公司辭職,開始擔任議員秘書;次年被任命為首相秘書官。54歲時首次當選眾議院議員,共當選6次,2000年10月開始在森喜朗內閣和小泉內閣擔任官房長官,2004年5月7日他因未交納養老保險金而失信於民,2008年9月1日晚召開記者會宣布辭職,從而結束了他近一年的執政生涯。
   福田夫人以首相夫人身份訪華並獨自開展活動,其政治色彩是不容忽略的。在北京日本人學校,貴代子稱讚孩子們在與中國孩子的交往中為增進雙方友誼做出的貢獻,她的這一表態無疑為福田首相加強雙方青少年友好交往和相互理解、以實現日中世代友好的表態作了有力的注腳。 福田夫人在此次訪華過程中的活動,讓人不由想到安倍夫人2006年隨丈夫、時任首相安倍晉三訪華時的情形。日本的首相夫人們將以她們獨有的女性魅力在中日兩國友好關係發展的曆史上寫下亮麗的一筆。
  2014年7月27日,日本前首相福田康夫秘密訪問了北京,並與中國國家主席習近平舉行了會談。福田很可能擔當了安倍首相的特使的使命,為2014年11月出席北京APEC會議實現日中首腦會談做水麵下的斡旋。 [5] 
  安倍政府不斷向中方拋出“橄欖枝”,高調呼籲中日兩國舉行首腦會談。但另一方麵卻處處拿中國說事,將中國視為“威脅”。福田計劃轉達安倍呼籲中方接受對話請求的想法。 [5] 
   實際上,福田在擔任日本首相時就顯示出重視中國的姿態,並在中國擁有廣泛的人脈。福田退任後,仍然頻繁訪問中  國近20次。對於陷入冷卻的中日、日韓關係,福田康夫表示光靠官員和民間人士無法修複,必須由政治領導人碰麵協商解決問題。 



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