一個組裏麵,太多的senior engineers, 大家都想當lead。
本來director有個項目,是安排給我的。但是,由於去年年底我手頭事情太多,沒有時間,他正好有空,我的manager把項目給了他,我有空幫忙或者救護,所以,他是主要的,他馬上開始寫weekly report給客戶,並且cc 三級management,我也被CC了。
後來這個客戶又增加了一個項目,manager給我做,說我比較合適,同時私底下說讓我lead兩個projects。我懷疑manager 沒有跟他說讓我lead。我同時還兼做另外一大攤事情。我太忙,無法透徹了解他那個項目,所以無法lead。他就這兩個項目,又沒有小孩,大把時間,所以對我的那個項目一清二楚。
由於他一直寫weekly report, 表麵上他就是lead了,我隻能忍著。他寫的weekly report表麵看起來不錯,畢竟是老美,能說會道。但是,他幾乎把我的功勞拿走了,我無所謂,我不必跟他爭技術上的東西,也忍著。
上個星期五,他又寫了一個weekly report,這次就比較離譜了。他說我們六月份要出廠一個試品。我當時就覺得莫名其妙。我後來查了一下Email,二月份他問過我和manager, 應該考慮一下什麽時候出試品,manager說可不可以六月份?我說可能,但是手頭很多東西,看看再說。僅此而已。沒有想到他這次就敢正式宣布給客戶了。
You are right that we can do it. But my biggest concern is the schedule. Perhaps we(manager, you and me) can discuss a little bit more before you announce any further commitment on this project, Here are two reasons:
1). my schedule is really tight as I have several projects in hand before June, plus occasionally some short term urgent help for other projects;
2). Our customers haven't specified what the modification and/or enhancement will be for this project yet, no schedule either, it seems that they are not in a hurry mode. So, we can wait a little bit more on this project compared to others. I don't want to push them either as I don't have time.
Although we briefly touched this topic in Febuary, but we didn't make a clear decision, and things have changed since then. Let's figure out what would be the best in term of schedule!