研究證明, 梯子跑對提高VO2max很有幫助
文章比較了梯子跑和傳統interval。 long intervals (3:00 hard, 2:00 easy, repeated to exhaustion) 和short intervals (30 seconds hard, 20 seconds easy, repeated to exhaustion).和descending ladder (hard efforts of 3:00, 2:00, 1:00, 0:45, and then 0:30 repeated to exhaustion, with recovery jogs of two-thirds the duration of the previous hard interval.)
盡管這三個protocol跑者都是跑到力竭,但在梯子訓練中,跑者花費了將近十分鍾(579 秒)高於 VO2 最大值的 90%,這個被認為是最刺激vo2max的,而在其他兩個方案中,這一時間大約隻有一半。
800m, 120" rest, 600m, 90" rest, 400mi, 60" rest, 200m, 30" rest,然後倒過來再來一遍,就是第二輪從200米開始。