Chrystia Freeland 辭去財政部長 經濟挑戰
Chrystia Freeland decides to make it PUBLIC...
Perspective Arc 2024年12月28日
在此視頻中,我們對加拿大政治的幾個重大發展進行了深入分析,首先詳細研究了 Chrystia Freeland 辭去財政部長一職。我們探討了她的辭職信的含義,這封信揭示了政府內部的緊張關係以及對即將到來的經濟挑戰的擔憂,特別是潛在的美國關稅及其對加拿大消費者的影響。
因此,克裏斯塔·弗裏蘭剛剛在加拿大政壇上投下了一顆重磅炸彈,每個人都需要關注她信中真正發生的事情,特魯多基本上告訴她,你不再擔任財政部長,並試圖將她調到其他地方,然後情節發生轉折,她就徹底離開了,讓我們讀一讀字裏行間,她直截了當地說,特魯多不再信任她,剝奪了她真正的權威,為什麽因為幾周來,他們一直在爭論加拿大的發展方向,兩人都坐在舒適的渥太華辦公室裏意見不一,而普通加拿大人則努力將食物擺上餐桌,保持燈火通明,她談到了來自美國的這一巨大威脅,25% 的關稅即將到來,你知道這意味著什麽,你買的所有東西,你的雜貨,你的汽油,你的衣服,你的日常必需品都變得越來越貴,她說我們需要為未來的戰鬥省錢,不再有昂貴的政治花招,她說富有來自一個曾經是政府一員的人,這個政府充滿了多年來,她一直都是這樣,最有說服力的部分是,她寫道,加拿大人可以分辨出政客們是真正為他們工作,還是隻關注自己,這不是很有趣嗎?弗裏蘭和特魯多都在掌權,而我們的經濟卻在下滑,通貨膨脹率飆升,現在他們互相指責,當她說我們在政府的時間將結束時,她終於承認了加拿大人已經知道的事情,有趣的是,她現在是如何找到自己的聲音的,當她的工作岌岌可危時,而不是當加拿大人掙紮著維持生計時,這封戲劇性的信的結尾才是真正的笑話,她一定要提到她將再次在多倫多競選,這是經典的政治舉動,把每個人都趕走,但要為下一次機會留出空間,隻是另一個政客在玩同樣的老把戲,大談變革,而不是真正為普通加拿大人做點什麽,賈斯汀·特魯多對我來說有點像我在想如何解釋,就像他就像加文的事實明喻諾姆有點像一個甚至效率更低的人,我的意思是,你知道他上任後,你知道他首先不是他的父親,所以他擔任這個職位,雖然很可能是繼承了他父親的遺產,然後他把自己塑造成一個完全激進的進步主義者,為人民服務的總理,我們知道他多次戴著棕色的麵具,我們知道他繼續征服加拿大的土著人民,盡管他聲稱假裝站在每個人的一邊,他以美德為標誌,但他的政策卻截然相反,所以難怪加拿大的每個人都對他深感鄙視,也對這個人仍然發號施令感到深深的沮喪,當然他們想要特朗普總統,更喜歡和尊重他,因為政策不言而喻,所以他可以繼續羞辱我們,試圖罵我們,但現實是,他在那裏的權力非常脆弱,當你揭開他在加拿大取得的成就的麵紗時,你會發現隻是加拿大人,你知道他們大多還在睡覺,所以說到武器化的官僚機構,不妨做一個大學更新,所以發生了什麽事,好吧,所以我應該聯係我的再教育者,沒錯,他們我們首先問他們給我發送了有關我的再教育者的信息,聯係了我,說你為什麽不告訴我們是誰,這樣我們就可以聯係他們,因為這是我們的義務,他們回信說,嗯,有延遲,然後我們說,是的,為什麽延遲,他們說,嗯,我們找不到任何人,因為你對每個人都太刻薄了,你把他們嚇跑了,這就是為什麽它被刪節了,因為根本就沒有一個,不,我,我,我不知道為什麽它一開始就被刪節了,嗯,我想它可能一開始就被刪節了,我不知道為什麽它被刪節了,是為了保護他們免受我的邪惡或者其他什麽誰知道你必須聯係他們,是的,我敢打賭是因為我找不到,所以他們說好吧,你不能聯係他們,所以他們找到了一個我認為在英國的人,然後他們說你不能聯係他們,你不僅不能聯係他們,即使規則是我必須聯係他們,我不能直接聯係他們,我必須在市中心的律師事務所與他見麵,一些與學院無關的律師事務所,所以在律師事務所裏到底是怎麽回事,必須親自見麵,我知道他們會這麽做,因為他們知道我一直在巡回演出,所以他們的目標是拿走我的執照,他們從來沒想過我會接受再教育,他們沒有計劃好,因為他們不能思考,他們不能計劃,所以他們不思考,他們不計劃,所以我讓他們處於一個尷尬的境地,你可能會說,通過同意他們的懲罰所以無論如何假設他們找到了某人他沒有臨床經驗,順便說一句,他以前從來沒有做過這樣的事情,我認為他隻是踏入了蛇坑,因為我認為他不知道到底發生了什麽,所以這會很有趣,現在他們告訴我,我必須親自去做,對吧,但我不能錄音,現在我想我可以錄音,因為我有權錄音,不管怎樣,我都會錄音,所以他們說你不能錄音,不能公開,現在這些事情私下做的原因是為了保護被調查的人,是為了保護你,是的,是為了保護我,但我明確告訴他們,我不想要保護,我想要的保護是,這件事的每一個細節都被100%公開,這將會發生,這將會發生,所以無論如何,我必須去市中心的律師事務所,他們會派一名法庭記者在那裏做一份筆錄但除非我同意不公開,否則我不能拿到記錄,所以我們給他們回信,說你不能自己改變規則,規則是我必須聯係他們,不是,不是,誰在這裏隱瞞了什麽,不是我,因為就我而言,這一切的每一點都可以公開,誰在隱瞞什麽,我想是你,因為你不允許我公開記錄,我們在保護再教育者,不是,這不是這樣做的,這不是這樣做的,這不是隱私的原因,所以不是,哇,現在我們必須聽聽他們的意見,第 63 號法案是所謂的 C63 號法案,它現在正在議會程序中吱吱作響,但它已經通過了一讀,但再教育將在該法案通過之前進行,對吧,因為在該法案通過之後,你不會回到加拿大去做這件事通過了,嗯,這確實是一個問題,不要相信這些國家,不,不,如果 C63 法案通過,你肯定會有大麻煩,哦,我的生活在加拿大將無法生存,因為大約 50 名激進分子會立即將其武器化,是的,所以如果加拿大人想生活在一個由最壞的告密者統治的社會中,那麽,夥計,隻要不關注 63 號法案,你就會得到你所希望的,人們應該做什麽,因為醒醒吧,讓我們麵對現實,在特魯多的領導下,加拿大現在正在發生什麽,我們眼睜睜地看著我們建立的一切被一點一點地摧毀,我們的美元正在崩潰到 70 美分,這不僅僅是一個數字,這是我們家庭的購買力在實時被壓垮,而我們都在勒緊褲腰帶,政府正忙著扮演他們拋棄的企業聖誕老人436 億美元投入電動汽車電池廠,我們能為此做些什麽呢?North Volt 的銀行家們,電動汽車需求不斷下滑,他們正在燒錢,好像沒有明天,我們都不得不為此買單,這才是真正讓我感到困惑的,我們坐擁一些世界上最寶貴的自然資源,這是我們走向繁榮的門票,但我們沒有負責任地開發它們,而是用官僚主義扼殺它們,跨山輸油管道慘敗就是一個完美的例子,當投資者退出時,政府不得不直接購買它,讓納稅人承擔責任,現在他們正在關閉不列顛哥倫比亞省的養魚場,可能會再浪費 90 億美元,想知道錢都花到哪裏去了,政府大肆招聘,官僚機構膨脹了 43%,而私營部門的就業崗位幾乎沒有增長,他們正在創造輕鬆的政府職位,工資是政府的 3.6 倍他們並沒有創造財富,他們隻是通過一個不斷壯大的政府機器來回收我們的稅金,尤其令人困惑的是,在所有這些開支中,我們本以為我們至少可以妥善保衛我們的邊界,但沒有,我們甚至無法履行我們對北約的基本承諾,我們的軍隊資金不足,裝備不足,被忽視,而數十億美元卻流向寵物項目和賄選計劃,事實是,這與左翼或右翼政治無關,而是關於擁有一個懂得管理我們國家基本原則的政府,我們加拿大人應該得到更好的待遇,而不是看著我們的生活水平被摧毀,我們應該得到這樣的領導人,他們明白,強大的經濟不是建立在政府施舍和拍照機會之上,而是建立在支持我們的工業,創造真正的就業機會和進行投資,真正幫助普通加拿大人繁榮發展的基礎上。
Chrystia Freeland decides to make it PUBLIC...
Perspective Arc 2024年12月28日
In this video, we provide an in-depth analysis of several significant developments in Canadian politics, starting with a detailed examination of Chrystia Freeland's departure from her role as Finance Minister. We explore the implications of her resignation letter, which revealed tensions within the government and concerns about upcoming economic challenges, particularly potential U.S. tariffs and their impact on Canadian consumers.
Throughout the discussion, we examine the complex dynamics between key political figures and their approaches to governance. We offer thoughtful commentary on various economic policies, including the management of inflation, government spending, and the challenges faced by everyday Canadians in managing their household expenses. The analysis touches on how these policies have affected different sectors of Canadian society.
We then delve into a fascinating segment featuring Jordan Peterson's experience with professional regulatory bodies, where he shares his perspective on bureaucratic processes and institutional oversight. Peterson's detailed account of his interactions with the college provides insight into broader discussions about regulatory systems and transparency in professional governance.
Our commentary then focuses on Canada's pressing economic challenges, examining the declining value of the Canadian dollar, questionable government investments in projects like EV battery plants, and the management of natural resources. We discuss the significant expansion of the federal bureaucracy and its impact on government spending, while analyzing key issues like the Trans Mountain pipeline situation and its implications for taxpayers.
Throughout the video, we maintain a constructive approach to these complex issues, focusing on policy impacts and their real-world consequences. Our discussion concludes by reflecting on the importance of competent governance and economic management that prioritizes the wellbeing of all Canadians. We emphasize the need for leadership that understands how to build a strong economy while supporting industries and creating meaningful employment opportunities.
so chrisa Freeland just dropped a
bombshell on Canadian politics and
everyone needs to pay attention to
what's really going down here straight
from her letter Trudeau basically told
her you are out as Finance Minister and
tried to shuffle her somewhere else and
then plot twist she just walked away
completely let's read between the lines
here she flat out says Trudeau doesn't
trust her anymore and stripped her of
real Authority why because for weeks
they have been fighting about where
Canada is heading both of them sitting
in their cushy Ottawa offices
disagreeing while regular Canadians
struggle to put food on the table
and keep their lights on she talks about
this big threat from the United States
25% tariffs coming our way you know what
that means everything you buy your
groceries your gas your clothes your
daily Essentials all getting more
expensive she says we need to save money
for the fight ahead no more costly
political gimmicks she says Rich coming
from someone who has been part of a
government that has been full of exactly
that for years and here's the most
telling part she writes that Canadians
can tell when politicians are actually
working for them versus just f focused
on themselves well isn't that
interesting both Freeland and Trudeau
have been at the wheel while our economy
went sideways inflation went through the
roof and now they are pointing fingers
at each other when she says our time in
government will come to an end she is
finally admitting what Canadians already
know funny how she finds her voice now
when her job is on the line not when
Canadians were struggling to make ends
meet the real joke at the end of this
dramatic letter she makes sure to
mention she is running again in Toronto
classic political move slam everyone on
your way out but keep your foot in the
door from for the next opportunity just
another politician talking big about
change while playing the same old games
instead of actually doing something for
regular Canadians Justin Trudeau to me
is sort of like I was trying to think of
how to explain it like he's like the
fact simile of Gavin Nome sort of like a
like an even lesser effective and what I
mean by that is that you know he's come
in you know he's he's not his father
first of all so he assumed the position
though likely on the heels of his
father's Legacy there and then he puts
himself out there as being this totally
radically Progressive and for the people
prime minister when we know that he's
worn Brown face multiple times we know
that he continues subjugating indigenous
peoples there in Canada even though he
claims to pretend to be on everyone's
side that he virtue signals for but his
policies are the exact opposite so no
wonder everyone in Canada feels deep
disdain for him and also deep
frustration at the fact that this guy is
still calling the shots of course they
want president Trump and prefer and
respect him more because it's the
policies that speak for themselves so he
can go ahead and and try to shame us and
try to call us names but the reality is
that his re of power there is massively
fragile and when you pull back the cloak
of what indeed he has accomplished in
Canada it is nothing but Canadians you
know mostly they're still asleep so
speaking of weaponized bureaucracy might
as well do a college update y so what's
happening okay so I'm supposed to
contact my
re-educates that's right they we we
asked first of all they sent me
information pertaining to my
re-educates reached out and said well
why don't you tell us who it is so that
we can contact them since that's Our
obligation and they wrote back and said
well there's a delay and then we said
yeah like what's the delay and they said
well we can't find anyone because you've
been so mean to everyone you scared them
away that's why it was redacted because
there just wasn't one no I I I don't
know why it was redacted to begin with
um I think it might have been redacted
to begin with I don't know why the hell
it was redacted to protect them from my
evil or something who knows you have to
contact them yes I bet it's cuz I
couldn't find so then they said okay
well you can't contact them so then they
found someone who I think is located in
the UK so and then they said you can't
contact them and not only can you not
contact them even though the rule is
that I have to contact them I can't
contact them directly I have to meet him
in a law office downtown some law office
that isn't affiliated with the college
so like what the hell's up with that in
a law office right and it has to be in
person now I knew they were going to do
that because they know I Tour all the
time and so their goal is to take my
license right they never thought I'd go
through with the re-education they
didn't plan that well because they can't
think and they can't plan and so and
they don't think and they don't plan and
so I put them in an awkward position you
might say by agreeing to their
punishment so anyways hypothetically
they found someone who has no clinical
experience and who's never done anything
like this before by the way and who I
think is just stepping into a pit of
snakes because I don't think he knows
what is actually going on so that'll be
interesting now they told me I had to do
it in person right but I can't record it
now I think I can record it because I
have the right to record it and what way
or another I'm going to record it so
they said you can't record it it can't
be public now the reason these things
are done in private is to protect the
person who's being investigated it's to
protect you yeah it's to protect me but
I told them explicitly I don't want the
protection what I want for protection is
that every single bloody bit of this
made be made
100% public and that is going to happen
that's going to happen so anyways I have
to go to this Law Office downtown and
they'll have a court reporter there to
make a transcript but I don't get to
have the transcript unless I agree not
to make it public so we wrote them back
and said you can't just change your own
rules the rules are that I have to
contact them and no like no who who's
hiding something here not me cuz as far
as I'm concerned every bit of this can
be public who's hiding something well I
guess it's you since you you won't allow
me to make the transcript public well
we're protecting the re-educates like no
that's not how this works that's not how
this works that wasn't the reason for
the Privacy to begin with so no so wow
now we have to hear from them when is
this bill
63 is that what is called Bill C63 it's
creaking its way through the
Parliamentary process now but it's
already gone through first reading but
this re-education is going to happen
before that Bill's passed right cuz
you're not going back to Canada to do
that after that bill is passed yeah well
that's a problem seriously don't trust
these countries no no it's definitely
the case that if Bill C63 passed you'd
be in so much trouble oh my life would
be unlivable in Canada cuz like 50
activists would weaponize it instantly
yeah o and so if Canadians want to live
under a society governed by the worst of
all possible snitches then yay man just
don't pay any attention to Bill 63 and
you'll get what you hope for what what
should people do like because wake up
let's be real about what is happening to
Canada right now with Trudeau at the
helm we are watching everything we have
built get torn down piece by piece our
dollar is crumbling to 70 cents USD and
that's not just a number that's our
families purchasing power getting
crushed in real time while we are all
tightening our belts the government is
busy playing corporate Santa Claus they
dumped $43.6 billion into EV battery
plants and what do we have to show for
it North Volt's bankr anupy and tumbling
EV demand they are burning through cash
like there is no tomorrow and we are all
stuck paying for it here is what really
gets me we are sitting on some of the
world's most valuable natural resources
our ticket to Prosperity but instead of
developing them responsibly we are
strangling them with red tape the Trans
Mountain pipeline Fiasco is the perfect
example the government had to buy it
outright when investors backed out
leaving taxpayers holding the bag and
now they're shutting down British
Columbia's Fish Farms potentially
flushing another $9 billion down on the
drain want to know where the money is
going the government has gone on a
hiring spree bloating the bureaucracy by
43% while private sector jobs barely
grow they are creating cushy government
positions at 3.6 times the rate they are
not creating wealth they are just
recycling our tax dollars through an
Ever growing government machine what's
particularly baffling with all this
spending we would think we could at
least defend our borders properly but no
we can't even meet our basic NATO
commitments our military is underfunded
underere equipped and over looked while
billions flow to pet projects and vote
buying schemes the truth is this isn't
about left or right politics this is
about having a government that
understands the basics of running our
country we Canadians deserve better than
watching our standard of living getting
destroyed we deserve leaders who
understand that a strong economy isn't
built on government handouts and photo
ops it's built on supporting our
Industries creating real jobs and making
Investments that actually help regular
Canadians thrive