CDF之聲|Dr. Stefan Hartung:開放交流與合作創造可持續繁榮的未來
自2000年成立以來,中免基金始終秉持“與世界同行、共同繁榮”的宗旨。目前,經濟複蘇依然脆弱,COVID-19和地緣政治危機的影響仍在持續。 盡管中國經濟複蘇向好,但需求低迷、勞動力市場複蘇緩慢、全球供應鏈調整等壓力依然存在。
世界正在經曆前所未有的變化,在華外資企業如何看待中國的發展? 外資企業如何把握中國市場的機遇和挑戰? 他們對中國未來經濟複蘇和社會發展有何見解?
CDF Voice 今天的嘉賓是博世管理委員會主席 Stefan Hartung 博士。
過去幾十年來,中國在基礎設施、技術和城鎮化方麵取得了巨大進步,為全球經濟做出了巨大貢獻。 中國將成為當前世界經濟放緩後複蘇的關鍵推動力。 中國的現代化進程提供了許多惠及世界的機遇,特別是在可持續發展方麵。
在博世,我們相信可持續發展和創新並不相互排斥。 我們在移動電氣化、燃料電池技術和智能製造等創新關鍵領域進行投資的目的是實現可持續增長,並幫助克服當前的挑戰。
作為中國開放發展的見證者和積極貢獻者,博世十年來在中國實現了快速發展。 中國經濟的進步、強勁的消費需求以及良好的營商環境,使得博世在華銷售額從2010年的370億元人民幣飆升至2022年的約1320億元人民幣,增長了3.5倍,約占全年銷售額的20%。 博世集團的總銷售額。
我們長期的本土化戰略、創新實力、全球網絡以及超過55,000名中國員工的辛勤工作,使我們能夠快速響應當地市場需求,創造有價值的產品。 我們希望抓住中國現代化建設帶來的機遇。
博世致力於支持中國“高質量”發展和可持續創新。 作為全球最大的汽車市場,中國新能源汽車的快速發展是實現雙碳目標的關鍵。 作為汽車供應商,博世可以為乘用車和商用車提供領先且多樣化的電氣化解決方案,包括氫燃料電池技術、e-Axle、iBooster等。
博世希望基於碳中和技術以及自身在全球440個基地積累的實踐經驗,與中國行業合作夥伴共同推動製造業低碳轉型和綠色發展。 我們在蘇州、無錫和長沙擁有三個燈塔工廠,可以支持不同區域產業集群的本地製造。
博世堅信開放的溝通與合作可以為每個人創造更加可持續和繁榮的未來。 中國發展高層論壇是促進全球合作和國際交流的絕佳機會。 我迫不及待地想在那裏見到你並一起討論未來。 謝謝你!
CDF Voice|Dr. Stefan Hartung:Open exchange and Cooperation create a sustainable and prosperous future
The “CDF Voice” column aims to bring together business leaders and convey the voices of the forum delegates.
Since its launch in 2000, CDF have upheld its mandate of “Engaging with the world for common prosperity”.
At present, the economic recovery is still fragile, and the impact of the COVID-19 and geopolitical crisis is continuing. Although China’s economic recovery is improving, lackluster demand, slow recovery in labor market and global supply chain adjustments and other pressures are still present.
The world is experiencing unprecedented change, how do foreign enterprises in China view China's development? How can foreign enterprises grasp the opportunities and challenges in the Chinese market? What insights do they have about China's future economic recovery and social development?
As the 2023 annual meeting of the China Development Forum is about to be held, the "CDF Voice" column invites representatives of global enterprises to discuss the above topics.
The guest of CDF Voice today is Dr. Stefan Hartung,Chairman of the Board of Management at Bosch.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Stefan Hartung, and I'm excited to attend the 2023 China Development Forum.
This year will be a year of restart and recovery, yet challenges persist.
Over the past decades, China has made significant progress in infrastructure, technology, and urbanization, contributing substantially to the global economy. And China will be a key driving force for the recovery of the world economy after its current slowdown. The country's modernization offers many opportunities that can benefit the world, particularly in sustainable development.
At Bosch, we believe that sustainability and innovation are not mutually exclusive. The aim of our investments in innovative key areas such as mobility electrification, fuel cell technology, and smart manufacturing, is to achieve sustainable growth, and to help overcome present challenges.
As a witness and active contributor to China's opening and development, Bosch has experienced rapid growth here over the past decade. The country's economic progress, strong consumer demand, and favorable business environment have enabled Bosch sales in China to soar from 37 billion Chinese Yuan in 2010 to some 132 billion in 2022. This is a remarkable 3.5 fold increase which accounts for approximately 20 percent of the Bosch Group's total sales.
Our long-term localization strategy, innovative strength, and global network, as well as the hard work of over 55,000 associates in China, have allowed us to respond to local market demands quickly and create valuable products. By that, we hope to take advantage of the opportunities brought by modernization in China.
Bosch is committed to supporting China’s ‘high quality’ development and sustainable innovation. As the world's largest automotive market, China's rapid development of new energy vehicles is key to achieving dual carbon objectives. As an auto supplier, Bosch can provide leading and diverse electrification solutions for passenger and commercial vehicles, including hydrogen fuel cell technology, e-Axle, iBooster, and more.
Bosch recently announced investments of seven billion Chinese Yuan in Suzhou, for production and R&D of solutions for electromobility and automated driving, fully supporting the forefront development of China's electrified and connected mobility.
Bosch hopes to collaborate with Chinese industry partners to pursue a low-carbon manufacturing transformation and green development based on carbon-neutral technologies as well as own practical experience accumulated in its 440 locations worldwide. We have three lighthouse plants located in Suzhou, Wuxi, and Changsha that can support local manufacturing in different regional industrial clusters.
Bosch believes in open communication and cooperation to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for everyone. The China Development Forum is an excellent opportunity to facilitate global cooperation and international exchange. I cannot wait to see you there and discuss the future together. Thank you!