
退休 采取步驟之前 勿離開加拿大

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退休 采取步驟之前 勿離開加拿大

從加拿大退休 在國外退休 在采取這些關鍵步驟之前,請勿離開加拿大!

Joe Macek,投資顧問 2024年7月26日 


從加拿大退休 在國外退休:在采取這些關鍵步驟之前,請勿離開!

正在考慮從加拿大退休?在了解這些基本步驟之前,請不要采取行動!許多新退休人員忽略了關鍵細節,導致意想不到的稅收負擔和財務壓力。在本視頻中,我們將介紹您必須采取的 9 個關鍵步驟,以確保從加拿大居民順利過渡到外籍人士。


處理 RRSP 和其他退休賬戶

我是 IA Private Wealth 和 IA Private Wealth USA 的 Joe,是加拿大和美國的注冊受托人投資組合經理和投資顧問。與我一起深入探討海外退休的複雜性以及如何避免代價高昂的錯誤。此外,與我一起慶祝我們的訂閱者人數達到 1,000 人——感謝您的支持!

我是誰,為什麽你甚至要聽我說,我的名字我是 Joe,我來自 IIA private wealth 和 IIA private wealth USA,YouTube 上有成千上萬未經許可或未注冊的金融影響者在他們的內容中提供某種金融指導,問題是這些金融影響者中的絕大多數都沒有合法注冊,無法就金融概念步驟提供建議,但在很多情況下,他們確實這樣做了,我是一名完全注冊的受托投資組合經理和投資顧問,在加拿大七個省注冊,在德克薩斯州注冊,在 SEC 和美國注冊,這個頻道上的內容往往會獲得更高的信任度,因為我已經注冊,能夠在加拿大和美國的證券委員會提供建議,這些注冊符合嚴格的規定和高標準,我必須遵守這些標準,以確保我分享邊境兩邊最可靠的財務規劃和退休策略信息,也就是說,請花點時間閱讀我的快速免責聲明,並確保在就您在 YouTube 上看到的任何內容做出任何財務決策之前谘詢您的投資組合經理或投資顧問,說到 YouTube,我想非常感謝大家,因為我最近在我的加拿大頻道上突破了 1,000 名訂閱者的裏程碑,我非常高興和謙卑,超過 1,000 人會發現收聽我的頻道很有價值,我再次感謝你們每一個人,對於那些剛剛停下來的人,如果你碰巧喜歡並信任此內容,請考慮訂閱並點擊讚按鈕,它極大地支持了視頻,並幫助我們吸引更多觀眾,提前感謝您的支持,如果您來自美國或有交叉需求,您可以隨時查看我的附屬頻道 Joe meic USA 為我們退休計劃內容,話雖如此,讓我們直接進入考慮從加拿大退休時需要做的事情,以及為什麽你不離開加拿大,然後采取這些關鍵步驟,好吧,所以你已經決定從加拿大退休,讓我們首先了解決定加拿大居住權的因素以及加拿大如何識別某人不再是加拿大人該國居民或移民,而這種區別似乎主要取決於是否涉及所得稅,加拿大政府網站經常強調這一點,並經常提到類似這樣的術語移民和加拿大的居住身份,出於所得稅目的,從根本上講,您被視為加拿大居民或非居民,主要取決於您的所得稅身份,該網站繼續更詳細地描述說,一般來說,如果您滿足以下所有條件,您就是出於所得稅目的的移民,您離開加拿大去另一個國家生活,並且您切斷了與加拿大的居住聯係,切斷聯係意味著什麽,切斷與加拿大的主要聯係意味著您不再在該國保持主要聯係,這可能涉及出售您的加拿大房屋,在其他地方建立永久居留權,您的家人離開加拿大,或減少個人和社會聯係,同時在另一個國家建立這些聯係,如果您離開加拿大但保留這些聯係,您通常被視為加拿大的事實居民,但是,如果您也是另一個有稅收協定的國家的居民,您可能會被視為加拿大的非居民,並受與移民類似的稅收規則的約束有關居住身份和關係的更多詳細信息,請訪問加拿大政府網站上的確定您的居住身份,那麽您何時成為加拿大的非居民,這一點至關重要,因為您可能會無意中成為非居民,而沒有再次意識到這一點,加拿大對非居民的定義取決於居住關係的概念,您通常會在三個日期中最晚的日期成為加拿大稅務目的的非居民,即您離開加拿大的那天,您的配偶和受撫養人離開的那天,或者您現在成為新國家居民的那天,如果您在加拿大之前曾在其他國家生活過,然後又回到那裏,您的非居民身份將從您離開加拿大的那天開始,即使您的配偶暫時留下來處理諸如出售房屋等事務,因此您必須了解一些區別,接下來我們將討論 rsps 和其他退休賬戶銀行賬戶投資公司和納稅申報表,如果如果您擁有加拿大銀行賬戶或從加拿大接收付款,您必須通知您的加拿大付款人和金??融機構您不再是加拿大居民,這有助於確保您的財務安排與您的非居民身份相一致,幫助您遵守加拿大稅收法規並避免潛在問題。現在,當談到 rsp 時,您仍然可以在您不再是加拿大居民後的下一年 60 天內繳納 RSP 供款,這允許您仍然可以申請 RSP 扣除,即使您隻在加拿大待了一年中的部分時間,例如,如果您在 2024 年 6 月離開,您仍然可以在 2025 年 3 月 1 日之前繳納 RSP 供款,即 2024 年結束後的 60 天,並且當談到保留您的 rsp 時,與許多人的想法相反,您不需要關閉或轉移您的 RSP,如果您離開加拿大,您可以讓您的 rsp 在加拿大境內保持活躍,讓它們免稅增長如果您居住在國外
這可讓您安全地維護您的投資,並方便地從海外管理它們,而沒有任何麻煩。也就是說,如果您成為非非居民,您當前的金融機構可能無法管理您的 rsps 或其他賬戶。並非所有的加拿大金融機構都獲得了處理非居民賬戶的適當許可,這意味著您可能會失去這些服務,因此,與您的金融機構或投資公司交談以確保他們能夠在您離開加拿大後繼續管理您的賬戶至關重要。這是我在與加拿大和美國居民打交道時經常看到的事情,因為我在美國和加拿大都有執照。新客戶來找我時,他們的加拿大投資公司在他們搬家後無法再在美國管理他們的 rsps 或 tfsa,或者他們讓我在美國照看他們的 IRA,原因相同。隻需知道,與您的金融機構核實至關重要,以確保他們仍然可以在您成為非居民時為您提供幫助非居民現在,當涉及到納稅申報時,您需要向加拿大稅務局提交加拿大納稅申報表,如果您發現自己處於以下兩種情況之一:如果您欠加拿大稅務局的稅款,或者您有權獲得退稅,因為您在納稅年度多繳了稅款,但有關申報要求的更詳細指導,請訪問加拿大稅務局,您是否必須在其官方網站上提交申報表部分,說到稅收,讓我們談談您離開加拿大時的離境稅和非居民預扣稅,很多人都不知道這一點,但加拿大稅務局認為您已經以公平市場價值處置了某些類型的財產,即使您實際上沒有出售它們,這被稱為視同處置,視同處置會觸發資本利得稅,這條規則適用於各種類型的財產,包括股票、珠寶、繪畫和其他類型的收藏品,了解這一點很重要,因為您可能會無意中觸發某些財產的資本收益
你擁有你沒有想到,這也稱為離境稅,你可能需要向加拿大稅務局報告,但是這條規則也有例外,某些財產,如加拿大房地產、加拿大資源和木材、通過加拿大常設機構使用的加拿大商業資產,都被排除在外,此外,各種注冊計劃,如 rsps、riffs、tfsa 和某些員工福利計劃,如果你在移民前的 10 年內,在加拿大居住的時間少於 60 個月,並且你不是信托,你上次成為居民時擁有的財產或之後繼承的財產也可能被豁免,考慮到這些複雜性,建議向 crossb 稅務專家尋求指導,這有助於確保你有效地駕馭這些規則,並遵守邊境兩邊的稅收法規,現在當你提取養老金和其他注冊賬戶,如 rsps 時,加拿大實施了一項標準25% 的預扣稅,根據加拿大是否與您移民的國家簽訂了稅收協定,該稅率可能會降至 15% 此外,許多國家都為在加拿大支付的 RSP 提款稅提供外國稅收抵免,但您應該考慮 15% 到 25% 之間的預扣稅 出售您在加拿大的主要住所通常對所有加拿大人也是免稅的,但是,如果您成為非居民,然後出售您的主要居民,則根據加拿大稅法和大多數所得稅協定,加拿大保留對您出售加拿大房地產征稅的權利,如果您是非居民,為了確保遵守您的納稅義務,CRA 要求購買者預扣 25% 或在某些情況下高達 50% 的銷售價格作為任何欠稅的擔保 重要的是要注意,這種預扣稅不是最終的納稅責任,而隻是一項預防措施,幫助確保非居民賣家獲得潛在稅款,避免意外稅收。谘詢跨境稅務會計師至關重要,他們可以提供指導,以避免不必要的稅務責任,並就出售主要居民的最佳時機提供建議,如果您仍然是加拿大居民,可以獲取更多詳細信息。我在下麵的描述中包含了幾個鏈接,指向加拿大政府網站的文章和網站,這些鏈接將提供額外的資源來幫助您有效地完成這個過程。以下是離開加拿大的一些最終考慮因素,通常包括成為非居民後失去加拿大醫療保險,但需要注意的是,醫療保險規則因省而異。曼尼托巴省衛生部規定,要保持資格,您必須在 12 個月內至少在曼尼托巴省居住 212 天。同樣,安大略省居民可以在境外居住加拿大一年最多可居住 212 天,同時仍可享受 OIP 保障,然而在阿爾伯塔省情況有所不同,如果您居住在其他省或地區,您可以保留您的 CIP 保障,最長可達一年,但如果您在加拿大境外連續居住六個月以上,您將失去保障,這是底線,從加拿大退休到國外需要精心準備,以避免意外的稅務責任,並保持基本福利,如醫療保險,從了解居住規則到管理金融賬戶和財產交易,每一步都至關重要,請記住,醫療保險規則因省而異,根據居住期限和實際存在影響您的資格,無論您是計劃搬家還是已經決定搬家,周密的計劃和專家指導對於有效應對這些複雜情況至關重要,有助於確保您在國外的財務未來,您是否知道,在投資顧問或投資組合經理的指導下,應對市場和財務的不確定性通常會更加順利,研究一直表明與投資顧問和投資組合經理合作的個人相比,他們積累的淨資產平均比單打獨鬥的人高出三倍,但這還不是全部,這對整體幸福感有顯著影響,那些尋求專業建議的人表現出更高的幸福感和更低的焦慮感,你想知道一種簡單的方法來確定你在工作中有什麽樣的計劃,或者你想了解更多關於我最新上傳的內容,我已經把所有的東西都排好隊,為你準備好了,點擊這裏獲取更多精彩的財務見解,我會等著的,我們很快會看到你。

Retiring Abroad from Canada DO NOT LEAVE CANADA before taking THESE KEY steps!

Joe Macek, Investment Advisor, iA Priv

 2024年7月26日  #RetirementPlanning #TaxPlanning #MovingAbroad
Retiring Abroad from Canada: DON'T LEAVE Before Taking THESE KEY Steps!

Thinking about retiring abroad from Canada? Don’t make a move before you understand these essential steps! Many new retirees overlook crucial details, leading to unexpected tax burdens and financial stress. In this video, we'll cover 9 key steps you must take to ensure a smooth transition from Canadian resident to expatriate.

We'll discuss how to:

Navigate tax implications
Manage cross-border investments
Understand residency status changes
Handle RRSPs and other retirement accounts
Comply with tax returns and departure taxes
Deal with withholding taxes on withdrawals
Sell your primary residence tax-efficiently
Retain healthcare coverage across provinces
Seek expert guidance to secure your financial future abroad

I’m Joe from IA Private Wealth and IA Private Wealth USA, a registered fiduciary Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor in Canada and the US. Join me as we delve into the complexities of retiring abroad and how to avoid costly mistakes. Plus, celebrate with me as we hit 1,000 subscribers—thank you for your support!

new retirees that leave Canada often Overlook these key steps when retiring abroad from Canada, which can lead tounexpected tax burdens and financial stress you don't need down the road today we're going to unpack nine key steps you must understand prior to
retiring abroad from Canada from navigating tax implications to managing crossb Investments stay tuned until the end because some of these key steps
we're going to cover are truly going to surprise you let's jump in you like many other Canadians probably have significant concerns about the rapid increase in your cost of living in this country and the growing lack of affordability you are facing every day
this is the key reason I suspect that you along with many other Canadians are considering leaving and retiring abroad from Canada and I know this because the last video I did on this very topic absolutely exploded in views and is still being heavily watched and shared So today we're going to go through some key steps for you to think about before
retiring abroad from Canada but before I share those steps you might be wondering
who I am and why should you even listen to me well my name is Joe and I'm from IIA private wealth and IIA private wealth USA and there are literally thousands of unlicensed or unregistered Financial influencers on YouTube providing some sort of financial guidance in their content the problem is that the vast majority of these Finance influencers aren't legally registered to give advice on financial concept steps but in a lot of cases they do I am a fully registered fiduciary portfolio manager and investment adviser registered in seven Canadian provinces with zero and in the great state of Texas with the SEC and the United States the content on this channel tends to Garner a higher level of trust associated with it because I am registered to be able to provide advice with the Securities Commissions in both Canada and the US and with those registrations com strict regulations and high standards I must abide by to help Ensure that I share the most reliable information on Financial Planning and retirement trategies on each side of the border that said please take a moment to read my quick disclaimer here and make sure that you consult with your portfolio manager or investment adviser before making any financial decisions about anything that you see on YouTube speaking of YouTube I want to take a quick moment to thank you all so much as I recently crossed the 1,000 subscriber
Milestone on my Canadian Channel I'm so very happy and humbled that over 1,000
people would find it valuable to tune in to my channel and once again I thank
each and every one of you for those of you who have just stopped by if you
happen to like and trust this content please consider subscribing and hit the
like button it supports the videos tremendously and it helps us reach many
more viewers thanks in advance for your support also if you're from the US or
have crossb needs you can feel free to check out my affiliate Channel at Joe
meic USA for us retirement planning content with that said let's get right
into what you need to do when considering retiring abroad from Canada
and why you do not leave Canada before
taking these key steps okay so you've
decided to retire abroad from Canada and
let's start by having an understanding
of what determines Canadian residency
and how Canada identifies someone as no
longer being a resident or an immigrant
of the country and it seems that this
distinction is chiefly determined by
whether or not income tax is involved as
emphasized throughout the government of
Canada's website which frequently
mentions terms like immigrant and res
residency status in Canada for income
tax purposes fundamentally you are
considered a resident or a non-resident
of Canada primarily based on your income
tax status the website goes on to
describe it in more detail by saying
generally you are an immigrant for
income tax purposes if you meet all of
the following conditions you leave
Canada to live in another country and
you sever your residential ties with
Canada what does severing ties mean well
severing your main ties with Canada
means you no longer are maintaining your
primary connections within the country
this can involve selling your Canadian
home establishing permanent residency
elsewhere and your family leaving Canada
or reducing personal and social ties
while establishing them in another
country if you leave Canada but retain
these ties you're typically considered a
factual resident of Canada however if
you are also a resident of another
country with a tax treaty you might be
deemed a non-resident of Canada subject
to similar tax rules as immigrants for
more details on res residency status and
ties visit determining your residency
status on the government of Canada's
website so when do you become a
non-resident of Canada well this is
critical to understand because you can
inadvertently become a non-resident
without realizing it again Canada's
definition of non-residency hinges on
the concept of residential ties you
typically become a non-resident for
Canadian tax purposes on the latest of
three dates the day you leave Canada the
day your spouse and dependents leave or
the day that you become a resident of
your new country now if you've lived in
another country before Canada and then
returned back there your nonresident
status starts from the day you leave
Canada even if your spouse stays
temporarily to handle Affairs like
selling your home so there are a few
distinctions that you have to know next
up we're going to talk about rsps and
other retirement accounts bank accounts
investment firms and tax returns if you
maintain Canadian bank accounts or
receive payments from Canada you must
inform your Canadian payers and
financial institutions that you are no
longer a resident of Canada this helps
ensure that your financial arrangements
are aligned with your nonresident status
helping you comply with Canadian tax
regulations and avoid potential issues
now when it comes to rsps you can still
make RSP contributions up to 60 days
into the next year after you cease to be
a resident of Canada this allows you to
still claim an RSP deduction even though
you've only been in Canada part of the
year so for example if you leave in June
202 4 you can still make an RSP
contribution up until March 1st 2025
which is 60 days after 2024 ends and
when it comes to keeping your rsps
contrary to what many may think you do
not need to close or move your RSP if
you leave Canada you can keep your rsps
active within Canada letting them grow
tax-free even if you're living abroad
this allows you to help maintain your
Investments securely and manage them
conveniently from overseas without any
hassle that said if you become a non non
resident your Current financial
institution might not be able to manage
your rsps or other accounts not all
Canadian financial institutions are
properly licensed to handle accounts for
non-residents which means you could lose
these Services therefore it's essential
to talk to your financial institution or
investment firm to ensure that they can
continue managing your accounts once you
leave Canada this is something I often
see in my practice with Canadian and US
residents since I'm licensed in both the
US and Canada new clients come to me
when their Canadian investment firms can
no longer manage their rsps or tfsas in
the US after they move or they have me
look after their IRAs in the United
States for the same reasons just know
that it's critical to check with your
financial institution to ensure that
they can still help you if you become a
non-resident now when it comes to tax
returns you're required to file a
Canadian tax return with the CRA if you
find yourself in one of two situations
if you owe taxes to the CRA or if you
are entitled to a tax refund because you
to overpaid taxes during the tax year
but for more detailed guidance on filing
requirements visit the CRA do you have
to file a return section on their
official website speaking of taxes let's
talk about the departure tax and
non-resident withholding taxes when you
leave Canada not a lot of people know
this but the CRA deems that you have
disposed of certain types of property at
their fair market value even though you
haven't actually sold them this is known
as a deemed disposition and deemed
dispositions trigger capital gains taxes
this rule applies to various types of
property including shares jewelry
paintings and other types of collections
it's important to be aware of this
because you might inadvertently trigger
a capital gain on certain property that
you have that you didn't expect this is
also referred to as the departure tax
which you may need to report to the CRA
however there are exceptions to this
rule certain properties like Canadian
real estate Canadian resource and Timber
properties and Canadian business assets
used through a Canadian permanent
establishment are excluded additionally
various registered plans such as rsps
riffs tfsas and certain employee benefit
plans are also exempt from a deemed
disposition if you are a resident of
Canada for less than 60 months in the
10-year period before immigrating and
you are not a trust properties owned
when you last became a resident or
inherited afterward may also be exempt
with these complexities in mind it's
advisable to seek guidance from a crossb
tax expert this helps ensure that you
navigate these rules effectively and
stay compliant with the tax regulations
on both sides of the border now when
you're withdrawing your pensions and
other registered accounts like rsps
Canada imposes a standard 25%
withholding tax that can potentially be
reduced to 15% depending on whether or
not Canada has a tax treaty with the
country that you're immigrating to
additionally many countries offer
foreign tax credits for taxes paid in
Canada on RSP withdrawals but you should
be thinking about it with holding tax of
anywhere between 15 and 25% selling your
primary residence in Canada is also
generally taxfree for all Canadians
however if you become a non-resident for
income tax purposes and then sell your
principal residents it can lead to tax
implications under Canadian tax laws and
most income tax treaties Canada reserves
the right to tax the sale of your
Canadian real estate if you are a
non-resident to help ensure compliance
with your tax obligations the CRA
requires the purchaser to withhold 25%
or as much as 50% in certain cases of
the sale price as security for any tax
is owing it's important to note that
this withholding tax is not the final
tax liability but rather just a
precautionary measure to help secure
potential tax payments from non-resident
sellers to avoid unexpected taxes
Consulting with a crossborder tax
accountant is critical they can provide
guidance to prevent unnecessary tax
liabilities and advise on the optimal
timing for selling your primary
residents if you're still a resident of
Canada for more detailed information
I've included several links in the
description below to the Articles and
government of Canada website which will
offer additional resources to help you
navigate this process effectively here
are some final considerations leaving
Canada usually includes the loss of
Canadian healthc care coverage upon
becoming a non-resident but it's really
important to note that healthc care
coverage rules vary across provinces
Manitoba Health stipulates that to
maintain eligibility you must be
physically present in Manitoba for at
least 212 days within a 12- Monon period
similarly Ontario residents can be
outside of Canada for up to 212 days in
a year and still retain coverage under
OIP however in Alberta it's different
you can keep your age CIP coverage if
you reside in another Province or
territory for up to a year but you lose
your coverage if you stay outside of
Canada for more than six consecutive
months here's the bottom line retiring
abroad from Canada demands meticulous
preparation to avoid unexpected tax
liabilities and maintain essential
benefits like healthc care coverage from
understanding residency rules to
managing Financial accounts and property
transactions each step is critical
remember that Health Care coverage rules
vary by province impacting your
eligibility based on residency duration
and physical presence whether you're
planning a move or have already decided
thorough planning and expert guidance
are vital to navigate these complexities effectively to help secure your financial future abroad did you know that navigating the uncertainties of the markets and your finances is generally smoother with the guidance of an investment adviser or portfolio manager Studies have consistently shown that individuals who work with investment advisors and portfolio managers tend to accumulate a net worth up to three times higher on average compared to those that go it alone but that's not all there's a significant impact on overall well-being with those who seek professional advice exhibiting higher levels of happiness and lower anxiety do you want to know an easy way of identifying what kind of plan you have at work or maybe you want to find out more about my latest upload well I've got everything all queued up and ready for you click here for more amazing Financial Insights I'll be waiting we'll see you soon.

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