英國議會外突發恐襲 警察遇刺 轎車衝撞行人

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圖片來源:The Sun

圖片來源:The Sun



據英國議會官員介紹,在英國議會外有兩名人員遭到槍擊,議會大樓已被暫時關閉;英國警方封閉了倫敦議會大廈周邊的街道;路透援引目擊者稱,醫護人員正在對兩名遭槍擊的人員進行治療 。






Parliament shooting – Knife maniac shot by cops outside Parliament after stabbing officer in terror attack as at least 10 pedestrians are injured when car mows them down on Westminster Bridge

Prime Minister was in voting lobby at the time of the attack and bundled into a car

A MAN wielding an ‘eight inch’ knife has been shot outside Parliament after charging the gates and stabbing a police officer – with cops declaring a ‘terror attack’ in the capital.

Up to a dozen innocent pedestrians were mowed down on Westminster Bridge by grey 4×4 which then crashed into the gates outside Parliament.

Dramatic pictures show bodies littering Westminster bridge and the vicinity outside Parliament.

Two people have been seen lying within Old Palace Yard, immediately outside Westminster Hall.

Earlier reports suggested sounds of an explosion were heard but this has not been confirmed.

Commons Leader David Lidington told MPs: "What I am able to say to the House is there has been a serious incident within the estate.

"It seems that a police officer has been stabbed, that the alleged assailant was shot by armed police.

"An air ambulance is currently attending the scene to remove the casualties.

"There are also reports of further violent incidents in the vicinity of the Palace of Westminster but I hope colleagues on all sides will appreciate that it'd be wrong of me to go into further details until we have confirmation from the police and from the House security authorities about what is going on."

The Prime Minister was seen in the voting lobby at the time of the attack - she was bundled into a car and rushed from the scene with official sources saying she is unharmed.

Rob Smith was running past Westminster when he said he saw the drama unfolded, told Sun Online: (The) grey Hyundai car came across the bridge then across the cycle lane, hit a man on a bike and drive into the wall gates.

"Police ran straight out and shot him. I think there was another person but I can't be sure."

He said that officers had been drawing their guns as they ran out.

Another witness reported: "We heard a loud bang, lots of shouting and men running around.Someone rushed through, attacked a policeman."He appeared to be carrying a knife or a gun. We then heard gunfire, five or six rounds."The man approaching one of the police officers with a knife."

Another witness told Sky News a man was seen walking towards a policeman with a knife in his hand, having already assaulted another policeman.

A medical helicopter has landed outside the Houses Parliament to treat victims and a Hazardous Area Response Team has been dispatched.