1.漢譯英: 中規中距的一段關於人類認知,語言發展的論述,也挺應本壇的景,語言之繁之美,追本溯源皆出於此。 這段論述摘自我最近兩年極度迷戀的《人類簡史》作者尤瓦爾,(sapiens: A brief history of humankind by Yuval Noah Harari,) 沒找到中文版,就將就啃了英文版, 不過癮, 又從國內背了中文版回來。 及其有趣, 看到還有作者這樣的聰明人, 我就放心了, 人類還有救。
大約就是在距今7萬到3萬年前,出現了新的思維和溝通方式,這也正是所謂的認知革命。會發生認知革命的原因為何?我們無從得知。 得到普遍認可的理論認為,某次偶然的基因突變,改變了智人的大腦內部連接方式,讓他們以前所未有的方式來思考,用完全新式的語言來溝通。
The appearance of new ways of thinking and communicating, between 70,000 and 30,000 years ago, constitutes the cognitive revolution. What cause it? We are not sure. The most commonly believed theory argues that accidental genetic mutations changed the inner wiring of the brains of sapiens, enabling them to think in unprecedented ways and to communicate using an altogether new type of language
2. 英譯漢: 繼續開展我業餘文青的愛好,拿一首我喜歡的詩與大家分享。請大家自由發揮,既可天馬行空,也可逐字逐句,沒有框架, 沒有束縛。尤其看到哈梅的分享,歎為觀止, 離騷體, 絕句體, 詩經體, 古版, 現代,歡迎各位用此詩練手。 詩摘自《夏日最後的玫瑰》第一節(by the Irish poet Thomas Moore in 1805)?,先奉上全詩供各位欣賞。 即是小小一段, 在各位達人的演繹下, 或淡淡惆悵, 或鏗鏘無畏, 或寧謐優雅, 或纖巧清麗,或大氣華麗,或哀而不傷, 真是一千個人讀哈姆雷特,就有一千個哈姆雷特。 每個人心中的玫瑰有共通有差異, 極美。 我也獻上我的嚐試, 老實說, 本來有點小得意的, 看到大家的答案後, 現在隻剩小惶恐了。
五言絕句體 夏末玫瑰嬌,獨枝芬芳挑 玫粉殘粧消,瑰苞零落憔 紅暈枝頭翹,麗影籬邊繞 賞花噤聲悄,堪表直須表 現代體 夏日最後之玫瑰,兀自綻放,獨吐芬芳 群芳凋謝,已到荼蘼花事了 無花無蕾又何當? 一抹豔紅怒放,與殘夏應唱! The Last Rose of Summer
Tis the last rose of Summer, Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred, No rose-bud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes Or give sigh for sigh! I'll not leave thee, thou lone one. To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Go, sleep thou with them; Thus kindly I scatter Thy leaves o'er the bed, Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead. So soon may I follow, When friendships decay, And from love's shining circle The gems drop away! When true hearts lie wither'd, And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone?