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Keyu Jin Reveals The BIGGEST Misunderstandings About China

Rise of Asia  2025年3月16日  


這個國家的一些人可能認為中國的唯一目標就是超越美國,這在世界上是很多責任,不,謝謝,嗯,不,現在不可行的,拋開我們對中國的看法,他們的問題,他們的挑戰,他們的挑戰是模型,我們看到經濟放緩,今天的步伐呃,事實仍然是,中國是人類曆史上增長最快的國家,持續時間最長,上海政府實際上給了特斯拉金錢和廉價土地,希望他們能在那裏建廠和銷售汽車,中國地方政府給在中國的美國公司提供補貼,人們對此很滿意,他們喜歡它,他們購買特斯拉汽車,它們現在遍布中國的街道,這再次是一個事實,盡管兩國之間發生了什麽,我不知道你是否注意到,但今天下載次數最多的五個應用程序中有四個實際上是中國的,這是倫敦經濟學院的顧瑾教授所說的與您分享肯定會讓您重新思考西方如何看待中國,所以我想講述這個故事的另一麵,故事總是有不同的一麵,鑒於美國和中國之間的緊張局勢,我認為講述這個故事很重要,所以請允許我在接下來的一個小時內為您提供不同的視角和視角,人們經常問我對中國最大的誤解是什麽,其中之一實際上是模型如何運作,現在3000萬家私營公司像蘑菇一樣從沙漠中冒出來,在如此短的時間內20年,在開始階段和20世紀80年代初,中國是一個徹底的反資本主義經濟體,突然間3000萬個公司從無到有,我們傾向於認為中國的體製是高度集中的,好像一切都是由少數人甚至一個人在高層做出的決定,但這並不完全準確,政治上非常集中,但經濟上卻非常分散,在實施決策時,嗯,都是由當地官員在實地做出的,他們實際上在幫助私營企業家取得成功,在我的書中,我稱之為市長經濟,地方省級領導,我的意思是,他們可能是市長,他們可能是黨的書記,負責將落後的漁村變成全球技術中心,就像沈錦一樣,這就是他們所做的,我不知道我們期望我們的市長在這個國家為我們做什麽,但在中國,這是他們的使命,是促進增長,是實施這些激進的改革,是幫助保護環境,真正鼓勵私營企業家建立嗯,嗯,一些新的東西,所以目前甚至快了很多年,今天他們在全國各地跑來跑去,在全國各地建立許多矽穀,幫助私營企業家找到人才協調融資,圍繞電動汽車或半導體等關鍵公司建立整個工業體係,上海市政府實際上向特斯拉提供了資金和廉價土地,希望他們在那裏建廠並銷售汽車。中國地方政府為在中國的美國公司提供補貼,人們對此很滿意,他們喜歡它,他們購買特斯拉汽車,如今它們遍布中國的大街小巷,所以很多人不明白這些市長背後的動機是什麽,你知道分散的經濟,他們想為私營企業家做這件事,幫助經濟好轉,這又回到了中國一些非常獨特的製度特征,所以要想晉升到政治等級的高層,每個人都想得到晉升,嗯,你需要為當地經濟做好工作,最重要的是,通過這樣做,你會獲得更多的工作,填滿你的財政金庫,嗯,你所擁有的土地,也就是地方政府擁有的土地,實際上是價值更高,最重要的是你需要私營企業家來幫助你,對吧?我們通常認為中國好像政府在壓製私營企業,或者令人驚訝的是,事實恰恰相反,他們需要私營企業家,因為他們是最有生產力的,也是最具創新性的,所以有巨大的激勵措施,最重要的是,中國各個地區之間競爭激烈,就像一場選美比賽,爭奪最優秀、最有前途的企業家,你必須對他們友好,你必須對他們好,你必須樂於助人,所以在數據中我們看到,最幹淨、最友好的地方政府增長最快,最大的公司也崛起了。那些更腐敗、更掠奪性更強的國家,他們就失敗了,所以他們有動力去真正伸出援助之手,而不是掠奪之手,有些人可能會認為,在一個法治薄弱或政治權力集中在少數人手中的國家,這樣做會非常困難,但這就是市長們所做的,你不需要每個市長都這樣,你知道中國是一個大國,有成千上萬的地方政府,其中許多政府腐敗,錢都進了他們的口袋,但大多數人受到了激勵,這足以導致這種驚人的變化,速度之快,現在拋開我們對中國及其問題的看法,他們的挑戰,他們的挑戰是我們看到經濟放緩的模式,今天,這仍然是一個事實,它是人類曆史上增長最快的國家,時間最長,這是事實,所以現在一定發生了一些事情,這涉及到一個更廣泛的問題和更有爭議的一點是,我們現在究竟如何看待國家的作用?我是一名受過西方訓練的經濟學家,我可以告訴你,在我們的模型中,在我們的智力思維框架中,除了在市場失靈時可能采取的監管措施外,國家幾乎沒有發揮空間。但我也能從文化和曆史的角度理解,為什麽我們對國家幹預感到如此不安。我們也看到,國家幹預過度,當然,過於嚴厲。這些都是問題,但在與政治家、領導人和專家舉行的許多會議中,討論發展中國家的發展時,一個經常出現的問題就是國家能力不足。新興市場需要在未來幾年內將其基礎設施翻一番。國家協調不足,投資不足,這也是事實。中國沒有這個問題。中國實際上有相反的問題,基礎設施太多,這也是浪費。這是低效的,但更好的問題是擁有比沒有足夠的連接來釋放人們的生產力總的來說現在盡管它很方便,但這個模式麵臨著嚴峻的挑戰它正在接受考驗它的效率低得多現在增長正在放緩巨額債務1.4億空置房屋需要填補誰知道多少年產能太多供應太多需求不足金融係統真的是一隻活著的恐龍對中小型企業的信貸太少這就是這種高增長高成本模式的另一麵它成本高昂有浪費但對中國來說收益仍然超過成本因為十億人擺脫了貧困即使在今天這也是第一次一個發展中國家能夠做像尖端技術和設計這樣的事情盡管存在問題我相信今天會有很多關於中國經濟的問題我會和你分享我的靈感我仍然認為現在寫還為時過早中國,這個國家,這個國家,美國,上個世紀我們經曆了 12 次經濟衰退,花了 10 多年時間才從 2009 年的大衰退中恢複過來,中國目前正在經曆過去 40 年來第一次嚴重的經濟衰退,潛力仍然存在,農村地區絕大多數人就業不足,受教育程度低,甚至隻是中國,中國的現狀和潛力之間,無論是城市化、高等教育還是服務業,產品活動都還有很大差距需要填補,而且即使在這個國家,我們也看到,隨著時間的推移,窮國向富國靠攏,這是數據,中國也會發生這種情況,所以現在還有增長空間,第二個誤解是關於中國的抱負,這個國家的一些人可能認為中國的唯一目標是超越美國,這太不可思議了世界上的責任不謝謝,嗯,不,不,今天絕大多數中國人每天的關注點仍然是如何養家糊口,如何讓孩子上學,而不是對美國有危險的癡迷,他們真的不相信擔心美國實際上會解決自己的問題,政府需要保持國內秩序,國內有很多挑戰,順便說一下,談到願望,我們有一個道德主題,在這個呃係列的談話中,我們必須接受印度、印度尼西亞、越南和整個非洲大陸也有類似的願望,他們正在崛起,他們有巨大的願望,要踏上繁榮的道路,我們也必須處理這個問題,他們將開始向中國出售廉價商品,使用其技術,順便說一下,其中一些已經發生,因為工廠正在大規模轉移到東南亞,中國人真的沒有太多時間談論越南人搶走了他們的工作,我們在報紙上並沒有真正聽說過這件事,相反,他們聽到的是,他們應該在智能製造方麵投入更多,升級工具,提高工人的技能,爬上價值鏈,這樣他們就不會永遠被困在生產廉價商品的困境中,爬上全球價值鏈是他們關注的重點,也許這也是另一種文化,文化和曆史是我書中的一個主題,我想談談它,因為我確實認為我們有時低估了它們的重要性,這導致了一些誤解,但在中國,把危機轉化為動力是一種文化,現在談到拜登總統對半導體的出口管製,或者你知道,要求公司斷絕與中國的聯係,停止向他們出售產品,一開始並沒有在中國,情況會好轉,但是他們把它變成了一種積極的態度,它完全動員了所有人,他們鞭策公司,長期以來,他們實際上一直在舒適地進口美國芯片,現在突然之間,他們不得不開始購買中國芯片,這並不是因為中國政府強迫他們這樣做,而是因為美國的這些政策,所以,事實上,他們說,謝謝你,謝謝你讓我們保持警惕,這些國內產業有了巨大的加速,當他們在芯片行業取得突破時,幾乎出現了全國性的歡欣鼓舞,雖然是小小的勝利,但仍然是小小的勝利,中國人民非常高興,他們扭轉了局麵,說哦,這非常積極,順便說一句,拜登總統,你介意也批準我們的國家男子足球隊嗎,不過,謝謝,玩笑歸玩笑,嗯,看看非洲印度的崛起,中國想把它看作威脅還是機遇?實際上真的認為他們把它看作一個機會,世界其他地方正在發展,世界上 90% 的人仍然生活在發展中國家,他們也有這樣的願望,嗯,第三,最後是中國人的誤解和新一代,這實際上是我最喜歡談論的,嗯,它給了我最大的希望,我們將在新一代中做得更好,我們實際上並沒有走向碰撞,當然,新一代是在 1980 年代獨生子女政策之後出生的,我是第一代,我對此有很多想法,我對此做了很多研究,嗯,這是一個有趣的話題,嗯,他們與我父母那個時代截然不同,你知道,經曆了巨大的變遷,經濟,心理上的困難,在中國,在這個動蕩的時代,新一代人喜歡休閑消費花錢衣服、旅行、娛樂等等,他們甚至喜歡借錢來消費,我們過去認為中國是一個儲蓄大國,你知道,他們儲蓄了這麽多,然後向世界注入了資本和產品,而這一代人不同,他們借錢,他們花掉85%的消費信貸,實際上,35歲以下的人占了很大比例,點擊阿裏巴巴的電子商務網站,你可以借錢買一支口紅,這就是大學生做的事,我不知道誰還錢,也許是他們的父母,但無論如何,他們仍然喜歡借錢,這種心態已經完全轉變,盡管我們怎麽看待獨生子女政策的陰暗麵,但也有一些意想不到的後果,首先,它嚴重提高了中國女性的地位,為什麽,因為過去你先教育兒子,然後再教育女兒,而現在,每個人有了女兒,就把所有的資源都投入到她身上,這是每個家庭的現代問題是的,從數據上看,在我這一代,高等教育的性別差距已經完全縮小,從商業領袖的數據來看,出生於 90 年代的商業領袖中,45% 是女性,而出生於 70 年代或 60 年代的隻有 6%,對不起,出生於 70 年代的隻有 10%,所以這確實加速了中國這個曾經非常傳統的儒家社會的性別差距的縮小,遠遠高於其他國家經濟增長所預測的,而且這是非常開放的一代,我看過很多關於他們的國際調查,他們關心多樣性、動物權利、社會不平等等問題,他們更有信心,你知道,在那些日子裏,那些選擇每晚上三班的工廠工人現在不這樣了在那個時代,他們更加放鬆,更加冷靜,你知道這不是壞事,嗯,他們不會像頑強那樣努力工作,但他們對生活有更廣闊的視野,而且他們溝通得更好,他們中的許多人都在這個國家接受過教育,這個國家的三分之一的國際學生是中國學生,500 萬疫情爆發之前,許多遊客來到這個國家,他們精通西方文化和語言,他們將成為中國偉大的大使,他們與世界各地的禪宗宗師有更好的聯係,他們是溝通的橋梁,他們也非常創新,這又是一個事實,盡管兩國之間發生了一些事情,我不知道你是否注意到,今天下載次數最多的五個應用程序中有四個是中文的,我不知道這種情況是否會一直保持下去,但你知道,新一代人擁有的文化鴻溝和差距要小得多,所以讓我留下這個想法,我們偉大的領導人董小平真正推動了國家的改革開放,他是這個奇跡成功的先驅,他曾經說過棘手的問題,我們在那些日子裏也有很多,讓我們把它留給更聰明的年輕一代去解決,他們會的,他們會的解決這些問題,但與此同時,我們仍然需要讓世界團結起來,給他們這個機會,嗯,我不認為除了我們要給他們背負的所有債務或更肮髒的地球之外,我們真的想讓一個更危險的世界,一個崩潰的邊緣,所以這就是像這樣的論壇,提供這種交流,讓我們更好地了解彼此,減少這些疑慮,我認為這是非常重要的,正是在這樣的國家,這種好奇心和對不同觀點的開放才能真正發生,所以我真的很感謝你們的傾聽,感謝你們給我這個機會,感謝你們給我和來自中國、印度、非洲的許多其他學生向這個國家學習,我們也可以期待,當下一次全球金融危機來臨時,我確信它會到來,美國和中國的兩家央行,他們將不得不互相打電話,對吧如果真希望實現綠色轉型,我們就需要最便宜、最清潔的能源和技術,以及大量的投資和合作來實現這一目標,而且這裏的每個人都會留在這裏,沒有人會真正離開,我們在這裏,所以讓我們保持人民之間的聯係,保持對話的開放,懷有善意,甚至可能隻是從小小的勝利開始,我相信隨著時間的推移,我們可以取得更多的成就,謝謝你們。

Keyu Jin Reveals The BIGGEST Misunderstandings About China

Rise of Asia  2025年3月16日  

This is Professor Keyu Jin from the London School of Economics. What she’s about to share with you will definitely make you rethink how the West views China.

some in this country may think that China's sole goal is to overtake the US gez that's a lot of responsibilities in the world no thank you um and no not feasible now leaving aside what we think about China and their problems their challenges their challenges were the model we're seeing the economy slow down as significant Pace today uh it is still
a fact that it is the country that has
been growing the fastest for the longest
period of time in all of human history
the shangh government actually gave
money and cheap land to Tesla hoping
that they would build factories and sell
um cars there Chinese local governments
giving subsidizing American companies in
China people were fine with that they
liked it they bought Tesla cars they're
all over the streets of China today now
this is again a fact despite what's
happening between the two countries I
don't know if you noticed but four out
of the five the most downloaded apps
today are actually chines this is
Professor KU Jinn from the London School
of Economics what she's about to share
with you will definitely make you
rethink How the West views China and so I wanted to tell a
different side of the story and there is
always a different side of the story and
given how tense things have become
between the two countries us and China I
think it is important to tell that story
story uh so allow me to offer you a
different perspective and lens to look
through uh in the next hour so people ask me often what are the
biggest misunderstandings about China
now one of it is actually how the model
works now 30 million private companies
sprung out from nowhere like mushrooms
spring up from a desert in so little
time 20 years uh in the beginning stages
and beginning ages of 1980s it was China
was a thoroughly anti- capitalistic uh
economy and suddenly 30 million out of
nowhere and we tend to think of China's
system as being extremely centralized as
if everything is decisions are made on
the top by a few people maybe even one
person but that's not quite accurate politically it's very
centralized but economically it's
extremely decentralized decisions in
implementation um uh are all made on the
ground decided by local officials who
actually go about helping private
entrepreneurs to succeed in my book I
call this the mayor economy local
provincial leaders I mean they could be
Mayors they could be party uh uh
secretaries in charge of turning
backward fishing villages into global
technology hubs like Shen Jin and that's
what they did I don't know what we expect our
Mayors to do for us in this country but
in China that was their mandate it was
to help growth it was to implement these
radical reforms it was to help protect
the environment to to Really encourage
the private entrepreneurs to build um uh
something uh new and So currently even fast for many
years today they're running around all
over country uh all over the country
building many silicon valleys helping private entrepreneurs
find Talent coordinate financing build a
whole industrial clutter around key
companies like EVS or semiconductors the shanghainese
government actually gave money and cheap
land to Tesla hoping that they would
build factories and sell um cars there
Chinese local governments giving
subsidizing American companies in China
people were fine with that they liked it
they bought Tesla cars they're all over
the streets of China today and so a lot
of people don't understand what what are
the incentives Behind These Mayors you
know the decentralized economy that they
would want to do this uh for the private
entrepreneurs and help the economy well
that comes back to some pretty unique
institutional features in China so to be
promoted to the higher runs of the
political hierarchy and everybody wanted
to be promoted um you needed to do a
good job for the local economy and on
top of that by doing that you got more
jobs filled your fiscal coffers
um and the land you own which the local
governments own are actually worth
more and most of all you needed the
private entrepreneurs to help you right
we usually think about China as if the
state kind of suppresses the private or
surprises no actually it's quite the
opposite they need the private
entrepreneurs because they're the most
productive and they're the most
Innovative so there were huge incentives
and on top of that there was a lot of
competition across the regions in China
it was like a beauty contest you know
contesting for the best and promising
entrepreneurs and you had to be friendly
to them you had to be nice to them you
had to be helpful so in the data we see
that the cleanest friendliest uh local
governments saw the fastest growth and
the rise of the largest companies and
those that were more corrupt more
extractive they lost out so there's an
incentive to behave to actually lend a
helping hand rather than a grabbing hand
which some might expect in a country
with a poor rule of law or too much
political power concentrated in the
hands of too few would have been uh very
difficult but that was uh what the
Mayors did and you didn't need every
mayor to be like that you know China's a
big country there are tens of thousands
of local governments and many of them
were corrupt and money went into their
pockets but the majority were
incentivized and that was enough to lead
to this seesmic change at Breakneck uh
pace now leaving aside what we think
about China and their problems their
challenges their challenges were the
model we're seeing the economy slow down
as significant Pace today uh it is still
a fact that it is the country that has
been growing the fastest for the longest
period of time in all of human history
and that is a fact so something has must
have gone right now this comes to a
broader point and a more contested point
which is what do we actually think about
the role of the state now I'm a western
trained Economist I can tell you in our
models in our intellectual thinking
framework there's very little room for
the state except for maybe regulations
maybe stepping in when there are market
failures but I can also understand
culturally and historically why we feel
so uneasy about State interventions and
we've also seen the state overreaching
and being too heavy-handed of course and
these are problems but sitting around
many of these meetings with politicians
leaders experts talking about
development in developing countries a
perennial thing that comes up is not
enough State capacity Emerging Markets
need to double their infrastructure in
the next few years not enough State
coordination not enough uh investment that's a fact as well and
China didn't have that problem China
actually had the opposite problem too
much infrastructure which was also wasteful
it was inefficient but it was still a better
problem to have than to not have enough
connectivity to unleash people's
productivity on balance now for all of its expedience
the model has serious challenges it's
being tested it's much less effective
Now growth is slowing down huge amounts
of debt 140 million vacant homes to be
filled in who knows how many years
there's too much capacity too much
Supply not enough demand the financial
system is really a living dinosaur too
little credit for the small mediumsized
Enterprises and that's the other side of
this high growth high cost model it was
costly there were waste but to the
Chinese on net the benefits still
outweighed the cost because a billion
people were lifted out of poverty and
even today it's the first time that you
have a developing country being able to
do things like Cutting Edge technology and Des despite the problems
and I'm sure there'll be many questions
about Chinese economies today and I'll
share with you my muse I still think
it's too early to write China off this
country this very country the us we've
had 12 recessions in the last century it
took took more than 10 years to recover
from the Great Recession of
2009 China is currently experiencing its
first serious economic recession uh in
the last 40 years the potential is still
there there's a vast majority of people
underemployed undereducated in the rural
areas and even just between China where
China is today and its potential whether
it's in terms of urban urbanization
tertiary education the service sector
product activity there's a big gap still
yet to be filled and again even in this
country we've seen over time that poor
states converged to the Richer States
it's in the data and it's also going to
happen to China so there's still room
for growth now the second misunderstanding
is about Chinese aspirations some in this country may
think that China's sole goal is to
overtake the US gez that's a lot of responsibilities in the world no thank
you um and no not feasible the daily preoccupation of the
vast majority of Chinese today is still
about putting food on their table and
keeping their kids in school not really
having a dangerous Obsession about
America really it doesn't believe that worrying
about America is actually going to solve
its own problem problems and the
government needs to keep its own house
in order there's a lot of domestic
challenges and by the way talking about
aspirations and we have an ethical theme
in this uh series of talks we're going
to have to accept that there will be
similar aspirations from India
Indonesia Vietnam the entire African
continent they are rising they have huge aspirations to
Pedal their way to prosperity and we'll
have to need to deal with that too
they're going to start selling cheap
Goods to China use its technology and by
the way some of that is already
happening as factories are moving to
Southeast Asia on mass the Chinese don't really have much
time to talk about the Vietnamese
stealing their jobs we don't really hear
about it in the newspapers instead what
they hear about is they should invest
more in smart Manufacturing in up
tooling upskilling uh their workers
climbing up the value chain so they're
not forever stuck and condemned to
producing cheap Goods climbing up the
global value chain is what they're
focused on and maybe it's also another cultural
thing to do and again culture and
history is something it's a theme in my
book I like to talk about it a little
bit because I do think we kind of
sometimes underestimate how important uh
they are and that contributes to some
some of the misunderstandings um but it's a cultural
thing to do in China to turn a crisis
into motivation now speaking of President
Biden's export controls on uh
semiconductors or you know kind of
asking companies to break off uh ties
with China to stop selling to them well
initially it didn't go down that well uh
in in China um but then they kind of
just turned it into a positive attitude
it totally mobilized everybody they
whipped companies into shape for the
longest time they were actually
comfortably importing American uh chips
and now all of a sudden they have to
start buying Chinese Chips and not
because the Chinese government forced
them to but rather it's because of um
these policies from America so and in
fact they said well thank you thank you
for keeping us on our toes there were
huge accelerations in these domestic
Industries and there was almost a
national Euphoria when they made
breakthroughs in the chip industry small
victories but still small triumphs and
the Chinese people were pretty happy
they turned this around and said oh this
is pretty positive and by the way
President Biden would you mind also
sanctioning our national men's soccer
team too but thank you jokes aside
um to look at to the rise of African
India does China want to see that as a
threat or opportunity I actually really
think they see it as an opportunity and
that rest of the world is is coming 90%
of the people in the world still live in
the developing countries and they too
have that kind of aspirations um and third finally the
Chinese people the misunderstandings and the new generation
that's actually what I enjoy talking
about the most uh it's what gives me the
most hope that we are going to do much
better with a new generation and that
we're not actually headed on a Collision
Course the new generation born after the
one child policy in the 1980s I was
among the first generation I've have
lots of thoughts about it I've done lots
of research about it um it's a
fascinating topic uh they are radically
different from my parents age you know
going through huge vicissitudes economic
psychological hardships in China during
these turbulent times um the new generation they love
Leisure consuming spending money on
clothes uh traveling entertainment all
of that they even like to borrow to
spend we used to think about China as a
Big saver you know saving so much and
then flooding the world with capital and
products well this generation is
different they borrow they spend 85% of
the consumer credit is actually
accounted for by people under 35 one
click on alibaba's you know e-commerce
website you can borrow to buy a lipstick
that's what college students do I don't
know who who pays them back maybe their
parents but anyway they they still love
to to borrow that the mentality uh has
totally shifted and despite what we think about
the one child policy the dark sides
there were also some unintended
consequences for one it seriously raised
the status of Chinese women why because
you used to educate your sons first
before your daughters and everybody now
with a daughter pour all the resource
into her the modern molans of every family right
and we see in the data that the gender
gap completely closed in my generation
for uh attainment in higher education
and in the data Among The Business
Leaders those born in the 1990s 45% of
the Business Leaders are women compared
to only 6% of those born in the 1970s
60s sorry or 10% for those born in the
1970s so it really accelerated the
closing of the gender gap for China in
this formerly very traditional Confucian
Society way above what economic growth
would have predicted uh in uh uh in in
other countries and moreover this is a
really open-minded generation I've
looked at lots of international surveys
about them uh they care about things
like diversity animal rights um social
inequity they feel more confident uh you know the the kind of
factory workers that opted for three uh
shifts a night back in those days that's
not in that generation they're more
relaxed more chill you know it's not a
bad thing um they're not going to be
working as hard as tenacious but they
have a broader you know perspective
about life uh in general and also they
communicate better many of them have
been educated in this country a third of
international students in this country
are Chinese students and 5 million
visitors before the pandemic come to
this country they are fluent with the
Western culture the language uh and they
would be great ambassadors uh for uh
China and they connect much better with
the Zen genzies around the world and
they are that bridge um and they're also very
Innovative now this is again a fact
despite what's happening between the two
countries I don't know if you noticed
but four out of the five the most
downloaded apps today are actually
Chinese I don't know if it will stay
stay stay this way but you know the new
generation they have much more they have
much less of a cultural divide and
GAP and so let me leave with this
thought our great leader dung xao ping
who really pushed the country for
reforms and opening up and really was um
the the forefather of this miracle
success used to say about intractable
problems and we had many back in those
days as well let's leave it to the
smarter younger generation to figure it
out they're going to they're going to
sort it out but at the same time we
still need to hold the world together
for them to actually give them that
chance um I don't think that on top of
all the debt that we're going to throw
at them or the dirtier planet that we
really want to add a more dangerous
world the cusp of uh collapse uh to the
mix so it's where places like this
forums like this to offer this
exchange uh to get to know each better
each other better to uh reduce these
misgivings that I think is so so
important and it's really in this kind
of country that such curiosity and
openness for different views can
actually take place so I really thank
you uh for listening thank you for
giving me this uh opportunity and thank
you for giving me and so many other
students from China from India from
Africa to learn from this country and we
can also expect that when the next
Global financial crisis comes around the
corner and I'm certainly sure it will
the two central banks in us and China
they're going to have to call each other
up right that if there's ever a hope of
realizing the green transition we are
going to need the cheapest cleanest
energy and technology and a whole lot of
investment and collaboration uh to make it happen and
everybody here is here to stay nobody's
really going anywhere uh we're here so
let's keep the People to People
connection keep the dialogues open have
some Goodwill and maybe even just start
from small victories and I believe over
time even more can be achieved thank you

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