原文 Poor Hareton was squalling and kicking in his father’s arms with all his might, and redoubled his yells when he carried him upstairs and lifted him over the banister. I cried out that he would frighten the child into fits, and ran to rescue him. As I reached them, Hindley leant forward on the rails to listen to a noise below; almost forgetting what he had in his hands. “Who is that?” he asked, hearing some one approaching the stairs’-foot. I leant forward also, for the purpose of signing to Heathcliff, whose step I recognised, not to come further; and, at the instant when my eye quitted Hareton, he gave a sudden spring, delivered himself from the careless grasp that held him, and fell. |
楊苡譯文 可憐的哈裏頓在他父親懷裏拚命又喊又踢,當他把哈裏頓抱上樓,而且把他舉到欄杆外麵的時候,他更加倍地喊叫。我一邊嚷著他會把孩子嚇瘋的,一邊跑去救他。我剛走到他們那兒,辛德雷在欄杆上探身向前傾聽樓下有個聲音,幾乎忘記他手裏有什麽了。“是誰?”他聽到有人走近樓梯跟前,便問道。我也探身向前,為的是想作手勢給希刺克厲夫,我已經聽出他的腳步聲了,叫他不要再走過來。就在我的眼睛剛剛離開哈裏頓這一瞬間,他猛然一躥,便從那不當心的懷抱中掙脫出來,掉下去了。 |
拙譯 可憐的海瑞騰在他父親懷裏拚盡渾身力氣哇哇啼哭,拳打腳踢,當他把海瑞騰抱著走上樓梯,舉到欄杆外麵時,海瑞騰更加倍地大聲喊叫。我一邊嚷著說他這樣會嚇著孩子,一邊跑去救那孩子。我趕到他們跟前,亨得利在欄杆上探身向前,聽到樓下有聲音,幾乎完全忘記他的手中還抱著個孩子。“誰在那兒?”他聽到有人走近樓梯底部,便問道。我也探身向前,以便示意給黑思克裏夫,我聽得出是他的腳步聲,叫他不要再往前走了。就在我的視線離開海瑞騰一刹那,那孩子身子猛地一躥,便從那漫不經心的摟抱中掙脫出來,掉了下去。 |
There was scarcely time to experience a thrill of horror before we saw that the little wretch was safe. Heathcliff arrived underneath just at the critical moment; by a natural impulse he arrested his descent, and setting him on his feet, looked up to discover the author of the accident. A miser who has parted with a lucky lottery ticket for five shillings, and finds next day he has lost in the bargain five thousand pounds, could not show a blanker countenance than he did on beholding the figure of Mr. Earnshaw above. It expressed, plainer than words could do, the intensest anguish at having made himself the instrument of thwarting his own revenge. Had it been dark, I daresay he would have tried to remedy the mistake by smashing Hareton’s skull on the steps; but, we witnessed his salvation; and I was presently below with my precious charge pressed to my heart. Hindley descended more leisurely, sobered and abashed. |
我們隻顧看這個小東西是否安全,簡直沒有時間來體驗那尖銳的恐怖感覺了。希刺克厲夫正在緊要關頭走到了樓下,他下意識地把他接住了,並且扶他站好,抬頭看是誰惹下的禍。即使是一個守財奴為了五分錢舍棄一張幸運的彩票,而第二天發現他在這交易上損失了五千鎊,也不能表現出當希刺克厲夫看見樓上的人是恩蕭先生時那副茫然若失的神氣。那副神氣比言語還更能明白地表達出那種極其深沉的苦痛,因為他竟成了阻撓他自己報仇的工具。若是天黑,我敢說,他會在樓梯上打碎哈裏頓的頭來補救這錯誤,但是我們親眼看見孩子得救了,我立刻下樓把我的寶貝孩子抱過來,緊貼在心上。辛德雷從容不迫地下來,酒醒了,也覺得羞愧了。 |
大家都隻顧擔心看這個小冤家是否安全,來不及體會當時那種情景給人帶來的毛骨悚然恐怖感覺。正在這緊要關頭,黑思克裏夫走到了樓下,出於本能,他一把將孩子接住,並且把孩子扶起站好,抬頭看看險些釀成這場事故的罪魁禍首。一個守財奴把一張幸運彩票賣了五先令,第二天卻發現,正是因為自己舍棄的那張彩票,而在這場交易中失去了贏五千鎊的機會,這個守財奴的一臉茫然,都比不上黑思克裏夫看見樓上之人時俄韶少爺時的表情。言語和文字都無法形容出那種表情,那是一種把自己變成了工具,來阻止為自己複仇的極度痛苦表情。幸虧天還沒黑,否則我敢打保票,他會在樓梯上打碎海瑞騰的腦袋,來糾正他剛才所犯的錯誤。但結果是我們親眼看見孩子得救了,我立刻跑下了樓,把我的寶貝孩子摟在自己的心窩。亨得利走下樓,顯得比剛才從容些,他的酒醒了,一臉愧色。 |
“It is your fault, Ellen,” he said; “you should have kept him out of sight: you should have taken him from me! Is he injured anywhere?” “Injured!” I cried angrily; “if he is not killed, he’ll be an idiot! Oh! I wonder his mother does not rise from her grave to see how you use him. You’re worse than a heathen—treating your own flesh and blood in that manner!” He attempted to touch the child, who, on finding himself with me, sobbed off his terror directly. At the first finger his father laid on him, however, he shrieked again louder than before, and struggled as if he would go into convulsions. |
“這是你的錯,艾倫,”他說,“你該把他藏起來不讓我看見。你該把他從我手裏搶過去。他跌傷了什麽地方沒有?” “跌傷!”我生氣地喊著,“他要是沒死,也會變成個白癡!啊!我奇怪他母親怎麽不從她的墳裏站起來瞧瞧你怎樣對待他。你比一個異教徒還壞——這樣對待你的親骨肉!” 他想要摸摸孩子。這孩子一發覺他是跟著我,就馬上發泄出他的恐怖,放聲哭出來。但是他父親的手指頭剛碰到他,他就又尖叫起來,叫得比剛才更高,而且掙紮著像要驚風似的。 |
“都是你的錯,愛蕾,”他說,“你就該把孩子藏起來讓我看不見他。你該把他從我手裏奪過去。他哪兒受傷了?” “受傷!”我生氣地喊著,“他要是沒死,也會變成個白癡!啊!我在想,他母親怎麽不從墳裏爬起來,瞧瞧你這個當爹的是怎樣對待她的孩子的。你還不如個不信鬼神之人——你就是這樣對待自己的親骨肉啊!”他試著去摸孩子。這孩子發覺自己和我在一起,立刻連哭帶喊,發出恐怖的叫聲。他父親的一根手指頭剛碰到他,這孩子卻又尖叫起來,叫聲比剛才還要響亮,而且掙紮著像是要抽搐起來。 |