


(2022-07-30 13:26:58) 下一個



每一次看著迪迪,我都堅信我這一生是做對了什麽。我是如此地為她驕傲,我的美麗的、善良的、聰明的迪迪。排除一切而言,僅僅是擁有迪迪,我這一生便是成功的了。當然,在其它方麵我也算得上有成績的,可是所有的一切,一切的一,都無法和擁有我的這位女兒 ------- 迪迪,能相媲美。

今天,從現在開始,我會多一個人讓我驕傲了  — — 他就是這位同樣英俊、善良、智慧的 Eric,迪迪的丈夫!

迪迪和Eric 相識相處有七年了。在這七年中,我常和迪迪打電話,閑聊。有時我會和迪迪談起她最好的朋友,會問,“你最好的朋友某某怎麽樣了?” 這時迪迪會說:


我知道Eric 是迪迪最完美的匹配。但是,有的時候我也疑慮,因為我相信沒有人是完美的,Eric 也同樣如此。我記得我曾問過迪迪,“你總是說Eric 這點好那點優秀。那麽他的缺點呢?” 迪迪說:“我們有各自的不同。就是這些不同才使我們的關係更加牢固!“

所以,因此,我放棄了,完全地、心甘情願地放棄了 ------- 無問東西。



Mom’s Speech at Deedee’s Wedding

I am the proud mother of this beautiful bride.

Every time when I look at Deedee, I believe I have done something right. I am so proud of her, my beautiful, kind, and intelligent daughter. Regardless of everything else, just having Deedee here makes me feel I am successful in this life. Of course, I have been successful in many aspects in life and of course nothing of any of those can be compared with this (pointing Deedee and smile) my Deeeedee.

Today and from now on, I have one more person to be proud of --- the equally handsome, kind, and intelligent Eric, Deedee’s husband!

Deedee and Eric have known each other for about seven years. During all these years, sometimes when I called Deedee and mentioned her best friend so-and-so Deedee would add, “Well, Mom, Eric is my BEST, best friend.” 

I know Eric is the perfect match with Deedee. But sometimes I was wondering, because I believe no one is perfect, that must be the case with Eric.  I remember I asked Deedee once, “You always say Eric is this good and that great. What about his flaws?” Deedee said, “We had our differences. And the differences only make our relationship stronger.”   

So, I gave up, and totally, and was totally happy to give up. 

Congratulations! Congratulations that you found each other! I wish and I know you two will be happy forever!

 I love you both!



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碼農學寫字 回複 悄悄話 一樣是媽媽,我了解,沒人配得上寶貝女兒。 :)
AmyQi 回複 悄悄話 回複 '鳳梨酥' 的評論 : 謝謝!
鳳梨酥 回複 悄悄話 你的發言很感人!小兩口很般配,美麗的一對!