
中國傳信 特朗普 美國無法停止中國崛起

(2025-03-23 15:52:27) 下一個


作者:西蒙尼·麥卡錫,CNN 2025 年 3 月 8 日

3 月 8 日,中國國家主席習近平在北京人民大會堂出席全國人民代表大會全體會議。

北京,中國CNN —



北京正在采取這些舉措,為可能與美國進行的長期經濟攤牌做準備。特朗普周二將所有中國進口商品的額外關稅增加一倍至 20%,並威脅未來將采取更多措施——以及加強對美國在華投資的控製。



中國政治顧問機構中國人民政治協商會議成員出席 3 月 4 日的會議。




但與去年不同的是,中國正邁入 2025 年,這得益於中國企業和技術在市場中取得的成功。盡管特朗普的回歸讓北京擔心經濟風險,但它也在尋找自身崛起的機會。

“到特朗普第二任期結束時,美國的全球地位和可信度形象將下降,”中國人民解放軍退役上校、清華大學國際安全與戰略研究中心高級研究員周波告訴 CNN。“隨著美國實力的下降,中國當然會顯得更重要。”









特朗普在對美國貿易夥伴征收關稅的同時,將重點放在與北京的經濟競爭上,這在一些人看來,也是中國發展程度的一個標誌。最近一個工作日下午,在北京市中心,接受 CNN 采訪的一些路人指出,與美國的競爭是他們國家實力不斷增強的標誌。







中國不想在應對國內經濟疲軟的同時應對這種波動。這就是為什麽它試圖刺激消費和刺激增長的原因之一,今年設定了“5% 左右”的雄心勃勃的擴張目標。北京也意識到,貿易摩擦意味著經濟需要減少對出口的依賴。

“北京很可能已經考慮過貿易戰 2.0 的可能情況,但無論發生什麽,很明顯中國的增長將不得不更多地依賴國內需求,”新加坡國立大學東亞研究所教授、前世界銀行中國區主任伯特·霍夫曼在一份報告中表示。





Costfoto/NurPhoto/Getty Images

北京還希望將資源用於經濟和工業的高科技轉型。這是政府 2025 年議程的另一個關鍵部分,也是習近平的長期目標,與美國總統不同,習近平的領導不受任期限製。

北京正在推動人工智能、機器人、6G 和量子計算領域的創新,宣布成立國家支持的基金來支持技術創新,甚至歡迎外國企業參與其中——這對習近平來說是一個重大的語氣轉變。









到目前為止,美國總統還沒有像他在競選期間威脅的那樣對中國進口產品征收 60% 或以上的關稅。





“大國應該履行國際義務,履行應盡的責任。它不應該把私利置於原則之上,更不應該用權力欺負弱者,”外交部長王毅周五在回答 CNN 關於特朗普“美國優先”政策的問題時表示。他補充道,中國“堅決反對強權政治和霸權主義”。











China has a message for Trump: the US won’t stop its rise

Chinese leader Xi Jinping arrives at a plenary session of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 8. 


Beijing, ChinaCNN — 

As US President Donald Trump ratcheted up economic pressure on China over the past week, Beijing sent back its own message: Its rise won’t be interrupted.

major political meeting taking place in the capital was the ideal backdrop for Beijing to respond. The “two sessions” gathering of China’s rubber-stamp legislature and its top political advisory body is where the government reveals its plans and sets the tone for the year ahead.

The top item on its priority list? Boosting consumer demand to ensure China doesn’t need to rely on exports to power its vast but slowing economy. And the next: driving forward leader Xi Jinping’s bid to transform the country into a technological superpower, by ramping up investment and enlisting the private sector.

Beijing is making these moves as it prepares for what could be a protracted economic showdown with the United States. Trump doubled additional tariffs on all Chinese imports to 20% on Tuesday and has threatened more to come – as well as tighter controls on American investment in China.

“We can prevail over any difficulty in pursuing development,” China’s No. 2 official Li Qiang told thousands of delegates seated in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People at the opening meeting of the National People’s Congress Wednesday. The “giant ship of China’s economy” will “sail steadily toward the future,” he said.

A foreign ministry spokesperson was more direct when asked about trade frictions on Tuesday: “If the US insists on waging a tariff war, trade war, or any other kind of war, China will fight till the end,” he told reporters.


Members of China's political advisory body, known as the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attend a meeting on March 4.

Members of China's political advisory body, known as the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attend a meeting on March 4. 


And while Beijing’s priorities – and rhetoric – may echo those of years past, this time they are coming from a country that is starting to regain its swagger after being battered by its own Covid restrictions, a property sector crisis and by a tech war with the US.

“Confidence” has been an unofficial buzzword of the weeklong event, which ends Tuesday. It was used nearly a dozen times during a press conference held by China’s economic tsars on Thursday, splashed across state media coverage and included in a pointed reminder – that “confidence builds strength”– during the closing lines of Li’s nationally broadcast speech.

That optimism might be more aspiration than reality. Many in China are looking to the future with uncertainty. They’re more willing to save than spend, while young people are struggling to find jobs and feeling unsure whether their lives will be better than those of their parents.

But unlike last year, the country is entering 2025 buoyed by the market-moving successes of Chinese firms and technology. And while Trump’s return has Beijing concerned about economic risks, it’s also eyeing opportunity for its own rise.

“By the end of Trump’s second term, America’s global standing and credibility image will have gone down,” People’s Liberation Army Sen. Col. (ret) Zhou Bo, a senior fellow at Tsinghua University’s Center for International Security and Strategy in Beijing, told CNN. “And as American strength declines, China, of course, will look more important.”


An electric vehicle by Chinese manufacturer BYD is loaded on a ship in the southeastern Chinese port city of Guangzhou last month.

An electric vehicle by Chinese manufacturer BYD is loaded on a ship in the southeastern Chinese port city of Guangzhou last month. 


Confidence boost

This mood isn’t just percolating in the halls of power.

On the streets of the capital, gleaming homegrown electric vehicles weave through traffic, including those from carmaker BYD, which now goes toe-to-toe with Elon Musk’s Tesla for global sales – a reminder of China’s successful push to become a leader in green tech.

Then there’s the box office record-smashing animation “Ne Zha 2” and the breakout success of privately owned Chinese AI firm DeepSeek. Its large language model shocked Silicon Valley and upended Western assumptions about the costs associated with AI.

In Beijing this week, “you can ask DeepSeek” has been a playful and proud punchline in casual conversation.

“Last year, people may have been impacted by the US narrative that China is declining, that China has peaked,” said Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at Renmin University in Beijing. “We still have many difficulties. We still have many problems, of course, but it’s not that we’ve reached peak China.”

Even Trump’s focus on economic rivalry with Beijing as he rolls out tariffs on US trade partners appears to some as a mark of how far China has come. On a recent weekday afternoon in downtown Beijing, some passersby interviewed by CNN pointed to competition with the US as a sign of their country’s growing strength.

“China is developing quickly now and that’s attracted international attention, especially from the United States,” but that may not be a bad thing, said a medical graduate student surnamed Xia. “Trump’s increase on tariffs is competition … (and) if there’s no competition maybe China’s independent development is not sustainable.”


Security personnel stand outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing as China's "Two Sessions" gets underway.

Security personnel stand outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing as China's "Two Sessions" gets underway. 


High stakes rivalry

But even as Chinese officials seek to project confidence, international observers say the economic stimulus measures announced this week show Beijing is girding itself for major challenges to come.

Premier Li alluded to that in his opening address. “The external environment is becoming more complex and severe, which may have a greater impact on the country’s trade, science and technology and other fields,” he said.

China doesn’t want to deal with that volatility while also grappling with a weak economy at home. That’s one reason why it’s trying to boost consumption and spur growth, setting an ambitious expansion target of “around 5%” this year. Beijing is also aware that trade frictions mean the economy needs to rely less on exports.

“It is likely that Beijing has thought through the scenarios of Trade War 2.0, but whatever happens, it is clear that China’s growth will have to rely more on domestic demand,” said Bert Hofman, a professor at the East Asian Institute at the National University Singapore and former World Bank country director for China, in a note.

Still, some analysts say Beijing’s initiatives are short on details and much less aggressive than needed to rev up the economy and boost consumer confidence.

“It adds up to a sense by the leadership that they want to refocus on growth and development, but still a desire to do only as much as necessary in terms of stimulus to get there,” said Michael Hirson, a fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis.

Xi may also be balancing this goal with another concern: a need to save some firepower to support the economy if China faces “a nasty four years dealing with Donald Trump,” he said.


A humanoid robot entertains the crowd at a robotics exhibition in eastern China's Nanjing last month.

A humanoid robot entertains the crowd at a robotics exhibition in eastern China's Nanjing last month. 

Costfoto/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Beijing also wants to direct resources toward the high-tech transformation of its economy and industries. That’s another key part of the government’s 2025 agenda – and a long-term objective of Xi, who unlike US presidents is not subject to term limits on his leadership.

Beijing is pushing for innovations in AI, robotics, 6G and quantum computing, announcing a state-backed fund to support tech innovation and even welcoming foreign enterprises – in a significant tone shift for Xi – to play a role.

China is still smarting from the first Trump administration’s campaign to keep its tech champion Huawei out of global mobile networks and from the Biden administration’s efforts to convince allies to join it in cutting Chinese access to advanced semiconductors.

Last month, Washington said it was considering expanding restrictions on US investment in sensitive technologies in China.

But Beijing this week has also touted its confidence in advancing no matter the barriers.

“Be it space science or chip making, unjustified external suppression has never stopped,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told reporters Friday. “But where there is blockade, there is breakthrough; where there is suppression, there is innovation.”

“We are witnessing an ever-expanding horizon for China to become a science and technology powerhouse,” he said.


US President Donald Trump, pictured here in the White House's oval office, has made tariffs a cornerstone of his economic policy.

US President Donald Trump, pictured here in the White House's oval office, has made tariffs a cornerstone of his economic policy. 

Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

The Trump threat?

How much Trump’s policies will challenge China remains an open and urgent question for Beijing.

The US president has refrained so far from slapping Chinese imports with the blanket 60% or more tariffs that he had threatened on the campaign trail.

He’s been focused elsewhere, including on unleashing sweeping changes to US global leadership by decimating US foreign assistance, threatening to take control of other countries’ sovereign territory, and upending US alliances in Europe, while pulling closer to Russia at the expense of Ukraine.

There are potential risks for Beijing in that shake-up. For example, if a Washington-Moscow rapprochement pulls Xi away from Russian President Vladimir Putin, his closest ally, or if an American dial-down of security in Europe allows it to ramp up attention on Asia.

But Chinese diplomats have also been taking advantage of the changes to play up their country as a responsible and stable global leader, despite criticisms of Beijing’s own aggressive behavior in Asia.

“A big country should honor its international obligations and fulfill its due responsibilities. It should not put selfish interests before principles, still less should it wield the power to bully the weak,” Wang, the foreign minister, said on Friday in response to a question from CNN on Trump’s “America First” policy. China “resolutely opposes power politics and hegemony,” he added.

When it comes to tariffs, observers say Beijing is trying to moderate its response, holding out for a potential meeting between Xi and Trump or perhaps even a deal that could avert an escalating trade war.

A tanker carrying liquefied natural gas sails into a port eastern China's Shandong province last month.

A tanker carrying liquefied natural gas sails into a port eastern China's Shandong province last month. 


While China immediately retaliated against two sets of US tariffs this year, including with levies on US energy and key agricultural goods, it has remained measured in its reprisals.

The country’s deficit with the US means it will have less room to hit back if a trade war escalates, but Beijing is expected to be calculating other measures like export controls that it could use for leverage.

And the view from some parts is that even if tariffs cause the Chinese economy short-term pain, it will be the US which loses in the long run. China is still an indispensable part of global supply chains. It’s also better prepared to weather this trade war than the last one, because it’s sending goods to more markets globally now, data show.

“If you play (imposing tariffs) with a peer competitor, it actually would not work that well compared to if you’re doing this with small countries or medium powers,” said Zhou in Beijing, who is also the author of the forthcoming book “Should the World Fear China?”.

China, he said, wants cooperation not friction.

“But since the US is still the stronger side in this relationship, (it will) decide which kind of relationship this is … so China has to say ‘OK – if this has to be to be one of competition, then we must dare to fight,’” he said.

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