
Trudeau Resigns as PM 特魯多辭去總理職務

(2024-12-31 00:02:02) 下一個

突發新聞 - 特魯多辭去總理職務

Breaking News - Trudeau Resigns as PM


今天我宣布辭去你們的總理職務我知道這是一個令人心碎的消息特別是對於那些享受飛漲的食品價格、嚴重的通貨膨脹和住房如此難以負擔以至於千禧一代成為終身室友的人來說現在別忘了我最偉大的成就我團結了這個國家通過分裂它無論是授權抗議還是僅僅選擇冒犯了半個國家的襪子我TR真正讓加拿大人團結在一起他們共同的失望通貨膨脹那不是我隻要問問碳稅我提高它是因為拯救地球完全值得你買不起牛奶對於那些質疑我領導能力的人聽戲劇老師都是即興創作的而我多年來一直在即興創作我的政策最後我把你交給了有能力的人無論誰有足夠的勇氣來清理這個爛攤子隻要記住當你回頭看我的遺產時不要因為它結束而哭泣因為它發生了 謝謝加拿大

today I announce my resignation as your
prime minister I know heartbreaking news
especially for those of you who enjoyed
skyrocketing grocery prices crippling
inflation and housing so unaffordable it
turned Millennials into lifelong
roommates you're welcome now let's not
forget my greatest hits I've United this
nation by dividing it whether it was
mandates protests or just choosing socks
that offended half the country I TR
truly brought Canadians together in
their shared disappointment inflation
that's not me just ask the carbon tax I
raised it because saving the planet is
totally worth you not affording milk as
for those questioning my ability to lead
listen drama teachers are all about
improvisation and I've been improvising
my policies for years finally I leave
you in the capable hands of well
whoever's brave enough to clean up this
mess just remember when you look back at
My Legacy don't cry because it's over
cry because it happened thank you Canada
today I announce my resignation as your
prime minister

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