

中華法典 Chinese Codex

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中華法典(又名女媧造人)的目錄 Catalog of Chinese Codex (aka. Nuwa’s Creation of Man):

0.0 前言 Preface

1 三郎的故事 Stories of Three Wolves;1.1 武大郎和武二郎 Big Wolf and Second Wolf;1.1.2 將軍扣兒 General's Buttons;1.1.3 中華法典的起源 Origin of Chinese Codex;1.1.4 典兵學院 Codex Soldier Academy;1.1.5 井陽之災 Well-Sun Catastrophe;1.1.6 守靈 Spirits Keeping; 1.1.7 第二次婚禮 Second Wedding;1.2 張三郎 Third Wolf Zhang;1.3 有巢氏 Princess Have Nest;1.4 血濺軒轅 Blood Shattered on the Cross;1.5 媽祖與大巢氏 Mother Ancestor and Princess Big Nest;1.6 婆媳之間 Between Mother-in-law and Daughters-in-law.

2. 後羿射日 Descendant shoots the Suns; 2.1 二郎神和瑤祖 Second Wolf God and Yao Primogenitor 2.1.2 瑤池聖火 Holy Fire in Yao Pond;2.1.3 自由戀愛 Naturally Falling in Love;2.1.4 巫毒學院 Voodoo Academy;2.2 寶蓮燈 Treasury Lotus Lamp;2.2.2 迷幻蘑菇 Magic Mushrooms;2.2.3 討論寶蓮燈 Discuss Lotus Lamp; 2.2.4 楊戩計劃 Salvation Plan;2.2.5 梁子伯和誇父 Zibo Liang and Kua'fu; 2.2.6 楊戩逃跑 Salvation Runaway:2.2.7 九黎 Nine Crowds. 2.3 媽祖家宴 Mazu Family Feast;2.4 太乙真人 Strictly Second Real Human;2.5 劈山救母 Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother;2.6 四位家人 Four family members;2.7 梁山伯與祝英台 Fuxi and Nuwa;2.8 天道輪回 Godly Cycle;2.9 黃泉之戰 Battle of Yellow Fountain

3. 堯舜禹 Three Legs Bird;3.1 天朝改革 Celestial Dynasty Reform;3.2 小龍女和楊過 Eve and Sin;3.3 聚靈神 Gathering Spirits God;3.4 黃曆新年 New Year of Yellow Calendar;3.5 大禹治水 Yu's Water Treatment

0 前言 Preface

Between 4464 and 4354 BCE, Publican Etiquette Salutation of Qian’tang Pass, Henan, adopted a son. He ranked his adopted son together with his biological son, and the adopted son was ranked third, so people called him Third Wolf Zhang. Third Wolf Zhang (as shown in Figures) also known as Zhang the Butcher, Flint Man, Sun God, and Jade Emperor.

張三郎自幼頑皮好學。據說兒童時期很會放豬,豬都長得膘肥體壯。這使得禮敬公的夫人很高興。過年時,張夫人(亦作媽祖)帶三郎到集市辦年貨,並賞給了他幾個零花錢,說:“你可以買一件自己喜歡的東西。” 這是三郎第一次逛集市,看什麽都新鮮,可是舍不得花錢買。快回來時,張夫人問他:“這裏什麽都有,你就沒發現自己喜歡的東西?” 卻發現三郎停在了後麵的一個字畫兒攤,在認真地看著一幅舊畫兒。張夫人走了回去,那畫上畫的是一位拿著一把雨傘的老頭兒,周圍有幾十幅小圖畫。她等的不耐煩了,就催促說:“喜歡就買了吧!我們這就回家了!” 結果張三郎真的買了那幅髒兮兮的舊畫兒。
Third Wolf Zhang was naughty and studious since he was young. It is said that he was very good at raising pigs when he was a child, and the pigs grew fat and strong. This made Publican Etiquette Salutation's wife very happy. During the Chinese New Year, Mrs. Zhang (aka. Mazu) took Third Wolf to the market to buy New Year's goods, and gave him some pocket money, saying: "You can buy something you like." This was Third Wolf's first time to visit the market. Everything he saw was new, but he was reluctant to spend money. When they were about to return, Mrs. Zhang asked him: "There are everything here, don't you find anything you like?" But she found that Third Wolf stopped at a calligraphy and painting stall at the back, looking at an old painting seriously. Mrs. Zhang walked back, and the painting was of an old man holding an umbrella, surrounded by dozens of small paintings. She was impatient to wait, so she urged: "Buy it if you like it! We will go home now!" As a result, Third Wolf really bought the dirty old painting.

一段時間後的一天早晨,農場工人們出去幹活的時候,看見張三郎帶著鬥笠,穿著蓑衣,趕著豬出去放豬,就問:“三郎!這大晴天的,你穿蓑衣幹什麽?” 張三郎回答:“一個時辰之後,會下雨!”人們聽了,都哈哈大笑,沒人信!結果,到莊稼地沒多久,忽然之間就下雨了,人們都被雨澆得跟落湯雞似的。等到天晴了,再去地裏幹活的時候,人們看見張三郎跟什麽事都沒發生一樣,正在野地裏吹笛子呢!漸漸地,需要預知天氣的時候,工人們就去問張三郎。就這樣,他成了這個部落的天氣預報員了。
One morning after a while, when the farm workers went out to work, they saw Third Wolf Zhang wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, driving the pigs out to graze, so they asked: "Third Wolf! Why are you wearing a straw raincoat on such a sunny day?" Third Wolf replied: "It will rain in two hours!" After hearing this, everyone laughed, and no one believed it! As a result, not long after they arrived at the farm, it suddenly rained, and the people were soaked like drowned rats. When the sky cleared up and they went to work in the fields again, they saw Third Wolf Zhang playing the flute in the field as if nothing had happened! Gradually, when they needed to predict the weather, the workers would ask Third Wolf Zhang. Just like that, he became the weather forecaster of this tribe.

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