

(2009-01-20 10:02:30) 下一個
Americans need to embrace a new era of responsibility to remake the United States in the face of military, economic and domestic challenges, U.S. President Barack Obama said Tuesday in his inauguration address.

Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America, said Obama, who spoke before more than one million people crowded into Washington\'s National Mall.

Obama made the historical address shortly after he held his right hand in the air and placed his left hand on Abraham Lincoln\'s inaugural Bible to take the oath of office and become the first black president of the United States.

What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, he said. Duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task. This is the price and the promise of citizenship.

He acknowledged his oath was administered amidst gathering clouds and raging storms — an economy in crisis, costly health care, a faltering school system and environmental threats.

That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood, said Obama. The challenges we face are real.

But know this America — they will be met, he said, drawing a massive cheer from the crowd.

On the morning of the inauguration, outgoing President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura Bush, welcomed president-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, on the North Portico of the White House. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press)
Obama vowed to rebuild infrastructure, invest in scientific research, improve health care and find new sources of energy.

Those who manage the public\'s dollars will be held to account, he said.

Obama also issued a blunt warning to those who threaten the United States: We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defence, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.

The 47-year-old former Illinois senator was sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Michelle Obama, wife of the president, carefully held Lincoln’s Bible, which hasn’t been used since he took the oath of office in 1861.

Earlier, Obama had arrived at the U.S. Capitol, travelling together with George W. Bush in a motorcade from the White House, where Bush had hosted the Obamas, vice-president-elect Joe Biden and his family, for coffee.

Bundled against the cold but determined to witness history, hundreds of thousands of people streamed into Washington\'s National Mall to witness Obama become the 44th president at noon.

Guests at the inauguration included Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, the pilot who safely landed the airliner in New York City\'s Hudson River last week.

Another special guest was Gregg Weaver, an Amtrak conductor who developed a friendship with incoming vice-president Joe Biden during his daily commute to Washington.


美國人必須接受一個“新時代的責任” ,以重塑美國在麵臨軍事,經濟和國內的挑戰,美國總統奧巴馬表示在他的就職演說。

“從今天開始,我們必須選擇自己了,灰塵自己關閉,重新開始工作的重塑美國, ”奧巴馬說,誰前麵發言的有100多萬人擠在華盛頓的國家廣場。


“什麽是我們現在需要的是一個新時代的責任-的承認,對每一個美國人的一部分,我們有責任為我們自己,我們的國家,和世界, ”他說。 “職責,我們不勉強接受,而是抓住樂意,公司在明知沒有任何這樣的精神滿足,因此確定我們的性格,使我們的一切比一個艱巨的任務。這是價格和承諾公民身份。 “

他承認他的誓言是管理“愁雲慘霧之中和風暴肆虐的” -一個經濟危機中,昂貴的醫療保健,步履蹣跚學校係統和環境的威脅。

“我們正處於危機現在是很好的理解,說: ”奧巴馬。 “我們麵臨的挑戰是真實的。 ”

“但是知道這個美國-他們將得到滿足, ”他說,吸引了大量的人群歡呼。

上午的會議上宣誓就職,即將離任的美國總統布什和他的妻子勞拉,歡迎總統當選人貝拉克奧巴馬和他的妻子米歇爾奧巴馬,在北門廊白宮。 (帕伯羅馬丁內茲Monsivais /美聯社)

“誰管理公眾的美元將被追究責任, ”他說。

奧巴馬也發表了生硬的警告那些誰威脅美國: “我們不會道歉,我們的生活方式,我們也不會動搖其辯護,並為那些誰尋求推進其目的是通過誘導恐怖和屠殺無辜的,我們現在要對你們說,我們的精神是強大的,不能被打破;你不能經久耐用,我們將擊敗你。 “

這位47歲的伊利諾伊州參議員宣誓就職的最高法院首席法官John Roberts 。米歇爾奧巴馬,總統夫人,仔細舉行林肯的聖經,一直沒有使用,因為他的宣誓就職儀式於1861年。

此前,奧巴馬已經抵達美國國會,同行與美國總統布什的車隊在從白宮,布什舉辦了Obamas ,副總統當選人拜登和他的家人,喝咖啡。


就職典禮的來賓包括上尉切斯利Sullenberger ,試點誰的客機安全降落在紐約市的哈得遜河上周。


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