落花飄零 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

Weep You No More Sad Fountains (圖)

(2005-07-18 14:58:28) 下一個

Weep you not more sad fountains;

What need you flow so fast?

Look how the snowy mountains

Haven't sun doth gently waste.

But my sun's heavenly eyes

View not your weeping,

That now lies sleeping

softly, softly, now softly

Softly lies sleeping.

Sleep is a reconciling,

A rest that peace begets.

Doth not the sun rise smiling

When fair at ev;n be sets?

Rest you then, rest, sad eyes,

Melt not in weeping,

While she lies sleeping

Softly, softly, now softly

Softly lies sleeping

這首古老英國詩歌的作者,已經沒有人知道了,李安把它選為電影理智與情感中演奏的歌詞,配上了音樂,由英國女高音jane eaglen演繹。那個時候,瑪麗安還沒有戀愛,透著無邪和少年強賦愁的憂傷,心中向往著能使她焚燒的愛情。今天看到了這部電影的sound track,終於可以重溫了。



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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
ABAB1212 回複 悄悄話 落花, I love it desperately...it's really, my tears 涓涓細流如同高山的眼淚 when I am listening....

You should be responsible for bringing such 憂傷 and 浪漫 to us.....thanks!
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 abab,你的名字對仗很工整阿,嗬嗬。這首歌確實非常優美,我花了好多功夫才figure out,終於可以和大家一起分享了,很開心。
ABAB1212 回複 悄悄話 Words seem so useless at the moment listening to the song !