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下午結束interview坐在圖書館休息,收到美女小C的電話,原來今天是match day(美國住院醫生職位發榜日),美女小C順利match成功,終於要走上在美行醫之路,可喜可賀。
另外還要祝賀siyan mm,希望以後的路一帆風順!好好享受和爸爸媽媽的團聚。還有zhaoju mm,年紀輕輕就離夢想這麽近了,嗬嗬。
i don't think HBV + will affect your applying for residency. first, they would not do HBV, PPD test until july when you start residency. second, when you tested postive, they might have you participate extra precautions for protecting you and your patients, but they will not reject you. i will ask our ID specialist here to confirm.
I read that (http://www.nti-tss.com/slide1.htm) for carnivores,the temporalis is the strongest muscle and for herbivores, masseter is the strongest. The same slide offers an explanation related to different functions of these muscles in herbivores and carnivores.
How do you think about that?
zhaoju,我當然記得你啦,你一路靜靜地考試,那些困惑,喜悅我可都是一路看過來的,嗬嗬,真心為你高興。我的PDA是醫院發的,dell x51.
feifeibei, enjoy as much as you can in china, i am very happy for you. you should be so proud of yourself!
從你這兒真的取了不少真經,以後還是會經常向你討教的。by the way, you are my role model:)
your article inspire a lot of people, unlike guys, girls have more insight about life, and can see things in different angle. I really enjoy reading your blog.
I will go back to China in the end of this month, though I feel guilty about this loooong vacation.
Especially with some good news.