

Check Engine Light - 基本常識

(2009-01-14 13:15:13) 下一個

最近不少人問這個問題,懶得打字,我從下麵的link 摘出幾點,供菜鳥掃盲。 高手DIY 可參照 link 和 你的 shop repair manual (我說的是原廠的 repair manual, aftermarket 的那幾種便宜manual 在這方麵不細)。記住 Check Engine Light 的相關檢測和維修可難可易,首先查查你加油時蓋子有沒有蓋緊, 這是最常見的原因。如果把沒有蓋緊的蓋子蓋緊,Check Engine Light 也不會馬上自己滅。你要把汽車蓄電池的cable斷開,清一下車上的memory (如果有security code 的慎用)或用scanner tool reset 一下。 如果開了一段燈又亮了,那就得好好查查了。

The Link: http://www.obdii.com/

All cars built since January 1, 1996 have OBD-II systems. Manufacturers started incorporating OBD-II in various models as early as 1994. Some early OBD-II cars were not 100% compliant. OBD-II signals are most often sought in response to a "Check Engine Light" appearing on the dashboard or driveability problems experienced with the vehicle. The data provided by OBD-II can often pinpoint the specific component that has malfunctioned, saving substantial time and cost compared to guess-and-replace repairs.

The service industry calls the Check Engine light on your dash an "MIL" or Malfunction Indicator Light. It shows three different types of signals. Occasional flashes show momentary malfunctions. It stays on if the problem is of a more serious nature, affecting the emissions output or safety of the vehicle. A constantly flashing MIL is a sign of a major problem which can cause serious damage if the engine is not stopped immediately. In all cases a "freeze frame" of all sensor readings at the time is recorded in the central computer of the vehicle.

Because of their investment in the equipment required, most repair shops charge a fee, some-times substantial, to attach the scanning equipment and diagnose problems using the OBD-II system signals. With the introduction of more economical and user friendly scanning devices, it is now practical for almost anyone to access OBD-II signals and use them for their own testing and repairs. (到AUTOZONE 或類似autoparts store,他們免費幫你scan code, 再對照你得shop manual 吧。 ebay經常可以買到很便宜的CD版)

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